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Hope I did this correctly. The "backup" also begins with a funny video montage not shown in this already posted video
siftbotsays...Added alternate embed code for this video - backup requested by PlayhousePals.
PlayhousePalssays...*quality *promote The man has a future in comedy I tell ya!
siftbotsays...Promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Sunday, April 26th, 2015 3:45am PDT - promote requested by PlayhousePals.
Boosting this quality contribution up in the Hot Listing - declared quality by PlayhousePals.
ChaosEnginesays...As funny as I expected it to be, it also depressed the hell out of me. Wouldn't it be great if Obama actually called out climate deniers like that?
eric3579says...Some more haha from the dinner
bareboards2says...Don't you understand? He just did. HE JUST DID.
Which makes this even more brilliant than seems possible.
As funny as I expected it to be, it also depressed the hell out of me. Wouldn't it be great if Obama actually called out climate deniers like that?
MrFisksays...*news *controversy
siftbotsays...Adding video to channels (Controversy, News) - requested by MrFisk.
ChaosEnginesays...Way too little, far too late.
Yeah, it was great to see it. Shame it took 6.5 years, and let's be honest, he can easily write it off as a comedy bit.
No, do it for real and do it EVERY GODDAMN DAY for the next 18 months. Then maybe he'll be remembered as something other than a colossal disappointment.
Don't you understand? He just did. HE JUST DID.
Which makes this even more brilliant than seems possible.
RedSkysays...Apparently no one is allowed to laugh at the Koch brothers.
EDIT - And wow, I think I just experienced meta-buffering.
Truckchasesays...Yup; that and everything else.
- Guantanamo
- /banks
- /insurance companies
- /silicon valley bullshit
- /NSA
- hating the republicans while taking the exact same viewpoint on 75% of the issues
- all in on supply side economy
and last but not least,
- drones, drones, drones
I keep waking up and hoping this whole administration was a bad dream. It's "almost" like money is controlling the entire Federal US government regardless of party.
Way too little, far too late.
Yeah, it was great to see it. Shame it took 6.5 years, and let's be honest, he can easily write it off as a comedy bit.
No, do it for real and do it EVERY GODDAMN DAY for the next 18 months. Then maybe he'll be remembered as something other than a colossal disappointment.
radxsays...So many sick burns, I might have mistaken this for a Jemeni wedding after a drone strike.
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