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Dan Savage on anal sex to preserve virginity
Something is wrong with both their religious and sex educations if they think that anal sex is preserving their virginity. It's an oversimplification to say that religion and abstinence-only sex education are to blame. The type of religious parents that shove dos and don'ts down their children's throats, shouting "LOVE JESUS" without bothering to check whether their children have real values, faith, and integrity, are the type of people that are harming their children. The kids aren't truly converted to the teachings of Jesus Christ, and they obviously don't understand them. Perhaps they're addicted to the high that they get when they hear a live band in church. If they're having anal sex, they have a very misguided concept of virginity brought on by parents and church leaders that sensationalize religion to the point that children are confused beyond belief. If this is all that you know of religion, I can understand why you despise it. However, religion isn't harmful in and of itself, but the watering-down and misuse of doctrine is, yes, extraordinarily evil and damaging to both straight and gay people.
Let's not forget that other types of sex education fail, too. However, abstinence-only sex education is bogus. The way I see it, if abstinence isn't being taught in the home, the school will probably be ineffectual, anyway. They might as well do some damage control and educate kids about safe sex and birth control. If parents are teaching abstinence, why should they worry that schools are encouraging teenagers to have sex? Stop expecting the government to fix your problems!
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In reply to this comment by Fusionaut:
>> ^thepinky:
This is one of the best videos I've ever sifted. What's the deal? beg
It sure is!
Yay! You're a winner. Thanks. That video is fantastic, I say!
Stop calling Bill O'Reilly a Homo!
Seriously. I can't stop watching it. It's too perfect. It's just...too perfect.
Prank Gone Wrong - Hiding On The Refrigerator
>> ^Shepppard:

>> ^thepinky:
Why do people seem to think that those with southern U.S. accents are all rednecks? It annoys me.
This, This, This, and This. And throw in These for good measure.
I hope that you are explaining to me why people erroneously associate the southern accent with rednecks instead of justifying the attitude with pictures of the Blue Collar Comedy club and King of the Hill.
Shpydir: Are you saying that the accent is affected? My uncle has a very thick Texan accent and owns his own law practice, runs a retirement home, and plans weddings in his spare time. He does not wish to identify himself as a ignoramus. He grew up in an area where he picked up an accent. I know many intelligent and well-spoken people that have southern accents. That doesn't mean that they are self-selected or stupid. I don't understand that attitude at all. It's blatant, ignorant stereotyping, but somehow our community of high-minded sifters engage in it every time they see a video featuring people with southern accents. Go figure. It's not a huge crime, but it's mildly annoying to me.
Stop calling Bill O'Reilly a Homo!
How is this so perfect?!? It's brilliant.
Prank Gone Wrong - Hiding On The Refrigerator
Why do people seem to think that those with southern U.S. accents are all rednecks? It annoys me.
Krakatoa particle system tests in HD
This is cool. I watched it thrice.
Is Using A Minotaur To Gore Detainees A Form Of Torture?
"Even if the minotaur did act inappropriately, and I'm not saying it did, the United States cannot be held responsible for its actions because it is a beastly minotaur and no chains can bind it!"
"And you know, frankly, I think it's sad that now the words "neverending labyrinth of pain" are synonymous with the errors made by one loose cannon minotaur who, yeah, admittedly, went too far."
These two lines were just too much for me. They brought tears of laughter.
Prank Gone Wrong - Hiding On The Refrigerator
Man, what's up with Americans and shoes. Why in the world do you have to keep your shoes on everywhere. Crap even falls off them as he climbs up. Unhygienic and disgusting. Hilarious, though.

Americans wear their shoes everywhere? Whence are you collecting your data? I take my shoes off and slip into my moccasins the moment I walk through the door, as do most 'mericans I know.
The butt-crack makes this magical.
FOX News Host Not Happy With GI Joe Movie's Internationalism
>> ^gwiz665:
GI Joe is a term that refers to SOLDIERS. If they made the movie that you people obviously want, where Americans bravely go around saving the rest of the world (akin to Team America) it would have a dated and poor point to make.
How do you know that the point would have been dated and poor? Patriotism isn't dated. "American sucks" is the trendy attitude, remember? Patriotism has existed from the beginning and will continue to exist. Couldn't they have made a tactful and inclusive film about "real American heroes?" It doesn't sound impossible to me.
FOX News Host Not Happy With GI Joe Movie's Internationalism
>> ^campionidelmondo:
I think Transformers was about space robots defeating other space robots.
Yes. Robots aided by Americans. I also seem to recall our FBI or CIA or something being involved, as well as our military. Some scenes took place on Air Force One...
As for the other movies, they're all pre-Bush. The international perception of american patriotism has taken a turn for the worse thanks to Dubya.
