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All Harlem Shake Videos Will Be Downvoted By Me. (Terrible Talk Post)

PSA Obligations From Burnt-Out Media Whores

Does a Sloth Sink or Swim?

Filipino Eggrolls Ala Choggie

rottenseed says...

The good thing about these (at least the meat ones) is that you can roll 'em and put them in the freezer so that whenever you feel the need for fried goodness you can fry 'em up

chingalera said:

They were thick -I pictured standard small egg roll sized instead of taquito-gauged....more rolling! That last pile there was round 5-We killed about 20 between 3 peeps in about 30 minutes....tasty-I've done all the deep-frying I'll do for the entire year!

Filipino Eggrolls Ala Choggie

rottenseed says...

They're too thick. You need to roll them more tightly and use less filling. I know the veggie ones are harder to do thinly because of the fodder.

The funnest part about lumpia: rolling party!

Bill Burr on Abusing Women

Bill Burr on Abusing Women

rottenseed says...

I'd like to add that I used to agree with you about Dane, until I took "the test" and now I've come to the conclusion that he's a decent comedian and deserves any accolades he's earned from his loving fans.

Bill Burr on Abusing Women

rottenseed says...

While I agree that he is a physical comedian, I would argue that there's nothing wrong with that as a device to enhance his performance. In the same way Steven Wright uses a monotone voice and lackluster delivery to enhance his mundane observations (which are hilarious in my opinion), or the oft-imitated cadence of Dave Attell, Dane found a voice. That's not new in comedy ("I get no respect" - Rodney Dangerfield).

Do me (and yourself) a favor and seek out a Dane track that you've never heard (audio only) and try to listen to it without cracking a smile. Don't fight cracking a smile, but see if you can last a whole track without doing so. Maybe try a couple. That's the test I take whenever I think I'm judging a comedian too hard based on my perception that could influenced by external factors.

Note: It's a fact that Bill Engvall is NOT funny. I've listened to an entire album and did not crack a smile...he does NOT pass the test

brycewi19 said:

I don't hate on Dane Cook because it's hip or in. I simply think he's not funny that relies on physical over-emphasis of uncreative observations. Hyperbolic pronunciations of words and repetitive loudness does not translate to funny.
And I, too, am a lover and connoisseur of stand-up. Have been since I was a kid.
He simply rode a wave of over-rated popularity. And now the rational comedy-lovers have pulled him back down to where he belongs - in the group of comedians who don't belong at the top.

Kitten Meets Hedgehog

Bill Burr on Abusing Women

rottenseed says...

Typical Dane Cook hatred for no reason. There are plenty of unfunny comedians and, yet, why pick on Dane Cook? Because it's the thing to do. It's "in," "hip," and "cool" to join in. I wish I could say that I'm just defending him unbiased, but the fact of the matter is I think he's pretty funny. I'm not a typical college girl that thinks he's so handsome and I want him to fuck my brains out so I go to his shows and scream at the top of my lungs. I'm actually a lover of stand-up comedy. Seen many live performances as well as ones on TV. Sure, maybe Dane's stardom seemed unequal to his talents, but I don't see somebody's popularity through hard work, networking, and charisma as a reason to chastise them.

PS: Bill Burr's Monday Morning podcast, will definitely be for you if you liked this

Pure tiger power: Hungry Tiger

YouTube Flickering Scrubber Issue in Chrome (Sift Talk Post)

Starting A Diesel Engine For The First Time In 30 Years.....

Mark Wahlberg Sings Dirk Diggler's "You Got the Touch" Live

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