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"Get Off This Bus SATAN!!" - (NSFW)

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Star Trek TNG Season 3 Gag Reel

probie says...

Troi was such a useless character.

Enemy commander: "Capt. Picard, I will blow you and your ship back to the Neutral Zone!!!"
Troi (leaning into Picard): "Captain, I sense a great deal of hostility..."

4 PBS Superheroes Are Back To Take On Shitty Television

Cargo Plane Falls Out Of The Sky

probie says...

Welcome to the Great 'Sift Snuff Debate, Round 14. Fighters, in your corners!


jimnms said:

I'm confused. This video got discarded as snuff when the crash is barely seen in the corner of the video because four people died in the crash. This video clearly shows the crash in which all on board were killed, but no one is crying snuff. IMO, neither one is snuff because they aren't posted for "entertainment."

Glass How-to: Getting Started

probie says...

Fair point. And it certainly is a personal thing with me. There's just something annoying about someone sticking their nose into what I do, then using it for personal gain and to further the market of manipulation and influence that is capitalism. We're certainly headed for those scenes in Minority Report; can't walk down the street without being inundated, or touch a cereal box without being pestered. I tell ya, that's the day I go postal.

Glass How-to: Getting Started

probie says...

I appreciate the counterpoints but

1) I won't be buying into this latest fad, so no need for a fake account.

2) See #1. And the fancy piece of electrical tape you want to sell me isn't going to help me when I have to adhere it to the sets of glasses staring at me that aren't mine.

MilkmanDan said:

I'm not too concerned about the privacy implications:

1) Don't use your real google account; make a new one with no "friends", false name and other data. I'm sure this removes some of the "features", but probably nothing you can't live without if you're concerned about privacy issues. In the meantime, feel good about yourself for "stickin' it to the man" and making google's advertising database think that all of your browsing history/etc. is being done by a 93-year-old woman from Abu Dhabhi named "Beverly Knickerbocker".

2) If you're extremely concerned about google knowing what you're looking at 24/7 because of the camera on the device, I'd be happy to sell you a small piece of electrical tape "digital privacy filtration screen 2.0" for the low-low price of $10.

*edit* -- I don't want one of these things myself, but I'm not vehemently opposed to their existence. With some sort of firmware update that puts a configurable open-source "OS" on them that allows you to control exactly what comes in and what goes out, might be more interesting. But in the meantime, it isn't privacy concerns (or even worrying about looking like a dork -- totally lost cause there) that make Glass a non-sale to me. It's simply that I don't think I'd get much positive use out of them, particularly compared to cost.

*further edit* That was a fun rant you linked to @dag. I think he needs to relax a little. Or maybe just get out ... less? When you see pretentious douchebags everywhere, maybe the solution is staying home?

Glass How-to: Getting Started

probie says...

Personally, I don't like where this is going. It's bad enough Google and similar companies are making millions off tracking your surfing habits; just wait till these become popular. How long did he/she look at that cereal box or car or whatever? And at what part of it? Better get that info off to marketing to increase the font size and change the color. Meanwhile, let's bombard the user with up-to-date advertisements in real time.

Not to mention invasion of privacy (outward facing camera), increasing our already short attention spans and isolation from one another, draconian EULA's -- don't resell 'em, don't lend 'em out, otherwise our data gathering will be shit. What's next? Don't take them off?

Yes, I can see the thousands of beneficial uses these could provide too. Don't mean to go all Kaczynski/Orwell here but it seems an awful lot of trade just to be able to watch cat videos instantly.

Obama tells country to "Serve Satan"

frailty-the birth of gods hands killer-2001

probie says...

Great flick. There's so few horror films that incorporate the American heartland; "American Gothic" if you will. Fargo wasn't necessarily a horror film, but it had its share of sinister moments. And while a little more supernatural, Pumpkinhead had that same American horror mythos.

What Is Your Favourite Video Game Music? (Videogames Talk Post)

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