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Nutbag floods atheists/scientists with death threats

truth-is-the-nemesis says...

thank you Sam Harris'

peaceful religion?, if these types of believers were around 2000yrs ago they would probably like to think that they would be a disciple, but would probably be a part of the lynch mob calling for the execution of Jesus. To call yourself 'Christian' or a true-believer in anyway while holding this judgmental, divisional mindset is nothing less than appalling, and i am speaking as a non-believer.

Christopher Hitchens on why he works against Religions

truth-is-the-nemesis says...

in advertising they say that the only two human emotions that bring about change in a person are either 'fear' or 'hope' and religion works on both these principles, so no wonder its soo hard to shake it has its arms in both these areas of human psychology.

Ever Increasing Faith Ministries - Introduction

Marc Morano & Alex Jones: Global Warming's A Hoax (1 of 2)

truth-is-the-nemesis says...

i hope that this was posted simply for the shock value and humor factor and do not seek to actually learn anything from it?, if you do then your world view is going to be warped from taking this hustlers bait.

Matt Damon defending teachers

truth-is-the-nemesis says...

first Matt Damon hits the nail on the head when addressing the problems of Sarah Pailin, now he completely destroys these libertarian ideologues while supporting teachers at the same time, Bravo Matt your are sorely needed for more social commentary.

Ron Paul VS Barack Obama 2012

truth-is-the-nemesis says...

Its so strange that the moment Osama Bin Laden was killed we didn't just declare victory and leave, after all that was the original mission, however it got muddled with the later quagmire of stabilizing countries that we invade and starting democracies from the top-down rather than any grass-roots actively.

the profound mistake of any new healthcare plan that still enables a seat at the table for the middle-men profiteers of a system that willingly and complacently deny healthcare services to individuals in their time of need should never be allowed nor tolerated by the American people and should be done away with for single-payer that is not dependent on profit when it comes to people's health (after all its done that way successfully in most other countries, are they all wrong?).

one element that wasn't put forward in this video is the law that enables corporations to have the same freedom of speech rights as people, and makes it possible for them to donate as much money as they want to political campaigns and influence the results. so if lobbyists are to ever by stomped out this law is fundamentally important to 'change the game playing'.

Ron Paul VS Barack Obama 2012

truth-is-the-nemesis says...

If today's politicians were in power during the late 60s the Vietnam war would still be going on!, seriously these new wars are just as winnable as that one, the saddest part however is that in the 60s there was alittle something called the anti-war movement but today it seems almost non-existent because as George Carlin put it, "everyone's too busy at the mall buying sneaker's with lights in them".

Tea Party Summer Camp?

truth-is-the-nemesis says...

Why don't the 'patriots' who attend these services ever stop and think 'If we are soo fiscally conservative then why aren't we offering these services for free?'.

I bet every time an answer of 'Ronald Regan' is given regardless of the question you get a partial credit.

Teachers can't talk about homosexuality: kids commit suicide

Probably one of the best Ron Paul interviews I've seen!

truth-is-the-nemesis says...

if there's all this recent commotion about financial trouble due to not raising the debt ceiling and defaulting on payments & losing the AAA bond rating causing more financial panic and hardship, then how in the world can shutting down the federal reserve be good?. and what do we use in its place?. Gold?, do we go back to bartering goods & services?.

Ron Paul seems to be the idealistic choice, but even so either he won't get what he wants put into action (like Obama), or he may not see the ramifications if they are.

The State Is Not Great: How Government Poisons Everything

truth-is-the-nemesis says...

@ Marbles

If it were the case that as you claim that 'taxes & regulations are there to help the goals of big business' and thus hurt the small business owner's, then this clearly goes against the libertarian ideology of 'people power' as the philosophy goes 'produce needed goods or services and the market will decide who succeeds & who fails'.

Maybe all the small business owner's looking to start a business should look to other places such as Canada or elsewhere in the world to set up their first business that are not as restrained by government regulations as you claim there is too much to make it ultimately successful & then return as a larger world player, & then help change the regulations for other entrepreneurs with your own lobbying power.

the libertarian viewpoint seems to be that without any regulations the world to be a perfect place, & the small business man would have equal chance against the world players such as Wal-mart, McDonald's, Cola-Cola Etc. when in reality it would be far worse, not just for other businesses but for the safety concerns of the entire country such as the salmonella scares a few years back with spinach & tomatoes, lead in toys for made from China & here is a list of 100 items recalled by the FDA from April to June 2011 due to the risk of danger proposed to the public
before you endanger everyone else around you consider for a moment the efforts of organisations such as this and many others who in a very real way 'guard you while you sleep', and if the big business goliath's really could govern themselves effectively as many claim, then there would be no need for them.

The State Is Not Great: How Government Poisons Everything

truth-is-the-nemesis says...

what a pinhead, I'm frankly sick of this business is suffering though too much regulation & taxes propaganda pieces. They would like everyone to believe the multinational corporations are the hard done by 'David's' of the economic world, rather than the colossal 'Goliath' they truly are, and all the while getting the very people who are pawns in the system to support the en-slavers as the enslaved.

Steven Pinker on Mind/Brain Unity

truth-is-the-nemesis says...

This is just as bunk as people who continually cite the word 'consciousness' to evoke god without saying 'god', and in all cases I've heard its always trying to use the available scientific evidence and pervert its meaning to suit mysticism & superstition of non-scientific minded people.

NBC Removes "under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance

Scientology Sing-Along Creepiness

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