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Joe Biden : A Threat To Everyone

wtfcaniuse says...

Yeah he's so much worse than a President who lied for months about how bad Covid was and knew that wearing masks would save tens of thousands of lives.

More on point how about Trump appointing a stooge to the head of the EPA, removing countless restrictions, reducing the size of national monuments, allowing mining of national monuments and then donating $100k to the National Parks service "To repair and restore national monuments".

bobknight33 said:

What a POS.

Joe go back to you basement.

Biden:Trump Playing Down Coronavirus= 'Dereliction of Duty'

wtfcaniuse says...

So he knew from the start wearing a mask would help.

Even if he didn't want to cause a panic and downplayed the severity to help keep order (fucking lol). There is no excuse for not promoting the use of masks.

As has been stated before if he was a remotely decent businessman he would have sold tens of millions of MAGA branded masks by now.


wtfcaniuse says...

Look behind you! A three-headed monkey!

oblio70 said:

“Look! A squirrel” never fails, does it?

Note: while in high school, it was a moose, and worked equally as well. Says something about the 80‘s I guess.

Covid, Facts, Fake news Debunked

Fox News Confirms Trump Called Vets "Suckers" and "Losers"

wtfcaniuse says...

I can see the reasoning behind your belief. The issue is that it stems from thinking the media YOU watch isn't fake or at the very least biased. You need to understand that mainstream media is biased but the sort of fringe media that you partake in (and others on the left) is pure unadulterated propaganda. If that is all you consume then you will have tunnel vision.

Lets agree some media wants Trump out and they are running stories that only show him in a bad light, twist the facts or outright lie in order to make him look bad.

What reason did they have to do similar stories on Trump's corruption, adultery and general cuntishness for decades before he was President?

bobknight33 said:

Sound like he has the smoking gun. Lets see it.

Yet not 1 FOX new clip confirming YTY.

Yet not 1 clip from any news source.


2 more months of lies from secrete source or Anti Trumpers,"close aids" etc etc etc.

Trump hates blacks
Trump hates women
Trump hates Gays
Trump hates military
Trump hates poor people
Trump hates everyone.
Trump raped more woman
Trump watches other men F his wife and J Off.
Trump raped little boys
Trump raped little girls
Trump has perverted sex dungeon in secrete side room in WH and many on this properties.
Trump and Putin lies
Trump and China lies
Another investigation by Adam Schiff

Fake news has no choice but to super dump on Trump next 2 months because they know he will win by a land slide and they need to stop it by all means necessary.


Tesla China - Shanghai Gigafactory production line

wtfcaniuse says...

You're assuming the people calling you out on your BS are liberals. That is one of your mistakes.

I was trying to be nice. I actually appreciate you contributing something for once.

Tesla is not leading the EV market today and they will not be leading it in ten years. The biggest EV market is China and Tesla makes up maybe 1/5th. China and India are the biggest emerging EV markets and both have locally developed EVs.

Telsa is not 5 years ahead of Panasonic, LG, BYD, et al. The breakthroughs are coming from labs you've never heard of.

Don't put all your stocks in the one EV basket. As Stukafox mentioned Hydrogen is the future. Current EV's are a stopgap.

bobknight33 said:

Well replying to a Liberal is like beating you head against the wall. Since I am so out numbered here,I don't even try.

exurb1a review of Christopher Nolan's new film Tenet

Tesla China - Shanghai Gigafactory production line

wtfcaniuse says...

Thank you. That is the first time I've seen you write something that isn't a throw away one liner. Appreciate it.

There are several factual issues with your reply but I'm just amazed you actually replied to a question.

bobknight33 said:

EV will be 85% of all new vehicles sold on showroom floors in with in 10 years

Tesla dominates today and is ahead of all by at least 5 years in technology.

1100 shares and want more.

They build factories in 11 months.

Giga Shanghai factory 2 will be pushing out cars in about 2 months
Giga Berlin should be pushing out cars next march.

Tesla just adding super stamper in Fremont CA Factory and the new shanghai factory 2.

My guess, they will exceed their goal this year of 560,000 and will hit 600K

By end of 2021 their goal is 2 Million vehicles.

Battery day/ investor day is this Sept 22. This is the biggest event of the year.
Their Nevada battery factory in NV is large enough to hold 97 747 jets. And its not enough. I expect big news. The million mile battery is all but a done deal. IE after 1 Mil Miles the battery only degrades 5 to 8 %.

In 1967, this movie scene told the future.

Today the word is TESLA

Tesla China - Shanghai Gigafactory production line

White Fir Tree Barberchairs during cutting

RNC 2020 & Kenosha: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

wtfcaniuse says...

The difference is fucking obvious!

If it is a bot it should be banned.
If it is a troll it should be ignored.

Do you think a drinking bird toy is enjoying the water because it keeps "going back for more"?

BSR said:

Why? What difference does that make?

There would still be a human behind the curtain. What matters is how you respond to the symptoms.

One thing I do know about bob. He LOVES the attention.

Come get your fucking cheesecake, Ginger

RNC 2020 & Kenosha: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

wtfcaniuse says...

I just want some indication that he's not a bot or troll.

eoe said:

I can understand why you all still respond to @bobnight33. It's satisfying to smugly respond to him who, effectively, is a real live straw man. It makes you feel righteous (and frankly, it's pretty easy).

But really, Bob's been around for 11 years and has not conceded literally anything.

You're not changing his mind. Obviously. Why do you keep trying?

If anything, a new person who is (admittedly, astoundingly) undecided will see your vainglorious responses and dig their heels in to any existing conservative leanings.

Democrats For Violence

wtfcaniuse says...

What is The Deal with your Weird random Capitilization bOb?

Is this Bob #4 or #17?

What has Trump done that is "great"? Still waiting for an answer. Bob #2 might not have attached the new cover sheet to his report from the other day, ask him if he saw the memo about it.

bobknight33 said:

American people are fed up of the Democrat party.

Funny Democrats say this Violence is Trumps America. Reality is that this is all in Democrat controlled area.

Democrats are a Total Fail.

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