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Will Smith slams Trump

slickhead says...

As usual you are confused, a secular country is not an atheist country. A secular state is a concept of secularism, whereby a state is or purports to be officially neutral in matters of religion, supporting neither religion NOR IRRELIGION. We have atheist politicians. I'm sure many more are closeted or deists or not as well known. The mayor of the major city I live in is atheist. The United States is the model of a secular nation in that we invented the idea of a separation between church and state. Secular doesn't mean religious people can't hold office. Also, secularism doesn't mean that the wall between church and state doesn't require constant vigilance to uphold.

newtboy said:

slickhead said: Christan politicians of various denominations from various churches holding office in a secular country with a godless constitution

Will Smith slams Trump

Will Smith slams Trump

slickhead says...

Where did I say any of those things?

Where did I say Mosul is representative of Islam as a whole? I didn't. I said Dubai is not representative of Islam as a whole and offered Mosul as a contrast. Did you not watch the video?

Where did I say Christian fundamentalism isn't a problem today? I didn't. I said Christianity used to have more power and I am correct.

Where did I say Christians don't have political power or that the power they do have doesn't cause problems? I didn't. I said Christianity used to have more power. Ancient myths applied dogmatically nearly always cause problems.

You can't show where I said anything like your accusations . Learn to read. You seem to be splitting. Not everything is black or white. Not much of anything is black or white. Mostly there is grey.

ChaosEngine said:

I'm not really sure what your point is either.

You're the one who seems to think that Mosul is representative of Islam as a whole.

You're the one that thinks Christian fundamentalism isn't a problem today.

And if you think Christians don't have political power or that the power they do have doesn't cause problems, then you're not living in the same reality as the rest of us.

Will Smith slams Trump

slickhead says...

I'd love to hear the answer but I doubt he understands your question.

Thanks for the question btw. I wish I had thought of it.

ChaosEngine said:

So which is it?

Either you can be a Christian or a Muslim and apply your own morality to your religion ...


you're not a Christian or a Muslim unless you're a literal fundamentalist?

Will Smith slams Trump

slickhead says...

How do you figure posting a post on a public forum (that you are in) is behind your back? You really aren't the brightest bulb in the pack. Are you?

newtboy said:

Fortunately, Eric knows better.
Yours is an infantile way to argue, talking crap behind one's back to others rather than having a discussion.
Suck it.

Will Smith slams Trump

slickhead says...

Whoever said it was? Your the one who made the jump from, "The church has lost power" to "We live in a pure secular democracy".

Wow! Never heard of false equivalence?

newtboy said:

Ours is not a pure secular democracy

Will Smith slams Trump

slickhead says...

And what Pograms are the church conducting? What inquisitions are the church conducting? What political leaders are the churches jailing? What scientists are the church burning? What bible translators are the church burning? What wars are the church waging? What crusades? What adultresses? What witches?

"Let me just tell you something -- for hundreds and thousands of years, this kind of discussion would have been impossible to have, or those like us would have been having it at the risk of our lives. Religion now comes to us in this smiley-face, ingratiating way-- because it had to give so much ground and because we know so much more. But you've no right to forget the way it behaved when it was strong, and when it really did believe that it had god on its side."

--Christopher Hitchens

You can't possibly be serious.

newtboy said:

Not as different as you think, (blah , blah blah......)

Will Smith slams Trump

slickhead says...

His is a disingenuous way to argue, Eric.

eric3579 said:

But they say they are and they are counted as being Christians. imo anyone who says they accept christ is a christian. I've known many Christians in my youth. None of them had the fanatical thinking of what you are talking about. I guess it comes to how you define them. I would say in general very few Christians(and im guessing Muslims also) are fanatical people who live/believe strictly by the book. Not that any of it matters really.

Anyway disusing religion...blah,blah,blah.

Will Smith slams Trump

slickhead says...

No joke. First, Christan politicians of various denominations from various churches holding office in a secular country with a godless constitution is vastly different than when the church controlled king and country all over the western world. Our founding fathers saw to that. The church's power has been in decline for centuries thanks to luminaries like Paine, Franklin and Jefferson. The church has never regained anything like the power it held for the centuries before "the Age of Enlightenment". Source: any world history book. Second, we don't have any idea how many of today's politicians are atheist/agnostic or simple deists because in most places saying so is a sure fire way not to get elected. They wouldn't dare say if they were, but seeing as how most politicians receive a higher education and how higher education leads to a higher rate of atheism, I'd wager the rate of atheist politicians is higher than in the general population. Third, I never said there wasn't a Christian majority in the US. To begin with, I was speaking about the decline of the church's power globally. I shouldn't have to tell you the world has more countries than the United States. With the global economy this distinction (you are too inept to make) is more important now than ever.

The only one of us who should be ashamed is the one with absolutely no sense of perspective. The one who will dismiss the horrors of Islamic fundamentalism because "Christians do bad stuff too!!! WAAAA!" To be clear, the one who should be ashamed will be you, NewtBOY.

newtboy said:

You MUST be joking.
Christians don't have overwhelming political power?!
What color is the sky in your universe?

How many publicly atheist elected officials in the federal government can you name? How many "Christians"? Now think about what you've said and feel ashamed.

Will Smith slams Trump

slickhead says...

I don't care for Christian lies any more than Muslim lies. In the world we live in, in the time we live in, fundamentalists of one of these religions is responsible for quite a bit more suffering. This is primarily due to the neutering of the Christians political power by secular society. When christianity had real power it was just as wicked.

Will Smith slams Trump

slickhead says...

He is the one who categorized all muslims by Dubai's reaction to his presence. I am the one who suggested he would get different reactions from different muslims. Of course not all muslims are Islamists. That's my point. Some aren't ...some are. go figure. Save your SJW for some idiot who cares to listen to your drivel.

The majority of the muslim world believes in a bunch of stuff I hope you and I do not. THe majority of the muslim world thinks suicide bombing may not be a bad thing. THe majority of muslims believe the penalty for apostasy should be death. The majority of the muslim world thinks the entire world will/should be muslim. Let's not kid ourselves.

Will Smith slams Trump

slickhead says...

Isn't that cute? He thinks that the fact that the citizens and city of Dubai pander to millionaires and celebrity and are willing to let him spend his millions there is indicative of the muslim world's views of the west!! I hope he doesn't go walking around
Mosul with that swagger.

I'd be more interested in hearing Will Smith slam a cult that steals from it's members, enslaves it's members, isolates members from their families, and falsely imprisons it's members. Sorry, as long as Smith supports Scientology and David Miscavige who gives a fuck what he thinks about political figures like Trump or dangerous religious beliefs.

Woman learns Pokemon reality

slickhead says...

It's just a really bad actor with an over the top accent. It works mostly because there is a segment of the population who love videos that make them feel superior.

SevenFingers said:

Can't tell if redneck or whitetrash

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