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Up and coming Canadian Comedian Kyle Bottom

Lion Sneaks Up Behind Little Girl

spoco2 says...

>> ^Drachen_Jager:

>> ^spoco2:
It's so hard to not anthropomorphise anumals, but man that lioness looks sad

Animals can be sad. That's not anthromorphic at all. Do you think animals don't have emotions, or their emotions aren't often expressed in similar ways to ours?

No, I'm not saying animals can't be sad. What I'm saying is that the expression... it looks sad, so we think of the lioness as sad. But that expression could have nothing to do with sadness, it could be interested, hungry, angry... we don't really know, it's applying human facial characteristics to an animal to assume that the look means sad.

Aussies Are Hardnuts

spoco2 says...

As a fellow Aussie I think this is hilarious.

Although, I have come across, in the wild:
Tiger snakes
Copperhead snakes
Red back spiders
Funnelweb spiders
Whitetail spiders (These give nasty fricken bites)
Huntsman spiders (These don't hurt you, but get damn big)

Oh, and by wild, for the spiders, I mean in my house.

Wombats? Lots of those, they can hurt if they bite you.... but they're so cute.

Um... a gazillion bloody possums, but yeah, not the most dangerous of animals

So, um, yeah, I'm a real hardnut...


5 Reasons James Bond Might Be the Worst Spy Ever

Super Creative 3D Printing

Lion Sneaks Up Behind Little Girl

Overly Attached Computer

Best Cosplay of All Time

Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie - Official Trailer

spoco2 says...

That looked far better than I thought it was going to.

Oh, B-Grade for sure, but it looks like some real effort has gone into that, and the acting looks perfectly passable.

Fine work there Rofle

How ya like 'dem apples?

President Barack Obama Victory Speech 2012: Election Remarks

spoco2 says...

You know... I see a lot of people think that this was an amazing speech, powerful, moving.

I found it to be heavy on the mentioning of military might and basically just a lot of phrases and promises that of course will get a crowd whooping and hollering.

But I'm a little tired of hearing these sorts of vague ideals be loudly proclaimed and then bugger all come from it.

I'm very happy that Obama got in again, could not imagine the shit storm that would have resulted from a deeply mormon president in office. I just find it hard to get excited by such vague speeches with no actual promises, no list of 'we will fix a, b and c, hold me to that'

I'd get excited by that, but no so much this.

But yeay for Obama!

Controversial PSA from Chile: Boobs Throughout Everyday Life

Disney buy Lucasfilm for $4.05bn. Star Wars Ep. 7 for 2015 (Cinema Talk Post)

spoco2 says...

Nothing but positive as far I'm concerned.

Pretty much anyone can do a better job with Star Wars than he has of late, so let's rejoice that a good writer and director may make an awesome film

YouTube Problems Anyone? (videos stopping eary) (Sift Talk Post)

Misheard Lyric Extravaganza

spoco2 says...

Yeah, a lot of those are a fricken stretch.

Some are very funny

'Wrapped up like a douche' is the ONLY way I can hear that song. I had to look up the real lyrics, and 'Revved up like a deuce' is about as nonsensical.

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