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Westboro Baptist Church confronted during Obama Inauguration

Ray Kurzweil - The Singularity: A Hard or Soft Takeoff?

nickreal03 says...

I think he is close to been dead on. He may be a decade or so off because of the high resolution exponent graphs are non-smooth. But besides that he is correct.

Whether there is a technology out there that could be promising for uploading our minds. I think there are a bunch of them but not in the form of uploading anything yet. But the seeds are there.

Whether there will be a machine that will be smarter than humans. God I hope so because lets face it we suck. I must rather have as a president a machine which its hold mission is to make sure that the country prosper than a human with god knows how many golds he/she has.

Peak Oil in T-11 Years: Straight from the horse's mouth

What Are 13% of Americans Afraid of?

nickreal03 says...

yea been nationalistic is like saying that you belong to a football team. Just because you cheer doesn't mean you won or lost the match. You are an spectator just like the rest of us so get over it.

Prop 8: Did The Mormon Church Go Too Far?

nickreal03 says...

Yes religion showing its true colors ones again. I thought that laying was part of the 10 KEY laws of God. I guess we are back to do as I say not as I do.

Religion is the Devil! They only want ignorant followers and power.

CNN Confirms Israel Use Of White Phosphorus

Kucinich Ready To Go After The Federal Reserve!

Israel PM Ehud Olmert brags about influencing US vote

Another UN School Bombing in Gaza

nickreal03 says...

I say is time to give the Israel hell. Stop buying anything from those ass holes and start writing to your congress man to stop aid for them.

Some times I wise the UN was more than just bs. I wish they had a real army that could create sections for idiots like that. Lets see how they would like it.

Why do people laugh at creationists? (part 27)

Israeli spokesman gets shut up by CH4 News!

nickreal03 says...

finally someone with balls. I think Israel is really showing it true colors. The sad thing is that they want the blow back from this. The only way that they can excuse their occupation and abuse of Palestine.

Hamas in their own Voices

nickreal03 says...

clear propaganda. They could make exactly the same video about USA or Israel or anyone else. Design in a Very shallow way for morons and the masses.

We all know that both sides are in the wrong. If I had to accuse one side over the other it would have to be Israel as they are the ones who took over Palestine.

For today they should all be working for peace stead of killing each other. Both of them are idiots but Israel are just acting like real ass holes. If Palestine would have done the same thing that Israel is doing we will be talking about a nuclear war by now.

About the religions aspect of this... I think is secondary and a completely different issue. I would say death to all religions and their non-sense. It is only good for excusing oneself of destroying others.

Christian vs. Atheist - Evolution

Israel bombs third UN school - 43 dead

nickreal03 says...

The problem is that Hamas is a terrorist organization and Israel is a terrorist nation. So between the two the people who paid is the Palestinian people which are the weakness. You want to stop this? Then USA need to keep Israel accountable for the things that are doing and Hamas needs to transform itself into just a political organization. Until then people will die is as simple as that.

Xtreme Faith

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