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New Math vs Old Math
So if I'm getting this right, teaching children something is slower than an adult doing it? What!? Why even bother teaching children, why not just have adults do things?
'Was that disruptive?': congressman "blasts" Trump official
I think it kind of depends on what he means by 16,000x louder? If he's talking in decibels, then it's already a logarithmic scale, so 16,000x times higher output amplitude is about 84db? higher (which is no joke) not quite sure on the maths there. 16,000db higher is basically impossible unless we are talking a supernova or something.
That puts it at over 204db which is apparently the same volume as the Saturn V launch. Which would definitely kill you, but maybe not 8000 times over... I mean once really does the trick.
If he's talking about the energy input, it seems that's a different thing according to wikipedia, and would result in an increase of 42db, which puts it at 162db, which is about the same as a 12-guage.
He may also mean that the sound is that loud at source, but as the guy was probably trying to say as he was squirming, the distance matters. The sound energy will be dissipated over a 2D shell and so I'd guess it drops off proportional to distance squared plus some extra for loss as it goes.
All of that is in air, it's quite a different matter in the water as I think the force is transmitted more efficiently.
Either way, every 10 seconds for months? No thanks.
Kid Physically Threatens Teacher For Not Rounding His Grade
I don't know if you've seen the sort of thing I'm talking about, but the usual formula is you see a video with a title like "Bully picks on the wrong guy" or something, then you watch the video and what you see is someone getting their head kicked in, and you feel good. Then you have an entire comment section with "That's what you get for being a bully" etc. But nothing in the video actually shows him being a bully.
So if the title had been "Man is attacked completely unprovoked and suffers life changing injuries" the judgement would be very different. Maybe you just watched a crime and enjoyed it.
I find it really strange that people will argue back and forward about the details of the content of the video, but never question the framing. It's "a given" he was a bully etc. because some text at the top said so, we just discuss whether it was appropriate.
So in this video, maybe the situation was exactly as described, but I don't know what information I'd use to get to that conclusion. And nobody in the comment section really seems to be trying.
Why don't we see him asking for his grade to be marked up? Wouldn't that be the money shot here? Kid makes outrageous request, which for some reason I edited out, then behaved terribly... maybe they didn't get their phone out in time... who knows? Not me.
This is not one of those 'instant karma' videos I mean, I'm just drawing the parallel with the context free clip, followed by collective righteous feeling and judgement.
Just to clear things up, when is violence deserved again?
(Member Profile)
Gah... I don't know how to use the sift. I'll put that comment public too... sorry.
Just to clear things up, when is violence deserved again?
(Member Profile)
I don't know if you've seen the sort of thing I'm talking about, but the usual formula is you see a video with a title like "Bully picks on the wrong guy" or something, then you watch the video and what you see is someone getting their head kicked in, and you feel good. Then you have an entire comment section with "That's what you get for being a bully" etc. But nothing in the video actually shows him being a bully.
So if the title had been "Man is attacked completely unprovoked and suffers life changing injuries" the judgement would be very different. Maybe you just watched a crime and enjoyed it.
I find it really strange that people will argue back and forward about the details of the content of the video, but never question the framing. It's "a given" he was a bully etc. because some text at the top said so.
So in this video, maybe the situation was exactly as described, but I don't know what information I'd use to get to that conclusion. And nobody in the comment section really seems to be trying.
Why don't we see him asking for his grade to be marked up? Wouldn't that be the money shot here? Kid makes outrageous request, which for some reason I edited out, then behaved terribly... maybe they didn't get their phone out in time... who knows? Not me.
Just to clear things up, when is violence deserved again?
Kid Physically Threatens Teacher For Not Rounding His Grade
Hmm... so we're all just going to go along and believe the title are we?
Even in this edit we see the kid remarking that the teacher raised their fist to him and challenging him to "do it again". Not the best way to react, but pretty understandable if your fight or flight has been triggered.
The source video seems suspiciously free of context or additional detail. Reminds me of the many "instant karma" videos which conveniently miss the alleged event that deserves the violence that follows. But we all get our two minute hate and the warm glow of consequences well deserved.
MELTDOWN On Airplane - Spirit Airlines
Thank you for saving the internet for me today. Come for the "insta-karma", stay for the actual karma.
Honestly, I feel bad for her.
You all know mental illness is a health issue.
When she comes down from this Manic episode, she's going to completely crash into depression. It's a terrible cycle.
It's not something laugh at.
I know it's not the best place to have a manic attack, I mean, no where is ideal. But you should also know that she has no control over this other than getting the right Meds to even her out and sticking to them. Of course Manic people see with with a certain perceived clarity where they decide they know more and don't take the meds. I'm not sure she's diagnosed or under treatment but she will be after this.
Tragic, really.
This Is America, so Call Me Maybe
Reminds me of dancing spiderman:
(Not sure why the start time isn't working, but skip to 5:40)
Neural Network Prototyping On the Go
There are quite a few different languages which can all be compiled down to something that can be run on a system like this. On the whole though the system isn't writing code itself.
Imagine you have a magical problem solving machine with a fixed input, all sorts of switches and levers, and an output. You chose the shape and the size of the machine but you don't chose where to set the levers or which switches to set.
The machine learning process works by having lots and lots of examples of good inputs and matching correct outputs known as a training set. It starts with all the levers and switches set randomly. Each time it makes a guess it looks how far it was from the right answer given from the training set and sees how it could change its settings to get a little closer to the right answer next time.
Given enough time and computing power it can fine tune the settings to get to the point where it's very accurate for a wide variety of complex problems.
Why We Constantly Avoid Talking About Gun Control
A large collection of bobbies with sticks is pretty much how it's done:
Of course they have access to more than that when needed, but often it's not. It takes more time and effort, but in the end you have someone to prosecute (or provide treatment for) rather than someone to bury.
Don't Be A Sucker - Anti-Fascist PSA from the 40s
Yes, that's what they do, don't they. We'd never divide people like that because we're better than them.
They need to play this at every University, especially at every occasion where a rally or speech has been shouted down or banned from occurring because some other group doesn't like what they have to say.
Dividing people into groups has been the MO of the Democrat party for quite a long time now...
FizzBuzz : A simple test when hiring programmers/coders
I was having some fun with this, trying to make the worst solution I could. This was definitely my ugliest that (I think) works (Python 3):
Sift seems to be squashing the space even in code tags...
def fb3(m=100):
for oh in range(1, m + 1):
b = bin(oh % 0xf)[2:].zfill(4)
if b.count('1') % 2:
d, e, a, r = 5 * 0x605F05D * (3 ** 4) << 4, 0x30, 4, 0xf
oh, d, e, a, r = 0, 0x1338098, 0x62, 5, 0x1f
if '00' in b or '11' in b:
oh = 0x514
if b[:2] == b[2:]:
oh = (oh * 0x2710 if oh else 0) + 0x960
yield ''.join(chr((d >> (a * int(c)) & r) + e) for c in str(oh))
[print(o) for o in fb3()]
How women wage conflict without violence | Julia Bacha
Oh god... oh god, help me... I knew what would happen, but I looked at the youtube comments anyway. Why!?
Sh*t Hearing People Say(Things You Don't Say to Deaf & Hard)
When I saw the thumb nail my honest reaction was "Huh, I would never have guessed Summer Glau was deaf."
Louisville Woman Brought Into Courtroom Without Pants
Is the audio censored? It sounds like the volume drops out at some pretty choice moments throughout.
For example at 11:25: