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Porno Parrot - (NSFW)

South Park S16E5(Butterballs) Clip:Make Bullying Kill Itself

Dissatisfied Customer Wrecks The Place

therealblankman says...

At first I frankly wasn't terribly impressed with his efforts, but in the end I think he did an admirable job.

Also Nissan, not Suzuki.

edit: My mistake. The car being used as a battering ram is in fact a Suzuki though the dealership is Nissan. Maybe that's the problem right there... why would a Nissan dealership replace Suzuki parts under warranty? Just askin'.

My Drunk Kitchen - MREs (S2E03)

Al Jazeera Frames - Lentils in Nepal

Kurt Sutter and Katey Sagal talk Sons of Anarchy Season 5

therealblankman says...

SPOILER ALERT: It's Hamlet. Everybody must die in the end. Except probably for Gemma- she'll likely live to witness the complete destruction of her family.

Frankly the past couple of seasons have just pissed me off. Jax is such a pussy. He's all posturing and bluster with absolutely no decisiveness or action. You know, kind of like Hamlet.

Bobby's Sanity Meter is Low

VW Rollgolf

A Norwegian Finds His Cache Of Junk Food

Romney Tells 'Humorous' Story About Factory Closing

86-Year Old Gymnast Puts You to Shame

Finally...they're making a new Wayne's World Movie

radx (Member Profile)

How It Should Have Ended - "Game of Thrones" Season 1

Confirmed: Obama's Birth Certificate Not Authentic 2012

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