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TED: How to tie your shoe laces the right way

mizila says...

>> ^blutruth:

After watching this video I realized...I've been tying my shoes correctly my whole life.

I was actually taught to tie my shoes by my grandfather, who was left handed. As a lifetime righty, it's about the only thing my left hand is good for. Apparently, one of the advantages of tying your shoes left handed, is you form the same (better) version of the knot by the traditional "over" method. Score another one for grampa.

Zero Punctuation: Mortal Kombat

Space Shuttle Endeavors Final Launch From an Airplane Window

New Rubik's Cube Speed Record

The Final Boss of the Internet

mizila says...

Great... I'm the nerdiest one here...

She's supposed to be Ty Lee, fire nation gymnast and one of Azula's best friends from Avatar: The Last Airbender. And no, not the skinny blue Avatar, not the Shamalamalan abortion that was The Last Airbender, the cartoon which actually kicks ass.

OUCH!! Secure your stage props correctly

geo321 (Member Profile)

The Monster vs. Keebler Elves: Robot Chicken

The real cost of faith - Matt crushes poor caller.

mizila says...

As an atheist named Matt who's birthday is 2/13 and has had half of his fiancée's family consider him 'the devil' because of his (lack of) beliefs... this kinda hits home.

Contact juggling - Looks more like magic than juggling

QI - How to reduce your ecological footprint

Name Something That Gets Passed Around? - Family Feud

Reading the Bible Will Make You an Atheist

mizila says...

>> ^lantern53:

My God is pretty awesome, which totally makes sense to me. I don't believe He was ever jealous. Anyway, not believing in God, I think, would be very depressing. To think there is no spirit world goes beyond what is totally other words, a spirit world makes far more sense to me than a physical world.

Not sure if I'm feeding a troll here but...

The idea that to not believe in some type of god or gods is depressing is just false. In fact, I think atheists tend to appreciate life more and just plain be happier.

Atheists don't live life thinking it's just some phase we have to suffer through until we can all get to PERFECTVILLE (aka: heaven). An atheist is perfectly happy knowing life is an amazing result of the wondrous blend of particles and physics that makes up what we see, know, and experience and that we are just lucky to be conscious enough to appreciate it. Where a religious person might see life as a series of rewards and punishments, an atheist will just accept that things happen and its only the individual who makes them "good" or "bad."

Finally, there are definitely things beyond what we understand, but just labeling the unknown the "spirit world" and explaining the unexplained by saying, "GOD DID IT" sure doesn't make me feel more comfortable. I mean, you end your post with stating that the spirit world makes MORE sense than what you can see, hear, feel, touch, and taste around you??? How depressing is that?

Ricky Gervais on Noah

Crazy Christian Lady At a Coffee Shop

mizila says...

>> ^Stormsinger:

She's sick. He's an asshole. I know which of the two I feel for...

Let me guess - you feel for the asshole. I know I always feel for the asshole. I'm feeling for the asshole right now.

"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."
-Mohandas Gandhi

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