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10-Year Old Releases Demon of 55-Year Old Opera Singer

wraith says...

Considering she's just ten, this is an amazing voice, but please keep it real. Compare her performance of "O mio Bambino caro" to that of a seasoned opera singer on a pure technical basis and its crap. And nobody in their right mind would expect it to be different. This takes years and years of training. Not just talent.

Just compare a seasoned opera singer like Angela Gheorghiu

or even the absolute top of opera singers Maria Callas:

Sorry, but the word opera star get's thrown around a lot, Eropeans might remmeber the Paul Potts, who, like this girl sings better than I ever could but is far from a professional opera singer.

BTW: Common wisdom among professional singer is that if you start to early with difficult parts like this, it will ruin your voice for life.

How do Animals get drunk? Here is one answer.

wraith says...

Sorry, but...

"(...)In the movie Animals Are Beautiful People by Jamie Uys, released in 1974, some scenes portray elephants, warthogs and monkeys becoming intoxicated from eating fermented marula fruit. Later research showed that these scenes were improbable and, in all probability, staged. Elephants would need a huge amount of fermented marulas to have any effect on them, and other animals prefer the ripe fruit. The amount of water drunk by elephants each day would also dilute the effect of the fruit to such an extent that they would not be affected by it."

Source: Morris, Steve; David Humphreys and Dan Reynolds (2006). "Myth, marula, and elephant: an assessment of voluntary ethanol intoxication of the African elephant (Loxodonta africana) following feeding on the fruit of the marula tree (Sclerocarya birrea)". Physiological and Biochemical Zoology
- via wikipedia

How to hammer in a nail

wraith says...

Look at the Bucket on top of the ladder. OBI is a German chain of Home Iprovement Stores and the guy on the ladder addresses the audience as "Heimwerker" ("Do-It-Yourselfer"/"Handymen"). The Actor on the ladder even calls the Video a "real OBI Hammer commercial" in a supposedly funny ironic way.

Dumbest Comment Yet of 111th United States Congress: 3/25/10

Girl on Acid Totally Freaking Out

How Marlee Matlin would sing "Poker Face"

Christopher Hitchens and Stephen Fry Debate Catholics

wraith says...

@Krupo: I think you might be insane.

regarding Poland and Jews, please to refer to History_of_the_Jews_in_Poland

Quote: "From the founding of the Kingdom of Poland in 1025 through to the early years of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth created in 1569, Poland was (...) (k)nown as paradisus Iudaeorum (Latin for Jewish paradise) it became a unique shelter for persecuted and expelled European Jewish communities and a home to one of the world's largest and most vibrant Jewish communities.(...)
Poland’s traditional tolerance[6] began to wane from the 17th century onward.(...)"

regarding Christian antisemitism, please refer to Christianity_and_antisemitism

Quote: "Although the first Christians were Jewish, anti-Judaic attitudes started to develop even before the end of the first century (...)
These attitudes persisted in Christian preaching, art and popular teaching of contempt for Jews over the centuries. In many Christian countries it led to civil and political discrimination against Jews, legal disabilities, and in some instances to physical attacks on Jews which in some cases ended in emigration, expulsion, and even death."

regarding the Chruches stance on Stephen Fry (as a homosexual) please refer to THE BIBLE
Please take special note of "Corinthians 6:9; 10", "Leviticus 18:22", "Leviticus 20:13" and how homosexuality is regarded in "Genesis 19:4-8".

For the rest of your first post in this thread, my first comment in this post stands.

I've discovered something amazing! Again!

Kirk Cameron tries to destroy our kids

wraith says...

I really didn't know whether to upvote this. :-)

An to go on a wild tangent...

To the Eugenics debaters:
IMHO the fundamental problem with Eugenics is that human genetic diversity is really small, when compared to other animals, meaning that the complete human genome is rather uniform. This is not good in evolutionary terms. Eugenics plans to make that gene pool even smaller by eradicating "unwanted" strains of DNA.

The problem that follows from this is that we simply do not know which genes might become important for our species survival in the future. Maybe the "gene for alcoholism" might one day protect people from a new kind of disease.

Or to put it in a unscientific but more moving way:


wraith says...

These are the people that make me (nearly) ashamed to be a human.

At least, the answer mostly given when confronted with facts contrary to their "world view" was "I didn't know that" and not "that's a lie". There is still hope for them.

Zero Punctuation: Wolfenstein

Austin Powers - English English! (With Subtiitles!)

wraith says...

Yep most of that is rhyming cockney. And it's not all straight rhymes either. When Michal Caine calls Mike Myers "My old china", he actually calls him "mate".

"My old china" -> "My old (china) plate" <-> "My old mate"

Funny people, the English.

Antonov AN-225 landing in Norton

Christians pray to Wall St. Bronze Bull statue for Economy

David Mitchell discusses religious programming

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