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Animation of 24 hours of London's air traffic

Magician Shin Lim Fools Penn and Teller

yellowc says...

Lucky for you some one asked him on YT "Will you be teaching the whole act?" and he replied "Yep ".

mxxcon said:

I hate magic tricks unless they are explained.
I don't like being left in the dark.
There's no "magic". It's all tricks. So I want to know how they are done.

"Some of the guys aren't even remotely smiling" Amy rocks it

yellowc says...

Hmmm usually terrible in everything she does.

This however, is a fantastic speech. Kudos this one time Amy, this one time.

Reddit's Try Not To Laugh Challenge

What happens when you park in a handicap spot in Brazil

yellowc says...

Not really the fault of the Justice Squad if he chooses to drive off unsafely? Pretty sure he'd be the only one in trouble if he managed to get in an accident.

I don't think "But I didn't put the stickers on! So it's not manslaughter." is a valid excuse.

Personally, I have zero sympathy for the guy at all.

The Colbeard

Pet Sounds Guy

FIFA Corruption Exposed New Documentary

Expensive Wine Is For Suckers

yellowc says...

That's all fine but it's ignoring something.

Expensive wine isn't expensive for no reason, there are real world costs such as length of ageing, barrels used, location made etc. If you don't like the taste of this process, that's one thing but it doesn't invalidate the cost of the wine.

Ronda Rousey's Thoughts on Fighting a Man and Equality

yellowc says...

I'm not really sure why we we're trivialising the fact that they dropped the "women's"/"men's" labels.

It's not really that small a deal, she's saying both men and women are just UFC fighters. There's no Women's UFC organisation and Men's UFC organisation.

It's deeper than just the title labels, they are all employed (or contracted, whatever the payment structure is) by the *one* company, who she believes treats both genders the same.

The organisation is sex blind as an employer. This is a big and commendable point.


The Best (and Worst) Ways to Shuffle Cards

yellowc says...

The maths is 7-11 riffle shuffles result in a random deck. Your inability to perform a proper ripple shuffle doesn't change the maths.

Zawash said:

*science. I myself combine riffle shuffling and overhand shuffling - a couple of riffle shuffles, a couple of overhand shuffles, repeat.
The riffle shuffling has a really, really bad and particular weakness: Cards at the top of the deck tend to stay at the top of the deck, and cards at the bottom of the deck tend to stay at the bottom. So - riffle shuffling alone (even 7 times) isn't good enough. So - if you start with (for example) the ace of hearts at the bottom, it will tend to stay at the bottom even after seven riffle shuffles.
This should have been mentioned - it is simple math.

Kitty ... out on a limb

yellowc says...

We have a couple parakeets here that toy with my cat to no end, they come and prance by the door so she crashes in to it. This reminds me of that, bird - 1, cat - 0.

Fey, Arquette, Louis-Dreyfus, and Schumer say goodbye

Free Installations

yellowc says...

Yeah but he drinks that after he's already walked in to the room. Everything was plainly insight immediately entering the house, the boxes are every where, the camera is sitting on a tripod in the middle for the room.

Not to mention the very nature of idly accepting a photo of two people fucking in the face of "customer service". Feel it might of been better to have the photo he gives over cropped with perhaps a subtle hint of a few arms. Then leave the larger photo on the kitchen bench, letting human curiosity sneak a peak.

You can only chalk so much up to the drugging, still have to put a little effort in believability. Good concept but fell flat for me on the details.

newtboy said:

It's the "lemonade".

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