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Seeking Justice for a Stolen Amazon Package

vaire2ube says...

he starts to cry reading his own poster....

have your shit delivered to your work. get a po box. who thinks its a good idea to leave VALUABLES UNSECURED?

military figured that out long ago. fuk em both really.

Woman thinks all postal workers are after her

vaire2ube says...

clear lack of reading comprehension strikes again

she is a danger to herself, because of her behavior, and as many have pointed out, its not HER actions but the reactions of others.


thanks for playing. she'll get help in jail at least. sick country.

Rare look inside the worlds tallest slum, The Tower of David

TYT - EVERYTHING you do on the Internet is Recorded

Woman thinks all postal workers are after her

vaire2ube says...

lol four comment downvotes for the truth. fucking stop stalking me you assholes.

she is a danger to herself, and thereby others. she needs help not to be left alone because she "might be ok"

What if ice did not float? - Periodic Table of Videos

Woman thinks all postal workers are after her

vaire2ube jokingly says...

other people have rights too, the right not to be made uncomfortable doing their jobs. plus, this is a matter of her getting hurt by doing this to the wrong person who doesnt have patience. she is a danger to herself merely by existing and antagonizing people.

i guess the situation will resolve itself when someone shoots her. great outcome.

called sarcasm, you fruits. get bent

TYT - EVERYTHING you do on the Internet is Recorded

lucky760 (Member Profile)

vaire2ube says...

now i figured out what bothered me about that statement.

why cant it change to be what it was, and yes intent counts thats what a lot of laws are based on.

you lawless, mis-pronouncing freak!

much <3 sorry it took so long to pwn u

lucky760 said:

It doesn't matter one iota how he intended/wants it to be pronounced.

Daughter used to be pronounced dafter, but now we say dawter. Language is an ever-evolving thing.

TYT - EVERYTHING you do on the Internet is Recorded

More CSI bullshit: Digital Zoom

Reclaim Your Mind - Terence McKenna

Jeremy Scahill speaks out on Manning verdict

Jeremy Scahill speaks out on Manning verdict

vaire2ube says...

Manning is no coward; neither is Snowden. Persons in our Govt should be feared.

"In his 2009 book, A Terrible Mistake, researcher H. P. Albarelli Jr. concurs with the Olson family and concludes that Frank Olson was murdered because a personal crisis of conscience made it likely he would divulge state secrets concerning several CIA programs, chief among them Project ARTICHOKE and an MKDELTA project code-named Project SPAN"

whistleblow much.. thanks to the internet now just ignorance and massive disinformation can still prevent the "truth", but its harder. progress? certainly.

brave new world on the exponential curve. running man, anyone...

Jeremy Scahill speaks out on Manning verdict

vaire2ube says...

so far, so fair... he is not guilty of aiding the enemy but damned if he can deny the other charges... at least they are fair charges... he knew being a whistleblower would have consequences... now find him guilty and commute his sentence... dishonorable discharge... symbolic punishments with a nod to the actual good he did do.

i for one was surprised how many wedding parties we blew up that didnt get reported on.... if just one of the survivors decides to strike back, how can we not see that coming

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