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Ferrari driver narrowly avoids double accident

Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner Near Vertical Takeoff

robbersdog49 says...

I doubt the people flying this are the same people who fly the planes on passenger routes. This is a professional test pilot. Not sure about licenses but these guys really know how to fly!

sirex said:

even if they did they'd almost certainly need a special licence to fly like this, surely.

90yo Backs Through Garage Door to fulfil glorious dream

The Manly Way to Get a Pigeon Out of Your Chimney

Banana Surprise

Laser Etched Art

robbersdog49 says...

It's all vector. The first part is lower power, so it's cutting through to a different layer to the second part, hence the different colours. That's why the flame is so much larger for the second part.

Another interesting part for me was the sound. There must be some great patterns that would sound incredible as they were etched.

SwimWithSharks said:

I wonder how it gets the different colors (when it switches to vector mode it seems the vectors are a lot more 'golden')

Barehanded Line Drive Catch FPV

Car singalong goes bad

Expensive Wine Is For Suckers

robbersdog49 says...

I like the twist at the end. Buying a really expensive bottle for a special occasion will actually make you experience a better taste. Our experience of the world is so subjective.

Cop Kills Mexican For Slowly Shuffling In His Direction

robbersdog49 says...

He probably would have had a stern word with you about all the assumptions you're making too.

You've said the guy was unarmed as if it was an established fact when he was shot when it wasn't. You have said he was non-violent but his movement and demeanour certainly weren't submissive, and one really has to wonder what he was planning to do when he got close enough to the officer, kiss him?

My position in all this is that as a Brit I think it's madness that police have to go around with guns all the time. This simply couldn't happen in the UK so as far as I'm concerned it's a fully avoidable situation, just put all the fucking guns down.

However, it's really not that easy. Guns are everywhere in America so the police have to act accordingly. It's really easy with hindsight to say all the things you're saying but in the heat of the moment that cop has to assume the guy is armed and dangerous. That's the effect of having guns everywhere.

They're on the edge of a highway at night, the guy is lit with flashing lights and car headlights going past. This makes seeing bulges or anything like that that might indicate a weapon very difficult and yet you think the officer should have been able to tell this and be happy to risk his life on it? Bullshit.

People are suggesting that under the same circumstances it's a simple job to aim for an extremity and it's a guaranteed hit. Really? It's that easy? So easy you'd stake your life on it?

The guy committed suicide by cop. Plain and simple. He wasn't a compliant victim, he was a threat to the officer. His shuffling was strange and that in isolation isn't threatening, but shuffling closer and closer to an armed officer is a different story.

Maybe the cop should have pulled a tazer first? That wouldn't help much if the guy came out of the car with a gun. Or would it? I don't know. If a tazer would have worked in that situation please put me right, I'm no expert. To me it seems if a guy comes out of the car with a gun and points it at the officer then a gun would be more use in defence than a tazer. Same with pepper spray.

So maybe the officer should put the gun away as soon as he's established that the guy isn't armed? That's fine, I'm all in agreement there. But nowhere in the video is he able to establish that as fact. So if he started with a gun he sure as hell should still have it drawn all the way through this video.

I'm really fucking glad I don't have to deal with anything like this in the UK. It's shit that this happens. But given the prevalence of guns in the US I can't see any way this could have gone differently without risking the situation becoming like the videos reiwan posted.

newtboy said:

Then your debate skills are severely lacking. My debate coach would have suspended you from the team.

Cop Kills Mexican For Slowly Shuffling In His Direction

robbersdog49 says...

lucky is right, there's a lot of context missing in your statement here. Nothing about the situation in the video is even remotely the same as someone just walking past an officer. Come on, you can't seriously think this.

There are plenty of videos out there showing cops doing horrific things to suspects that are disgusting and utterly barbaric and wrong. This just isn't one of those videos.

This video is a record of a very unfortunate event where a drunk guy did something very, very stupid and paid for it with his life but blaming the cop in this situation is just not fair.

We now know the guy was unarmed, but I don't see from the video how the cop was supposed to know that. It's very easy to say he shot an unarmed man, but until the cop can search him he's got to assume for his own safety that the guy is armed. Can you show me where in the video this search takes place?

The video is bad, but not the cop's fault. Alcohol makes people do stupid things, and if this guy had swerved into oncoming traffic and killed himself that way instead we'd be saying how people shouldn't drink and drive, but none of us would be saying it wasn't his fault.

newtboy said:

I think if an unarmed man slowly advancing on you with hands on his head is a 'deadly threat to the officer's safety', we have HUGE problems, because that theory makes it legal to shoot anyone that comes near them....they don't know if they're armed and attacking, or just passing by, right?

Cop Kills Mexican For Slowly Shuffling In His Direction

robbersdog49 says...

I agree with lucky760 here. This guy was not a compliant person shot for no reason.

I'm someone who thinks cops should be held to extremely high standards and I've commented such on other cop videos on videosift. But in this case I'm not really sure what else the cop could have done. He needed to engage the guy physically. He was walking toward him. That might sound innocent enough but the closer he got to the cop the more dangerous he became.

Even if there was a real language barrier and the guy didn't understand what he was being told this is just obviously not OK. He wasn't behaving right, maybe he was high or whatever but he was a physical threat to the officer.

Portraying him as just a person shuffling around being shot for no reason ignores the fact that he was shuffling right up to an officer who had his weapon drawn. If the officer allowed him to get too close he could have attacked the officer. Even if the officer got a clean shot adrenaline could have driven the guy on a step or two and he could have stabbed or shot the officer. That distance separating them is important. Moving toward the officer in this situation is a threatening act, regardless of where your hands are.

The officer did not shoot on numerous occasions when the guy put his hands down, an act which under the circumstances could legitimately be seen as a threat to his safety. He waited until the guy had gone way too far and got way too close. This wasn't a trigger happy cop out to back a Mexican, it was an unlucky cop in the wrong place.

There's a monkey on the car!

robbersdog49 says...

This is fucking hilarious. Kids are just sponges for this sort of thing. I've got an 18 month old boy and he's not quite talking yet but I'm having to really watch what I say so he doesn't pick anything up. I'm not great at it though...

As for Lucky760: Windscreen yes, but they are in a safari park, not on the road. I'd sit my little boy on my lap like that too in a safari park. I'm not going to pay a small fortune to take him in and then not see anything!

lucky760 said:

In the UK they call a windshield a windscreen and they call Mom's lap a carseat.

Seagull Steals Herring From Guy

Louis CK Probably won't be Invited back to SNL after this

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