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More WTF virals--scary orange drink from Macs

myn says...

There's a macs three blocks from my house and I've never seen any of these commercials. /shrug

All of the Froster (their incarnation of the Slurpee) cups they have now have acronyms like wtf (wheres the froster) and stfu (suck that froster up).

They've got the best selection of flavors right now.

Pit Bull Myths

myn says...

Spaniels can turn into some seriously vicious beasts if you don't keep up with their socialization.

With bulls, when it comes down to it the base opinion you get from people with negative views on the dogs is that their anatomy (jaws) are better suited for mangling you good. Basically stating that they would rather get attacked by a spaniel than a bull. This never sat well with me because you can use that same critera, slightly modified, to wipe out breeds by the score. If we're not carefull all we'll be left with are little yappy shit dogs and Beagles. (though once the first dog bone shortage hits the market we might have to do away with even the beagles)

Also, most of the people I've seen in various discussions online about these dogs - such a hot topic as of late unfortunately, which is funny because it was rotties that had this kind of press when I was a kid - the people that are against their breeding typically are not dog owners. I'm not saying that of everyone with this opinion, but it usually appears true for the loudest and most repetitive.

Pep Talk for Americans

myn says...

Amusingly, as a girl who when you combine her parents ancestry is 27'th Generation American this video is making me proud that I'm only one year away from being able to apply for Canadian Citizenship.

I don't think I could ever move back.

Cheater caught on radio

myn says...

Saying everything is perfect then going off and screwing the dry cleaning lady is not the behavior of a man mature enough to handle long term relationships. Then again she didn't sound too mature either.

Mr. Tree - This gets a 10 on the weird-O-meter

myn says...

Their slurpees (or as macs calls them, Frosters) cups now have phrases like "STFU"(suck that froster up) and other acronyms printed on them.

"I kick ass for the Lord!" - from Braindead (Dead Alive)

myn says...

In North America it has been titled "Dead Alive", or it least it had been when I bought the movie about ten years ago. It's my second favorite bit from any Peter Jackson movie. The first being the Sodomy Song from Meet the Feebles (look it up on youtube) and the "I likes 'em when they lay still like that" bit from frighteners.

Very Hungry Kitten (You will suffer a massive cute attack)

Hardcore 3 year old

Was Bush Lying - regarding when he knew about 9/11 attack?

Al Gore Live Earth Hologram

The guy that said "Go fuck yourself, Mr. Cheney!!"

myn says...

Tee-hee like a little mouse? Frankly some of the same thoughts crossed through my mind save that I remembered that this is a human we're looking at who is more than likely dealing with quite a few stressfull emotions. To expect him to be able to be a political revolutionary on the spot in a situation like that is showing a deep misunderstanding of what people are. "Not impressed"? This guy isn't a presidential nominee, he's a regular guy.

And this is where the discourse is being started.

Jack White totally getting into it. Let's build a home

myn says...

They came out to Edmonton last week, they're also the first band I've heard of (and I'm betting ever) to do a tour that hits all of the Canadian Provinces and Territories. While traveling to Edmonton from their last location they called the Downtown Main Library to see if they could get the space to put on a free concert from inside the building, but they just couldn't make it work. So they just held it at a local youth centre.

I didn't like them when they first broke onto the scene a few years ago, but their sincerity in their performances has won me over. Very cool people, though not the only hope out there for rock right now. . . . Yes the bulk of the good stuff on the radio usually gets pushed aside for what the teenagers are spamming their phone lines for. Luckily we now have mobile media devices. Invade your local scene people.

cops have a sense of humor too.

Young Japanese girl with some amazing popping

cops have a sense of humor too.

myn says...

Just for laughs is standup, Just for Gags is the hidden camera series shown above. Same lil green monster mascot running through both shows. I believe both are from Quebec.

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