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Killacycle Crash

theaceofclubz says...

It looks really horrendous, but the man featured was fine. He made a blog posting the following day explaining that miraculously he only suffered cuts and bruises. Apparently he was able to slow the bike down to 20-30mph before he slammed into the minivan. Oh, and his very expensive custom-built motorcycle was fucked.

Spore Gameplay Demo - E3 2008

Why Congress won't Impeach Bush and Cheney

theaceofclubz says...

1. The US census lists the number of Vetrans in the US at 24 million (I'm not sure if by Veterans they mean exmilitary or ex war time servers). The current size of the US military is 3 million (1.5 active, 1.5 reservists). On top of that there is the abundance of sportsman in the US that would also probably pick up a rifle. The military would be handily outnumbered. Also, considering the fact that we currently have a paper thin military fighting two wars overseas, and this conspiracy theory requiring the initiation of a third, who exactly is going to enforce this martial law? Our military is pretty busy at the moment.

2. The Milgram experiment. Even in the Milgram experiment they were only able to get 65% to follow to the end. The Milgram experiment isn't directly comparable because it suffers from the trolley problem, there's a big difference between pushing a button and shocking someone in another room and pointing a gun at someone and shooting them. Also, my impression when I was in was that Bush isn't exactly seen as a holy man worth killing countrymen for. Ron Paul was the candidate the military backed the most after all. The military is about as sick of Bush as the general population is.

2. Russia, China, and the UN are going to aid president Bush by enforcing martial Law for him. You are an idiot. The international community wants to see Bush gone more that the American community wants him gone.

Sure, Bush could very well attack Iran before he leaves office because he is an idiot. Suspending the elections and instituting martial law though? This is deep into tinfoil hat territory. Iraq is only the size of California and we still haven't squashed the insurgency there. Yet we're going fight in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Iran and still find enough troops somewhere to occupy the US as well. Maybe it makes an entertaining thought but it is not plausible in the least.

Tony Snow Says Goodbye

Why Congress won't Impeach Bush and Cheney

theaceofclubz says...

I'd be willing to speculate the reason the dems have so far been impotent in calling for impeachment has to do with the unmotivated republican base as of right now. If the impeachment succeeded and Bush/Cheney were thrown out on their asses and a dem was brought it would be a rallying cry for the republicans. That being said, it will be interesting to see if they grow any balls after the election. It would be nice if this horrendous precedent were not set.

McCain - Feel the Excitement -

As for the possibility of the declaration of martial law, I think it is pretty low. True we don't have a nation armed with AK-47's, but snipers will fuck you up just as well. And armor doesn't mean shit in the cities. Plus what do you think the desertion rate of the military would be after asking them to kill their own countrymen, my guess would be pretty high. They'd probably bring some of their fancy military toys with them. All in all, I think its unfeasible.

Cat Eats an Entire Rat at McDonalds

Crows Gang Up On and Attack a Rabbit

Secret film reveals how Mugabe stole an election

theaceofclubz says...

>> ^Farhad2000:
As someone who lived in that region. It makes me sad to see who keeps on happening there.
However am I totally not surprised that there is complete inability and unwillingness of behalf both the African and International community to actually do anything about it.
Remember Rwanda. Same shit. Different deal.

I would completely agree, who are we, some imperialist government from the other side of the world to intervene. Wouldn't the responsibility fall more on the governments of the region. Any helping hand that we reach out would be met with hate and killing.

Chris Rock - Black People Vs Niggaz

More Diabetes-inducing Scottish Fold kittens

Donnie's Back: You Suck At Photoshop, ep. 11

braindonut (Member Profile)

James Dobson accuses Obama of distorting the Bible

Baracknophobia: James Dobson Edition - Daily Show

Ask The Real Muslim Women about Islam

theaceofclubz says...

Just denying a problem exists does not make it disappear. Of course if you define followers of the "Real" Muslim faith as those who don't oppress women then you can go and make the claim that the Muslim faith isn't sexist. The unfortunate truth is that regardless of the arbitrary definitions the speaker in this video asserts, a substantial amount of nations made up of mostly Muslims have deplorable track records on women's treatment and rights. Countries like Saudia Arabia, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. Much of the subjugation in these societies is based upon a fundamentalist following of the Islamic faith. If this man was really concerned with women's rights he would have spent his time at the podium condemning these actions and calling for change instead of throwing up a smoke screen. Very disingenuous.

And then there was the second half of the video
"the 148,000 prostitutes that walk the streets of the UK, or the 76,000 prostitutes that walk the streets of Holland"

Umm, using this guys own criteria on how to determine if a group is being oppressed, shouldn't he talk to the prostitutes? Who the hell is he to declare they are being oppressed?

"Naked little girls walking around Australia, with no clothes on"

What? Where in the hell is this guy even getting this shit? And I'm willing to bet that everyone in the room just ate it up as if it were literal fact.

"prostitution, venereal disease, prostitution, pedophilia and this horrendous number of children being raped and kidnapped that exists in the western world, it is almost unheard of in the Muslim world. So I think the statistics kinda like, speak for themselves."

(So shocked my jaw fucking dropped) I forgot that the Muslim countenance was white as snow. Nevermind those honour killings or acid attacks.

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