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White House Hands Out Healthcare Waivers

White House Hands Out Healthcare Waivers

thinker247 says...

But they're job killers! Didn't you hear? JOB KILLERS! harumph...mumble mumble job killers...>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

I don't object to the topic -which is why I posted the article- just to the complete lack of information this report provides. FOX gives no context to the decision, no explanation of the details of these waivers, no indication as to why the waivers are being given out or how long they last. FOX gives no more information than Mike provided in his description. Surely there must be a competent news outlet that reported on this.
Are basic standards too much to ask for?

George Carlin Doesn't vote

George Carlin Doesn't vote

Rally To Restore Sanity - Closing Speech

thinker247 says...

Who said you needed to agree with him? Nobody is forcing you to tow the line for Jon Stewart.
>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:

Aw - he took off his clown nose. :yack: Am I supposed to agree with him when he wipes his face-paint long enough to wag his finger at the media he's a part of? If he equally targeted the left and right then he might have had a point. Sadly, he's just another left-wing apologist who uses sarcasm instead of shrillness. He isn't deep enough to be profound, and IMO he isn't brave enough to be an commentator. He's a coward who slaps his clown mask on as armor the second that specifics come up. Otherwise he'd actually have to STAND for something, and that wouldn't much appeal to his audience of self-congratulatory faux-hipsters. Such mealy-mouthed, small-minded twerps find actually taking a position to be distasteful because then it requires them to actually THINK about what they believe in. Rather than go through such a difficult exercise, they are content to point fingers at others who are more intelligent and courageous than themselves and point out THEIR flaws. Natually Stewart appeals to such people, because he reflects their cowardace and smallness.

Man Goes Full Ninja on Cops and Awesomeness Happens

thinker247 says...

I love to randomly attack a bunch of cops, but only because I'm completely sane.>> ^ForgedReality:

Furthermore, the fact that he drops his weapon right away proves that his cognitive abilities are just fine. He's thinking about worse consequences should he use an actual weapon. He at least reasoned that part out. He knows what he's doing. It's not blind madness. He's just a dick.

Man Goes Full Ninja on Cops and Awesomeness Happens

Man Goes Full Ninja on Cops and Awesomeness Happens

thinker247 says...

Yeah, let's just kill all the mentally ill. It's not like they need our help. They're just living high off all the great care we already give them.>> ^ForgedReality:

Oh good! I'm glad to know my taxes are paying for his hospital stay. Just shoot him with fucking bullets. End the cycle. Good lord. Seriously, we're not harsh enough on criminals. At all.

Fox News Nightmare

Battle for the Ten Commandments

Christian lady sees Jesus in deep throat

*gasp* Jerry!

thinker247 says...

A beautiful woman disrobes - lust
Her husband is caught cheating - scandal
...with a man - shock
Dubbed in German - oddity

Lust, scandal, shock and oddity. A VS tradition.
>> ^spoco2:

I'm lost as to why this is in the top 15... I just don't get it.

Transitive Property of Christine O'Donnell

Pitcher of Beer Down in 5 Seconds

Tom Waits: Cold cold ground - 1987

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