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BBC News Report - FAIL

mizila says...

This is like every night on the nightly news here on our local Fox affiliate (Phoenix, Fox 10). You would think it's being aired on public access or in a high school media class.

Pastor Outs Gay Teens in Church-Watch Quick before Copyright

mizila says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

I would listen to the Homosexual Devil, but only for fashion advice.

You wouldn't be into it, it's pretty much all leather and vinyl bondage gear. Stuff like horse masks and matching butt-plug tails. You know, the real kinky stuff. That and glitter everywhere, but all the glitter is really tiny shards of glass. Actually that might be exactly what you're into, what do I know?

Blonde solution for global warming

mizila says...

>> ^Psychologic:

Air conditioners have the net effect of creating heat. Put one in an enclosed room and it will get hotter in there even though one side of the AC puts out cooler air.
Even if the extra heat could be dealt with in a way that didn't warm the surrounding environment, there's still significant power consumption involved. Currently the power would come from sources that contribute to climate change.
Some of those issues could be addressed, but it would be extremely expensive for a negligible impact and have side effects of its own.

These are some good points. Also there's the acres and acres of air conditioners everywhere. Are we seriously debating the finer points of her laughably bad idea? It's a bad idea because SCIENCE.

FPS Russia - Russian Sniper

Voyager Finds Magnetic Bubbles at Solar System's Edge

mizila says...

>> ^honkeytonk73:

The ability to send a robotic spaceship to collect scientific data billions of miles from Earth is insignificant, next to the magical powers of Jesus. Water to wine... see if Nasa can do that!

What do you mean, "see if Nasa can do that!" ?? First you have to show me Jesus doing that.

Mind Your Step: fantastic street-art illusion

The Problem with Jeggings

Stephen Fry - Open To Question

Lowest Flyby EVER

Movie Theater turns angry voicemail into win.

mizila says...

On one hand, 1000 miles seems like a long drive to watch a movie, but then I only watch a couple movies a year... then again if assholes didn't ruin every movie I go to I might go to more movies...

That's it, I'm stealing their idea and opening one in Phoenix.

The Denver International Airport, it's Full of Dicks

mizila says...

Dude, seriously? He talks about the blue horse, and how phallic some of the shapes in the mane and legs are... but doesn't mention that it has a huge anatomically correct horse cock on it? Or how about the matching anatomically correct horse butt-hole? Or the fact that its eyes glow red, I mean how evil is that? Although, the thing about it killing its creator is true.

Hot Wheel World Record Jump

mizila says...

>> ^dag:

I don't understand how the brakes can have any effect on the pitch while he's in the air.
>> ^eric3579:
Tanner Foust training for the world record jump.

It is momentum and the gyroscopic effect. Throttle brings the nose up, brakes bring the nose down. True story.

World's Fastest Turtle?

O.M.G - Jenna Rose


mizila says...

This video has been up for four years and no one was going to say anything about the description? One womens? This is wrong in so many ways. First of all, women is plural, so you can't have ONE women. Second of all, there should be an apostrophe before the "s" to make it possessive, especially since women is already plural, which is the reason "womens" isn't even a word in the English language.

Oh, and uh, yeah... rape is bad, Carlin is awesome.

[edit] Fixed now. Score another one for grammar nazis. No hard feelings. =)

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