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Weird Finnish Guy Freaks Out While Eating Licorice

dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

Family arguments have just gotten sinister (Wtf Talk Post)

thinker247 says...

The final solution is to stop dating Nazis. Even if they do worship Jesus and oppose liberalism.

Also, al-Qaeda doesn't need your help anymore. Quit sending them magic-shelled candies and large sacks of money.

How often do you go to Church? (or similar holy place) (User Poll by gwiz665)

thinker247 says...

A decade ago I wanted to be a preacher and I went to church eight times a week. Then I read the entire Bible in six months. Now I'm an atheist. (But I'm generalizing my own story.)

Bill Maher Compares Glenn Beck to L Ron Hubbard

thinker247 says...

Don't worry about us. God said he wouldn't destroy the earth again. I'm sure our nukes are just for show.
>> ^Drachen_Jager:

We're not laughing. If it was Zimbabwe or Peru we might be laughing. But the country with the greatest economic and military influence in the world, not to mention the largest nuclear arsenal. Not very funny.

Capitalist Holiday Brings Out Best In Humanity

thinker247 says...

I was with you on the first two sentences. It's not capitalism that causes trampling of fellow humans for a deal on electronics. It's primal urge and a little too much enthusiasm.

But after that, you lost me (as usual.) How is morality brought into this? If we all went to church on Sunday and paid our taxes on time and tipped our hats to passing lady folk, would that prevent the actions of this video?

And by the way, we don't all believe that all values are equally valid. Murder would always be wrong to me, even if every blue-blood Democrat told me it was okay. I also try not to judge people before judging myself, but not because a deity told me this in a book. A good idea is a good idea, regardless of who started it.

I'd like to create a world in which everyone gets along, no matter what the voices in their head and in their literature tell them.

May Dog bless you this fine Kwanzaa season, QM.
>> ^quantumushroom:

I fail to see how this is 'capitalism's' fault.
What you're really lamenting is the breakdown of the civil society. That's that thing that says, "This value/trait/behavior is more desirable than selfish savagery."
Remember, 'you' voted to end the reign of the civil society when you agreed with the lying vermin that told you, "There are no moral absolutes. All values are equally valid."
Now 'you' don't have anything to bring out the best in humanity. There is no God and there are no angels, and therefore no "angels of our better nature".
Welcome to the world 'you' helped create.

A Vet Who Understands the Enemy We Face

thinker247 says...

The enemy of which he speaks is not your average Muslim, trying to grasp our American Dream. He speaks of die-hard Quranic literalists who pervert the scriptures in order to replace our modern society with the bigotry and chauvinism of a denominationally-driven caliphate. Fundamentalist devotees of any belief will continue to abate true liberty until humanity wipes itself or them from the earth, and with all his historical insight, Lt. Colonel West should understand this more than anyone. His focus is misguided and will only serve to inflame all Muslims.

This woman wins WORST PARENT award

Why I hate Christian videos

thinker247 says...

"There" is defined as all of existence.

God takes you to "Beyond There," which is 1 percent farther from the edge of There.

Beyond There is comprised of 1 percent of all of There's existence.

The atomic composition of Beyond There is unknown, therefore we cannot assume that oxygen or carbon exist in Beyond There.

Thus, a trip to Beyond There could potentially be fatal. All risks should be assessed and all precautions should be taken before allowing god to take you 101% of the way there.

Capitalist Holiday Brings Out Best In Humanity

Fastest guitar shredding you will ever see

Palin: “We've Gotta Stand With Our North Korean Allies"

No, Diego, No!

random ridiculous religious rubbish

Jimmy Kimmel announces National Facebook UnFriend Day

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