Ah, people can still handle American patriotism. The hatred isn't as intense or as widespread as some people seem to think. Of course it's there, but not to the point where G.I. Joe would be largely unwelcome. I don't know for sure, of course, but because I'm an ESL tutor at my university, I know many international students (South Korean, Mexican, Canadian, British, German, Vietnamese, Haitian, Bulgarian, South African, Romanian, and more). I've also had a Mexican roommate and a Canadian roommate. I've talked to several of these close friends about the international opinion of the U.S. (not just their own opinions), and it doesn't seem all THAT bleak. I'm not basing my opinion solely on this, but it helps.
Also, while some movies might seem very american to you, they sell well abroad because they have an easily relateable theme. Matrix told the story of man vs. machine, Independence Day man vs. aliens, Armageddon man vs. giant rock etc...
Don't be silly. Almost ALL movies have an easily relatable theme. My point is that all of these movies happen to feature American Man vs. Global Threat. What is more annoyingly ethnocentric and American than that?
FOX News Host Not Happy With GI Joe Movie's Internationalism
Yeah, Earth! I like Earth. I got these boots on Earth.
When I say that it is ridiculous to completely alter G.I. Joe, I'm not saying, "AMERICA ROOLZ!" I'm not suggesting that this is evidence of a dark plot or frightening trend. You're right, Chilaxe. This was a business decision. But I think that it is a misguided business decision based on the assumption that in order for G.I. Joe to be more acceptable to global culture, it must be altered beyond recognition. This isn't true. Some of the most popular and internationally highest-grossing American movies of all time are not only very American (Gone with the Wind, Titanic, Forrest Gump) but pretty ethnocentric. Independence Day, Transformers, The Matrix, and Armageddon are all enormously popular movies overseas. And guess what? They're all about American heroes defeating international threats! What is UP with that?
I have no problem with filmmakers making our movies less ethnocentric. I welcome it. But G.I. JOE?!? Come on! I think that their marketing decision not only killed this movie in the states, but internationally. Domestic G.I. Joe fans hated this movie because of the alteration. It was a bad business decision that might possibly stem from a misguided "I hate America and so does everyone else" attitude. If they had just made a movie about G.I. Joe, people might have liked it.
Klavan on the Culture: Shut Up, Conservatives!
I like your comment, enoch.
What I DO like about this video is his explanation of how political rhetoric works, but of course it's ridiculous for him to suggest that this is only a tactic of the left.
I have to say that nothing annoys me more than hearing my mother, after listening to Glen Back or Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh, regurgitating the one-sided half-truths of the extreme right media (I hate left media just as much). Like when I talked to her last week and she said that Barack Obama created a website that asked for the names and addresses of people who are spreading "lies" about the healthcare bill. I told her that this was very unlikely. She vehemently argued that she had been hearing about it on the news and that an expert was talking about it and that they gave the address over the radio so that you could check it out for yourself and so on and so forth. I asked her if she had gone to the website herself. Nope, of course not.
I don't like Obama. I think that he is going to be very bad for this country, but I don't think that he's an evil socialist bent on tyranny. That is what these guys are trying to tell my mother. They are trying to convince her that Obama is planning to silence anyone who opposes him. Yikes. My mom is a very cool, very smart lady, but too much of these idiots isn't good for the whole reasonable part of the brain that tells you to check the facts and take everything with a grain of salt. You CAN be conservative without liking Limbaugh and Hannity.
FOX News Host Not Happy With GI Joe Movie's Internationalism
By the way, I had no idea about this internationalization issue (if it can even be called an issue?) before I saw this clip. In any case, I hadn't planned on seeing this movie ever ever ever in my life. I agree that it's a ridiculous topic to discuss on TV, but these guys are correct that that whole thing is absurd. The filmmakers were afraid that a movie about American heroes fighting terrorism would be unpopular, so they gutted G.I. Joe. Whatever.
FOX News Host Not Happy With GI Joe Movie's Internationalism
SpaceOddity, you're not alone.
This is absurd. When he refers to Hollywood divorcing Americanness from the military, he's not talking about all militaries, Skeeve. He's talking about the U.S. military, and he's right. G.I. Joe cartoons capitalized on the awesomeness of the U.S. military. My memories of the show are a jumble of corny lines, explosions, big weapons, and cool military technology. What he's saying is that G.I. Joe got popular among little American boys because it was about how awesome OUR military is, and this movie takes that popularity and exploits it, removing the patriotic U.S. military core of the entire franchise. Cobra was a terrorist organization bent on world domination. Can you imagine these filmmakers producing a movie about American heroes fighting terrorists? No, no, no, we can't have that.
I'm rambling again. What I want to say is that it's absolutely preposterous to make G.I. Joe some kind of international organization. They wanted to use the G.I. Joe name for its dollar value, but then they decided to get all apologetic about the Americanness of it. (Hm...apologizing for America. Of whom am I reminded?) In case you've forgotten, these characters were American men and women of diverse ethnicities who gave good advice to kids.
P.S. Your narrow-minded "America sucks" attitude is incredibly immature, ignorant, and trendy.