3-Year-Old Kid Runs a Mini Excavator


No, I'd still call it incredibly stupid. Maneuvering that close to a clearly steep drop-off? Stupid. If Jr. starts heading towards it and panics, you're going to trust his life to grandpa being able to jump up there and take control? Stupid.


>> ^beelzerob:
No, I'd still call it incredibly stupid. Maneuvering that close to a clearly steep drop-off? Stupid. If Jr. starts heading towards it and panics, you're going to trust his life to grandpa being able to jump up there and take control? Stupid.

And no helmets!


You are all too safety conscious as society has made us all.

It the old days kids would be on the farm tractors from the day they could figure it out. Out in the fields helping out at ages 6&8 and plowing the fields.

There are just too many people and rules these days telling kids they "CAN'T" do it.
No wonder kids are growing up so lazy!

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