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The morning CRUSH at Toronto's busiest subway station

osama1234 says...

I always wondered how people miss noticing the phenomenon the Subway Supervisor is describing. You get on the train quicker and if you're a human-phobe, you can stay the heck away from everyone.

Also, yay, toronto represent. That is all.

Existence: the world we have created for ourselves

osama1234 says...

I do like this video, but could someone with photography knowledge explain/verify to me that the kind of timelapse he's done is in many scenes impossible to see with the naked eye, or even a time-lapse consisting of (not two images meshed together) long exposure photos, without mixing together multiple pictures, and possibly pictures from different times (day vs night). (I find it impossible to imagine how he shot stars in daytime in between clouds (1:50), or the scene where the stars are visible in broad daylight while the mountain is also visible in daylight).

Kramer tries to cancel his mail

osama1234 says...

>> ^blankfist:

To stay in business they have to maintain a monopoly on first class mail. Even then, they're on the verge of bankruptcy.
FedEx is doing very well.

>> ^quantumushroom:

Government can't efficiently deliver a letter but you want it to perform your "free" brain surgery.

Except FedEx gets to pick and choose what they want to do. For example if you're in a rural area, you'll have more issues with companies like FedEx in their service and price. Whereas USPS always delivers. Next time, see the cost of delivery of a simple letter to middle of nowhere, USA (by FedEx compared to the few cents from USPS).

"Look How Dangerous These School Teachers & Nurses Are!"

osama1234 says...

Holy *hit! The mainstream media in the US has actually presented an actual left wing perspective. I'm not kidding, this honestly is the first time I've seen this.


osama1234 says...

Besides the 'muslim' points, I actually understand where they're coming from. Fundamentally, we have to admit Obama is a weak person. I could get into it ranging from his poker buddies who say he can't show strength (folding most of the time) to his weakness during the healthcare debate (about the public option).

Americans at a core like strong presidents, even if they disagree with them, they'll shut up and let the 'commander in chief' do his thing. Bush was a great example, he was strong and people followed him. I think these caucus voters hit the nail on the head when they say there's no policy or direction (no one seems to be in charge, there's no clear vision about supporting the democratic aspirations of egyptians vs mubarak, they disowned the special envoy's comments). And that's because fundamentally there is no policy (there are empty words, however) and the actual policy is to try to please the (washington) establishment. Even though the comments about Chamberlain are obviously being said for other reasons (OMG, he's hitler, etc.), they are in a sense correct about his unwillingness to have a conflict, even if it just a verbal conflict, in order to stand up for progressive values.

Kevin O'Leary schooled regarding Canada metered internet

osama1234 says...

I very much dislike Kevin O'Leary. He's the voice for american style right wing BS about how the government is terrible.

I'm not sure what his qualifications to be talking about economics are besides getting lucky in the life-lottery and being a successful businessman.

Joe Rogan: The American War Machine

osama1234 says...

>> ^Taint:

I can't say I'm in love with the building seven bit at the end though.

Agreed. There's definitely something fishy about everything surrounding 9/11, but its too difficult to make assertive statements like it was brought down. Yes the way it come down is strange, but there's so much more fundamentally wrong things done by the powerful in america, that what caused the tower to come down isn't event relevant.

Joe Rogan: The American War Machine

osama1234 says...

Wow. Joe Rogan just went up in my books.

Until this video, I assumed him to be one of those people that question things for the sake of being a rebel, because in their mind being different is cool, and just wanted to stroke their ego... 'I'm so different because I don't accept the legitimacy of authority'. However, this video makes me realizes he's someone who actually gains an understanding of things from questioning thing, and is not just questioning to be a (mainstream) rebel, to make stroke his ego that he's so unique. Not to mention, he articulates it well that its (only) a select powerful few doing horrible things for a profit, and it so happens they control the American government through various means, and psychologically have fooled all of america.

Technology Used to Sell Kids Crap

osama1234 says...

What bothers me more than the advertising to children is the fact that now the current biodegradable cardboard box will be replaced with a box that contains electronics equipment that will end up in the landfill. You have to have a basic coil of wire, some voltage converters, wires, resistors, and LED or other illuminating device.

Apple's Steve Wozniak: 'We've lost a lot of control'.

osama1234 says...

Personally, I find it amusing that the next generation of Steve Wozniaks are much harder to create given the crippling level of (some form or another of) proprietary/IP/DRM/hardware locks implemented by companies like Apple.

Yogi Bear: "Booboo Kills Yogi" alternate ending

Napolitano Suggests Porno-Scanners For Ships, Trains & Buses

First-ever $1bn home

osama1234 says...

>> ^Ryjkyj:

This in a country where people literally gash themselves open to sit on the street and beg for enough money to buy a slice of bread.

Unfortunately, this isn't about india. Unless there are some serious checks and balances, capitalism anywhere in the world leads to this. I live in Vancouver, supposedly the best city in the world. Come visit the downtown east side. Then walk few minutes west.

Kid Flips Dad's BMW into Telephone Pole

One Man Show In Apple Store

osama1234 says...

I find it amusing how strange 'differently thinking' people react when they actually see someone think different. None of them joined in, or high-fived, and were only seemingly snickering/getting enjoyment by laughing at him vs with him.

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