2017 Nik Wallenda 8 Person Pyramid Fail In Sarasota

A previously unknown video of the 2017 Circus Sarasota rehearsal showing the collapse of Nik Wallenda’s eight-person pyramid, which resulted in multiple injuries. The five-minute video was taken by an unknown bystander on February 8, 2017, just three days before Circus Sarasota opened its 20th season. The video was obtained by the Sarasota Herald-Tribune from the Sarasota County Sheriff's Office.

Why not just draw a line on the ground and have them balance on it?

It's a "danger" act. Remove the danger, it's nothing. Train without danger, you aren't really training.
That said, the high wire was pretty low compared to performance heights. I've seen them do that live at what seemed to be twice as high or more.



Why isn't there anything on the bottom to prevent injuries and possible deaths?


So what happens if there is an earthquake or something?


Why not just draw a line on the ground and have them balance on it?

It's a "danger" act. Remove the danger, it's nothing. Train without danger, you aren't really training.
That said, the high wire was pretty low compared to performance heights. I've seen them do that live at what seemed to be twice as high or more.

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