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Kung Fu Mantis Vs Jumping Spider

robbersdog49 says...

I agree. This really is one of those situations where it's just easier to film a hell of a lot of footage and pick the best bits than to make it all up with CG. These guys are just really good at what they do, and are given the time and resources they need to make the shots happen.

Also worth remembering for anyone who thinks it's CG that we're not seeing animals performing to a script. The storyline is developed once the footage is taken. They take a look at the footage they have and decide which aspect of the animal's life they can show best with it and run with that. It's easy to watch the sequence above and wonder how they choreographed it all but they didn't. They took shit loads of footage and edited it together to tell a story.

If you take a load of footage and look for the story you want in it you'll struggle, but if you look for the story that's there you'll often find something.

artician said:

This is something I've suspected for a few years now. If they are using CG for a lot of these nature closeups, they've got the best in the business because I can't spot it.
I sincerely doubt that's the case simply because they'd be producing hours and hours of flawless, ILM/WETA-level CG, and that's just not feasible.

LiipSyncing a 7 hour road trip

Kung Fu Mantis Vs Jumping Spider

robbersdog49 says...

It could also say a lot about the quality of the camouflage of the larger mantis.

sanderbos said:

Insane quality.
Still, from a learning biology aspect, at 1:38 they commend its eyesight, but from what I see at 3:30 and the time leading up to it (it is walking right towards danger!) I am thinking "I have seen animals with better vision".

Kung Fu Mantis Vs Jumping Spider

robbersdog49 says...

The BBC Natural History unit is one of Sir David Attenborough's finest achievements. They are head and shoulders above the rest of the world when it comes to wildlife film making. Amazingly talented people given the time and resources they need to do truly spectacular things.

Kalle said:

This is so incredibly well made it blows my mind.. Its almost too perfect.. makes you think if theres CGI at work here

You go to bathroom at night, and there...

Battle of the Old Spice spokesmen

Man Stuns Family By Shaving Off His Beard After 14 Years

robbersdog49 says...

Well, I've got a beard not dissimilar to the guy in the video. I've known my wife since I was fourteen ad only really started growing a beard well into my twenties so she's definitely seen me without it.

She prefers me with 'designer stubble' rather than a beard, but it's just a case of her rather I have the stubble, not that she doesn't love me any more or any bollox like that. Physical appearance isn't irrelevant but it's definitely not important I didn't marry her for how she looks and she has her hair how she likes it and I have mine how I like it.

I married a woman I love for who she is, not for what she looks like and vice versa. I don't know why anyone would marry someone if them changing their hair style would be enough to stop loving them. That's not love, not even close.

My beard is staying, because I like it. Even though my wife would rather it was just stubble. Besides, I hear that men who shave their beards also shave their vaginas...

A Clown Takes A Pratfall-Wait For It

robbersdog49 says...

Very satisfying to see the twat fall over, but to be honest I'd happily see the dickhead on the bike fall off too.

The original incident was the car's fault, passing too close. The bike had every right to be there and wasn't doing anything wrong. But he went looking for trouble. If it's an offence, report it. He went after the other guy and deliberately wound him up.

Neither party comes out of this smelling of roses...

Europe"s Strongest Man 2015 - "The Mountain"

robbersdog49 says...

You can see why he's called the mountain. 6' 9". None of the support crew are small guys, they'd all make a normal person look tiny but he dwarfs them.

You have no right to remain silent in Henrico County.

robbersdog49 says...

What? I even quoted you saying it.

Here, I'll quote it again:

"people like this, who are intentionally pretending to be threats"

How on earth is this anything other than you saying he's pretending to be a threat. This is a direct quote from you. I'm not inventing anything here.

Here's an idea. If you don't want people saying you said something, don't fucking say it. Especially in written form so everyone can see exactly what you said.

EDIT: Before the inevitable "I said he was pretending, not that he actually was a threat" bollox, how is he even pretending to be a threat? Nothing about this is threatening. Nothing. You brought up the threatening bit, so I'd like to know what is threatening about the guy filming. What is he pretending to do that's threatening?

Babymech said:

I don't know, person who is putting words in my mouth, how is he being a threat?

You have no right to remain silent in Henrico County.

You have no right to remain silent in Henrico County.

robbersdog49 says...

How is anyone making excuses for the police here?

So fucking what if he was trying to provoke a reaction? His reasons for filming the police like he did don't come into it at all. So what if the officers didn't like it and so what if he did it for this reason.

I don't see how any of this is relevant. This is a video of a person acting completely legally and within his rights and being arrested just because the police didn't like it.

So what if it's provoking, the police should be trained to be able to deal with a provocative situation. You know what would have ended this? The police doing their jobs and ignoring him. That's what should have happened.

Being rude isn't against the law. It's not OK for police to arrest someone for being rude. The only thing this guy was doing was filming the police and people think that's wrong? Or he didn't answer their questions? He's allowed to do that. It's OK. How can you say he was acting like a tool? He did nothing wrong.

The police are supposedly trained individuals. They shouldn't be reacting to provocation, especially when it's so passive as this example. This guy is hardly pushing his luck here. He made no threats to the officers, he didn't do anything even remotely violent or threatening he just exercised his rights. So the police didn't like it, so what?

Fucking apologists. The law is what it is and the police should be held to a high standard regarding it. They should do their job. Let's get this straight, what they did here was arrest someone just because they didn't like what he was doing, even though what he was doing was perfectly legal. That should disgust you, it really should. It shouldn't be OK because you think the guy was being a bit of a dick. That's not relevant because being a bit of a dick shouldn't get you arrested. It's only an excuse if you think that it's not unreasonable for the police to arrest people they just don't like.

Unheard of Instruments in the Saxophone Family

robbersdog49 says...

Cool sift. It's fascinating to see what can be done with a simple instrument configuration to make such different instruments and sounds.

Always good to see people who are genuinely interested in their subject, I think that comes across well in the video. The army guys are obviously enjoying playing with the new toys

Did she or didn't she? The last airshows of the Avro Vulcan

robbersdog49 says...

Ok, maybe a pilot can correct me here, but that's not necessarily a violent or high stress manoeuvre. Pretty much all planes are able to do these tricks (including large passenger jets), they just aren't often flown that way. As long as they have enough air speed and engine power to not slow too much and stall out mid way through then there only needs to be a relatively small increase in load on the wings to do this.

The Vulcan is a very cool plane though. I live just down the road from where they used to keep the last flying one. A beautiful plane.

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