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▶ 1960s Government Subliminal National Anthem Video

raverman says...

And what do you think happens to your brain when you play video games or watch youtube or scrolling meaningless updates on social networks?

There'e no need to try change your views if your waking hours and brainpower is simply occupied in other ways.

Australian Prime Minister Humiliates Pastor

Do We Expand With The Universe?

raverman says...

so... Space is a four dimensional fabric... that is expanding in 3 directions and also in the direction of time.

and any stationary density of matter OR matter moving at speed has the ability to slow or reverse the expansion relative only to itself?

And space went from a singularity and inflated suddenly and continues to expand as though it had limited boundaries in yet still seems to be infinite?

... I think it's the mind boggling mystery of space that interests me to much

Man with OCD Recites Poem About his One True Love

A Terrible Interview with Author, Reza Aslan

How To Win A Street Fight WIth Head Movement

Little Girl and her Carpenter Pet Bee

raverman jokingly says...

So we don't value it's existence because it's too stupid to know better, but we value it's life as a quirky plaything for a child. I bet she doesn't even have a bee licence...

Little Girl and her Carpenter Pet Bee

raverman says...

Imagine breaking your leg in a strange world and being taken by a giant insect 1000x your size... who feeds you mashed meat off the end of a tree trunk. Isolated from any one else... kept in confinement... and 'petted' by a giant antenna that could crush you at any moment.

I bet he's screaming for us to let him die.... If only we could hear...

Candidate Obama vs President Obama on Government Surveillanc

raverman says...

Do people really think the president is anything more than a social figure head?

The reason nothing has happened is the running of the country really has nothing to do with him.

All he can do is apologise or justify.

lol.... like you could ever democratically vote for reducing the power and influence of the powerful and influencial. Silly rabbits! Who do you think you are?

BMW Gina

UFO Alien Disclosure by Canadian Minister of Defense

Nobody Saw Call of Duty Ghosts Coming

raverman jokingly says...

Nothing makes helps a sniper camoflage or be stealthy than a Dog at their side.

That intangible fear when you can't see or hear anything, but there's a faint aroma of dog shit in that nearby tower...

Space Shuttle Thermal Tile Demonstration

Periodic Videos - Super Expensive Metals

Huge 'Meatball' Blackhead Surgical Extraction

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