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I turn 40 on Easter Sunday (Blog Entry by dag)

Qui Gon, worst jedi ever?

*Sigh* (Sift Talk Post)

swampgirl says...

More circuit wrenching and marking trees... It's like you never left, hon. Welcome back.

(I use the term "circuit wrenching" instead of the yucky term you use for this sort of male bonding you fellas like to do on occasion.. this site has corrupted me)

John Lee Hooker- "One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer"

Shamwow Guy Arrested

swampgirl says...

Whats the Shamwow guy needing a hooker for.. come on! He shills THE one-and-only Shamwow and you're telling me the women aren't crawling all over him?... Forget about it!

If the woman was biting his tongue w/o letting go what was he supposed to do?

Home life needs an overhaul (Blog Entry by swampgirl)

<><> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

This sift was made for you and me (Blog Entry by NicoleBee)

Welcome to VideoGrater (Sift Talk Post)

Get to know Maru the Cat

I love you guys!!!! (Blog Entry by swampgirl)

ACTUAL FOOTAGE of the Videosift database server on 3/11/2009

swampgirl says...

My compound is infiltrated! Quick, I must reach the hatch where my escape vessel awaits. You of course are still in your binded to some chairs feverish coming up with a hasty yet cool last minute escape plan.

Oh? It's not blowing up and burning down the entire hidden lair. ok I guess. I'm still leaving tho

Reclaim Your Old Votes with *ReclaimVote (Sift Talk Post)

Username Fix Requests Go Here (Sift Talk Post)

Michio Kaku = media whore, not scientist (Blog Entry by jwray)

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