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Never Feed Your Cat Whipped Cream

xxovercastxx says...

There is. Lactose intolerance is the norm for adult mammals. Humans who come from dairy-heavy cultural backgrounds are an exception.

This study focuses on humans, but it tells you this right in the abstract.

You're right that a tiny squirt of whipped cream isn't going to hurt, but I don't see the point in getting them interested in it in the first place. I wouldn't want to train them to seek out something that's going to make them sick if I'm not there to control portions.

SeesThruYou said:

Actually, there's no scientific basis for that statement. Cats CAN eat dairy, but the rule is, you shouldn't feed it to them REGULARLY. A treat like this once in a while, and in small amounts, is perfectly fine. Any properly trained and reputable veterinarian will tell you the same.

I grew up on a dairy farm where the cats (dozens of them) were always finding some milk spilled somewhere in the milk parlor, and they never became ill. I'm talking about UNPASTEURIZED milk, no less. Hell, they used to eat the flesh of dead cows and pigs without any issues either, so trust me when I say that a lousy dab of whipped cream isn't doing any harm.

Never Feed Your Cat Whipped Cream

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South Park Accurately Sums up Freemium Games

xxovercastxx says...

20 years ago was the tail end of the shareware boom, which is a different approach to "freemium". In that model, developers created a great game (Wolfenstein, Doom, Duke Nukem, Jazz Jackrabbit, Quake, OMF 2097, etc) and gave you a sizable, fully playable chunk of it for free as promotion.

The difference is, back then there was not much attention paid to "casual gaming". Games were designed to be fun and challenging. Times have changed and now games are designed to be easy and addictive instead.

Today's freemium model is more like video poker. It's not much fun but you keep putting money in because of the potential for an easy reward. That's the mechanic that keeps gambling addicts going back to the casinos and it's also the business model that makes "casual gaming" so profitable without having to make good games.

Kalle said:

Game developers were making awesome games and were well fed 20 years ago.. so no

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