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@JimmyKimmel @KanyeWest Feud

rottenseed says...

Hahahaha...starting a feud with a late night host with millions of viewers and whose every comment incites laughter from the audience. That's the person I want to go after...what a fucking tool.

Don't underestimate your opponent.! Cmon hit me!!

VideoSift isn't iPhone friendly (Sift Talk Post)

Dubstep Cat

chicchorea (Member Profile)

lucky760 (Member Profile)

eric3579 (Member Profile)

Man beats ticket on dashcam evidence - takes town to court

rottenseed says...

"I caught you smoking weed! You're under arrest."

"No I wasn't"

"Can you prove that you weren't smoking weed?"

lucky760 said:

Yes, let's start inventing crimes if we can't catch you breaking any actual laws. That's what the law-abiding citizens who pay your fucking salary deserve.

Good job, Officer Dipshit. You'll make sergeant in no time.

"New Beer" - Marijuana Policy Project NASCAR Ad

Why People Should Be Outraged at Zimmerman's 'Not Guilty'

Girl Learns to Dance in a Year

Hey Poor People! Koch says stop whining!

rottenseed says...

What I inferred from this video isn't what I think the author intended. I believe the implication was that we're lost our "economic freedom" (whatever that's a euphemism for) and that's why our country is so unstable.

What I took from it, is that the increasing disparity between the wealthy and the poor in this country are both a cause and effect of economic freedom.

Prancercise: A Fitness Workout

Internet celebrity sought in Clark man's murder

rottenseed says...

What would I do? I'd ask for seconds...and pay the nice gentleman.

grinter said:

We know he doesn't care about money (he gave the money he was given after the hatchet incident away)... so... he was in the house of an older man who works in 'prestige' profession. That mixed with Kai's personality, I'm guessing the lawyer tried to sexually assault him.
...Yup!, that's what Kai says on his facebook page: "what would you do if you woke up with a groggy head, metallic taste in your mouth, in a strangers house... walked to the mirror and seen come dripping from the side of your face from your mouth, and started wretching, realizing that someone had drugged, raped, and blown their fuckin load in you? what would you do?"

Phil Hanley, brilliant set on The Late Late Show

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