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Hunkercize!!! Hunk-A-Hunk-A-Burnin' Hot Hunks

Neil Gaiman on Stephen Colbert: The Graveyard Book

Wednesday Addams- Speedpainting

Ford Factory Robot Roller-Coaster

Don't Take Downvotes Personally (Sift Talk Post)

yoghurt says...

Well, I downvote a lot more on other sites with a larger user base (perhaps due to a sense of more anonymity), but here is a smaller community so people take dvoting more personally. Actually, I just went on a down voting spree here for videos that I consider "meh" as an experiment. I'll report how many revenge downvotes I receive.

Should We Restore Votes to Whatever Videos We Can? (User Poll by lucky760)

yoghurt says...

If you could combine the restore options given in both polls that would be sweet. Older vids would have voter info, but all vids would still keep their rankings roughly... if I understand it correctly.

Should We Restore JUST Vote Counts to ALL Videos? (User Poll by lucky760)

This Toilet Can Flush ANYTHING

Recovering from Our Loss (Wtf Talk Post)

This Toilet Can Flush ANYTHING

What R2D2 really said in Episode 1

Cops Beat Cute Girl Senseless

yoghurt says...

I've been trying to avoid watching this on reddit (sigh...yet anther cop beating vid) for the last week, but now that I've seen it I just have to say "whoa... that shit is fucked".

Cippendales 80s mullet muscle dance pop hot chick video

Introducing the Stinger! The Car of the Retarded Future!

James Randi exposes James Hydrick (telekinesis)

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