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"I'm Ashamed" -- Insane Congressman Apologizes to BP

Israelis Celebrate IDF Flotilla Attack

England's Robert Green fails to block a shot

thumpa28 says...

>> ^Morganth:

Dannym3141, I was watching on vtm, a Flemish station in Belgium.
Ajkido, it's soccer. The live action never stop for commercials. So when they choose to show one goal over and over again, and not another even though the game is tied, it's bias. Their half-time commentators (who were Belgian, not English) were all sitting at a tabled draped in a giant English flag.

Call me crazy, but theyre likely to show the goal where the defence was sliced open by the non-scoring striker allowing the controversial captain to score a good goal rather than the one where the goalie dropped it.

Obama Helps Obstruct Israel Investigation

thumpa28 says...

Welcome to global politics. I wonder if theres another video about the 8 tunnellers gassed by the Egyptians the day before? Nope? Must have missed that one. Oh thats right, it didnt involve Israel. Dumb move by the Israelis but worth America screwing its regional interests over? Turkey is veering away from Europe and into an Islamic figurehead state because its pissed at the EU membership stall so why support them abd screw over what is your major regional ally for 9 protestors? Like I said, welcome to global politics.

Catholic Church: 2000 years of paedophilia

thumpa28 says...

LOL ill agree to the church going if we can also round up dumb arse people who fall for this glossy shit. POP QUIZ ya dopes, what year was the age of consent introduced? What is it currently in Spain, Austria AND the Vatican? (you only have to choose between 12,13 and 14) Different places, different social values and believe it or not, different times. Church is guilty of loads of shit but for fucks sake tie more reason to your hate than a fkin bandwagon. Whats next - all italians are gay because of roman orgies?

Creators Of South Park Receive Death Threats

thumpa28 says...

>> ^ponceleon:

Ah radical religion. So weak their faith is threatened by a cartoon.
To be clear: this isn't about Islam, it is about all religion and it's mindless sheep.

Oh cmon, get real. When was the last time you saw a buddhist fatwa.

This girl has really mastered parallel parking! (5 secs)

Christopher Hitchens: Arrest the Pope!

thumpa28 says...

Yay arrest the pope, its not like we have any serbian mass murderers living freely in london or anything... catholics are easy, youre hardly going to get pissed off catholics beating you up in the street. This is about self promotion and is a yawn fail.

Wikileaks - U.S. Apache killing civilians in Baghdad

thumpa28 says...

Haha anyone who doesnt agree with you, who calls you on your bullshit is 'a fascist'? do you even know what fascism is? Go out, do some reading, come back when youve grown a clue. But in the meantime, thanks for proving my point about brainless idiots with no idea what theyre talking about.

*edit oh and by the way as much fun as it is trading insults, if you wanna make an ACTUAL point that would at least be vaguely interesting, if your vocab stretches because there are lots oof more fun places I can spend time insulting people.

Wikileaks - U.S. Apache killing civilians in Baghdad

thumpa28 says...

@ Raaagh

This is exactly the bullshit double speak that the average no-brainer 'wow i just saw a video and it was bad, therefore the whole country is baaaad' crap that makes internet discussions of this type of thing as pointless as the pre-pubescent dick swinging between your legs. So you agree that 'sanctions were bad' k, but 'the UN acted on behalf of the US'. Do you have any clue about the UN at all? About the decades of antagonism with the US, its complete paralysis during the cold war, through massive ethnic cleansing in bosnia where UN peacekeepers sat and watched and pretty much for every conflict ever since? Do you even comprehend the furore that currently exists around the UK and US interpretation of the UN mandate which was by no means a clear signal for war? No you dont, you probably dont know what UN stands for.

As for it being irrelevant, youre right - in your little video world the UN was nowhere in that shot so you havent been told an opinion on it yet. I could talk about 2007 and how the rules of engagement developed to the point the americans wouldnt fire until they had double confirmation of weapons because of incidents like this, about the brits blown up by american friendly fire and what a terrible waste of life war is generally and about a thousand other things that make the off the hand bullshit comments about 'OMG arent the americans evil' from a single clip only worthwhile on places like digg and videosift, but youre right - im not at that level. You sit on your fat consumerist arse and dont give a toss about where that keyboard you type on comes from, where the packaging it was wrapped in is now poisoning entire villages in china who burn it for 5p a sack, nah you just chucked it away. Well this war was fought to keep you in that idiot lifestyle of waste we all live in here in the west and at least i can see it, whereas you call it irrelevant. In all fairness you didnt see it in that video so how would you be expected to use the resource that is the internet for more than just typing crap in your short attention span world.

If its any consolation know i dont give a toss about your opinion, because by this time next week the top sift will be a rabbit that can chew a carrot with its arse and youll be saying its the most amazing this youve ever seeeeennn!!111!!!!

Wikileaks - U.S. Apache killing civilians in Baghdad

thumpa28 says...

>> ^rougy:

^ You cock-sucking piece of shit.

You wish you turd. Why dont you pull your head out of whatever passes for your fantasy world of black and white and smell the roses instead of sucking on the zombie tit of whatever the latest video tells you your opinion should be. After youve gotten out of kindergarden of course.

Wikileaks - U.S. Apache killing civilians in Baghdad

thumpa28 says...

Ewwww the usual dumb arse comments I see. OH MY GOD isnt that terrible that we give kids masses of weaponry and they USE IT!!! Im going to leave an irate comment about how evil the americans are, then go back to munching my cheap food, buy some cheap petrol and wear these cheap clothes without giving a toss about where they come from. Kids dying in this video? Yeah its disgusting! 750,000 kids dying through malnutrition and a lack of medicine from UN sanctions over 12 years before the war? Well, there was no video of that so that was alright. Who wants McDonalds?

Generally its just a lot easier to promote a video and feel all self-righteous without actually knowing whats happening out there huh. Those nasty nasty americans.

The Best Atheist Demotivational Posters

thumpa28 says...

Ahhh lets see em put on a placard and march down main street taking the piss out of allah, then ill say they got the courage of their convictions. christianity is easy.

US Soldier Exposes American Policy

thumpa28 says...

>> ^Memorare:
He struck a chord. It resonates because it's the Truth.
Wait a couple more years and just as in Vietnam we'll start hearing about the disgusting level of atrocities, the =intentional= murder of innocents, that went on in Iraq.
In Vietnam they were called babykillers for a reason.

and bleeding heart liberals were called pansies for a reason. Who would have thunk it, bad stuff happens when you try to kill each other with high explosive, doh.

Does the Media have a Double Standard on Israel?

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