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This is your cat on drugs. (1957 USAF experiment with LSD)

zenpadre says...

I believe the USAF was at the time investigating different drugs for use on the battlefield with the purpose of incapacitating enemy troops. This is only one of the many experiments they performed. What you really should know about this is they gave lsd to unwitting soldiers in massive doses also. They also performed airborne dispersal of lsd over (i believe) San Francisco dosing unsuspecting citizens. They also experimented with different dispersal techniques in (again, if memory serves) NYC. Such as dropping powder filled lightbulbs into subway tunnels and measuring how far the powder travelled.

The doomsday code: documentary (one off, 1:41)

zenpadre says...

You know what would be really funny? If all this 'end times' crap were true, but the rapture already happened via spontaneous human combustion and we're all (including the end timers) already into the time of 'tribulations'! I would be ROFLMAO! Unfortunately I'm just sickened by the idiocy that religion leads humans to. Such a sad sad waste of time.

Fox News - Water Boarding is No Big Deal

zenpadre says...

"if you're going to bomb women and children, don't be surprised when you're treated like a chew toy for intel."

By that argument we shouldn't be surprised if WE'RE treated like "intel chew toys". Personally I'm not saying we should or we shouldn't, it's a complex issue that should be debated openly and seriously. But let's just call a spade a spade and eliminate all the smoke and mirrors.
"Terrorists represent no country and have no rights under any system of laws"
If that's true, then why did we need the "Military Commission Act" which gives the president the "legal" ability to declare anyone a "military combatant"?

"I'm Jesus and I approve this message."

The Beautifully Atrocious - America We Stand As One

O'Reilly on Oprah. 3 of 4, see comments for links.

zenpadre says...

Interesting how Bill slams the ACLU, but what about 'innocent until proven guilty' and 'Constitutional Right to Counsel'. How can we have 'Constitutional Right to Counsel' if those who provide said counsel are demonized for doing so?

Bill O'Reilly vs. David Letterman, Round 2 - Oct 27,2006

zenpadre says...

Interesting....O'Reily's contention is that we were wrong to invade Iraq. However now that we are there "winning is going to make things better". However he goes on to say that 'he's not Carnak, he can't say what the future holds'. But he just said 'winning would make things better'. In all this dialog about Iraq from the left, what I never here is a definition of 'winning'. When someone can define for me what they mean by 'winning' maybe I'll consider the validity of the arguments. Until then however it's just more smoke and mirrors.

Olbermann "Happy Habeas Corpus Day"

zenpadre says...

I don't understand why the DNC hasn't leapt on this and made it the biggest issue of this election, as I believe it should be. This has got to be the scariest aspect of life in the gilded cage to date.

Colbert - The Word: Sherlock

zenpadre says...

I typically don't watch Colbert, but I'm glad I saw this. I think he got it spot on and I wish more commentators out there would focus more on this aspect. Every reason given for invading Iraq has disolved into the same mist that has turned the american dream into a nightmare....if it ever was more than part of the fog of war(on the middle class)!

Comedian Attacked

zenpadre says...

Well, obviously his routine is based on being obnoxious - some comedians do that and many people laugh. I think these women were waaaay too touchy about what was after all comedy! If you don't like his jokes, don't buy the album. What ever happened to "sticks and stones will break my bones..."; do you know the rest?

The Telemarketer didn't have a script for this call!!!

Hybrid Solar Lighting - Fiber Optic Indoor Sunlight

zenpadre says...

This technology was (I believe) first reported on from Japan approximately 10 years ago. I'm surprised it's taken this long to get started here. Way way overdue.

Arianna Huffington vs. Bill O'Reilly (4:51)

zenpadre says...

What she should have pointed out was that freeing the Khurds was NOT the reason given for invading Iraq! It's simply more smoke now that the reasons originally given have proven lies and propoganda.

School Band - Smells Like Teen Spirit Cover - awful :(

280 mph rocket powered Lincoln attempts to jump St. Lawrence

zenpadre says...

He's probably lucky the parachutes deployed early. If they hadn't he'd probably have been spun so hard and in so many directions he'd have hard scrambled brains instead of the soft mush he obviously had for attempting this! What a hoser!

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