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A Video to Make You Cry: A UAV FPV of NYC not IAW FAA, etc.

Store Riots for Crap No One Really Needs

pavel_one says...

>> ^Deadrisenmortal:

Is this what capitalism gets you?
The consumer reality...
Real wages have been frozen since the 70s, consumer debt and home foreclosures are at an all time high, and more than 10% of the population is unemployed.
The corporate reality...
Profits have never been higher, more money is spent on advertising than is donated to charities, executive bonuses are in the billions annually.
All of this is clearly evident and still people are more worried about getting $20 off an XBox than they are about the wellbeing of the people around them. We are being sold a lie, materialism is not what benefits the general population, community is what we are missing these days.

You go Chairman Karl Ilyich Stalin! See how far that gets ya.

Alan Grayson - What Republicans Can Do With Their Taxcuts

pavel_one says...

* You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
* You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
* You cannot help little men by tearing down big men.
* You cannot lift the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer.
* You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
* You cannot establish sound security on borrowed money.
* You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
* You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than you earn.
* You cannot build character and courage by destroying men's initiative and independence.
* You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they can and should do for themselves.

I love it when tax cuts COST the American people important stuff like Twinkies.
Dis-Grayson? Good riddance to mad rubbish!

Downvote for the sake of downvoting? I'm sure you will.

RT News - Aliens Avert US Attack on Iran

Rachel Maddows about the un-debunkable lies on Fox

pavel_one says...

This "woman" is the epitome of a media "clown". The only difference between her and Glen Beck it that MILLIONS more people watch and listen to Beck. and he's funny.

Lewis Black "It's Stupid PROP 19 Didn't Pass!

pavel_one says...

Lewis Black is so much smarter than the majority of Californians, those who voted anti. He should be the primary policy maker for the state. The hell with democracy. And republicanism? Fageddaboutit.

Christine O'Donnell is Unaware of the 1st Amendment

pavel_one says...

"Government shall make no establishment of religion." - Chris Coons

Wow! That actually ISN'T in the 1st Amendment. The "bearded Marxist" is wrong, and the "witch" is correct.
I know some would like it to be so, but congress is not the government, and "establishment" does in no way imply a separation. A "separation" of "church" and state would prohibit Muslim lawmakers breaking for prayer 5 times a day and so possibly missing a potentially crucial vote. The "free exercise" words specifically allow for this. Would help for folks on both sides to educate themselves before expressing an uninformed opinion.

White House White Board: Tax Cuts

Southern Belle deepthroats two bananas at once... yeah

Skater Saved By Backpack

peggedbea (Member Profile)

pavel_one says...

Aren't all 3D movies actually 4D? I just don't see how you can leave that 4th D out.
Are you really saying that it's a 3D movie with smell-o-vision? The awesome of shale gas in a 3D movie with stench is mind-boggling.

In reply to this comment by peggedbea:
yeah yeah ok... sure
but the oil and natural gas barons who fund this tea bagging nonsense publicly acknowledge science and the fossil origins of fossil fuels.

example: i live in on top of a previously impossible to tap natural gas shale. they just discovered how to tap the shit out of that gas. the shale is a huge deal here and has brought a lot development and growth to my adorable little cowtown in the last 3 years or so. so much so in fact, that the natural gas companies funded massive renovations to our science museum. so a room in the museum is now dedicated to the science of natural gas. one of the attractions is a 10 minute long 4D movie about how natural gas got underneath fort worth, and how these genius's are getting it out. the movie takes you back in time all the way to the big bang and fast forwards to different periods, clearly acknowledging that the earth is far far far far older than 6,000 years and that god didn't necessarily have anything to do with it.

soooo, i understand that shaping and funding a movement that denies climate change is good for them, but a wonderful justification for denying the science is the godly origins of the earth... but at the same time they're spending thousands to educate an entire city on the ancientness and godlessness of fossil fuels.....

so nothing about this fits. i've never met a teabagger (and i'm probably more inclined to meet more teabaggers than most of the sift because of my geography) that 1. didn't deny the scientific origins of the universe 2. didn't deny climate change and when hard pressed with facts, didn't resort to "jesus is coming back" and 3. didn't looooooove the shit out of some fossil fuels ...... are they really really just too stupid to notice that the circle doesn't close? this makes me sad.

or is it just a cultural thing?? like, texas has been an oil rich state for over a century now. oil is just kind of embedded in our culture and is just accepted as something positive and a point of pride. and the discussion doesn't go much further than that. i grew up in a city who's football mascot was a fucking oil rig. when i think of symbols that mean texas to me, i see an oil rig. oil=texas. texas=home. home=good. done. thought circle complete. i hope that's it. and it's not just outrageous stupidity and a short few years of brain washing alone. i'm sad.

>> ^RFlagg:

Because Jesus is coming again soon to rapture them away so they don't care what they do to the earth, besides god gave them dominion over the Earth to rape and pillage it as they please. They don't believe in anthropological global warming anyhow since they don't believe in science, though some of them believe in peak oil which is why they think we need to drill "our own oil" by international companies selling it on the international market... Also he put the oil in the earth already made along with fossils, and accelerated light so that a galaxy 12 billion light years away can be seen now even though the universe is only 6,500 years old, and all that other prof that he had nothing to do with the creation of the universe. It is that whole god chose the foolish things to confound the wise... and he hid things from the wise and learned and revealed them to children... and all the other excuses they have for explaining such things.
>> ^peggedbea:
i'm super fascinated with how evolution denying teabaggers justify their raging boner for fossil fuels.

3 Clear Things Everyone Should Know About Islam

pavel_one says...

Not 100% fact? Please enlighten me on the untruths in this video oration? Don't forget you sources, and Wikipedia does not count because taqiyya means deception of all kinds for the purpose of promoting Islam and saving one's own butt.

World Affairs: Ya Don't wanna be a single mother in Japan

pavel_one says...

Japan has never been the socialist, welfare-state that Europe, the US, and much of the industrialized world seem to fancy. qq. Consider the source. The US and her allies are ALWAYS perpetrating evil on Al-Jazeera.

Tee Virus offensive adverts (Sift Talk Post)

Ex-girlfriend hits Starcraft fan where it hurts

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