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Zero Punctuation - Fallout 4

mentality says...

Completely agree with Yahtzee. Never liked Bethesda RPGs and have no idea why they're so popular. Witcher 3, now that's a great game.

Warcraft Trailer

mentality says...

No. You know nothing about the movie. Give the man a chance before shitting all over his work before it's even out. It's disrespectful and condescending, especially since during interviews Duncan seems genuinely enthusiastic and happy about this movie.

Once the movie comes out and it's proven to be bad, then criticize away, say it's a waste of Duncan's talents, moan about how low he has sunk, whatever is deserved. I may even join you. But until then, by saying such shit, you're just acting like a cynical hater over the internet.

ChaosEngine said:

@mentality, is it ok now if I say this looks like a waste of Duncan Jones talents, or do I actually need to sit through this second rate hobbit/games workshop ripoff?

Warcraft - Trailer Tease

mentality says...

Acknowledging that you may be wrong does not mean you were not being incredibly condescending.

Will this be the next Citizen Kane? No. And no one is asking it to be. It has the potential to be a well crafted summer blockbuster. And no, a big budget blockbuster is not inherently inferior to a small indie movie like Moon. Duncan Jones did not base himself to make a movie for the masses. It's that kind of elitist attitude that is condescending.

And no, you cannot comment on the quality of the movie based on a 15 second teaser, so far before release. All it shows is that Duncan Jones respects the source material, at least visually.

And as for Warcraft not being known for its story? Well, they made a good movie out of a Disney theme park ride, so anything can happen.

ChaosEngine said:

Did you read the rest of my comment?

I acknowledged that I could very well be wrong. But this shows me nothing that makes me want to see it, and frankly it looks like a fairly boring retread of the last hobbit movie.

Warcraft - Trailer Tease

First Ever Photograph of Light as Both a Particle and Wave

mentality says...

Uh, Einstein won the Nobel Prize in physics in 1921 for discovering the photoelectic effect, and was not the first to propose the idea of wave-particle duality nature of light...

How does China's military spending compare with others?

mentality says...

The crazy thing is that the US military budget doesn't even include the cost of the war in Iraq, which is an additional 2 - 6 trillion dollars....

Conservative Christian mom attempts to disprove evolution

mentality says...

If you consider the evidence of abiogenesis to be weak and circumstantial, then you must realize that the proof for god is completely non-existent in comparison.

shinyblurry said:

Hi Fihh,

I don't know anything about this woman or her youtube channel, but I think her essential point is that these things are printed in textbooks as absolute fact without any proof beyond weak, circumstantial evidence. As a former evolutionist and true believer in the secular creation story, I was absolutely floored to find out the evidence isn't there for how life began (or how it supposedly evolved into what it is today).

Overwatch Gameplay Trailer

mentality says...

2 out of the 12 characters can create turrets... And it's not like TF2 invented the turret... Plus, I don't see any giant melee units with shields in TF2, so at least that's something new for the genre.

Maybe give the game a chance before letting your Valve bias shit all over everything?

Payback said:

Half the characters can create turrets, and one of them IS a turret.

This isn't a TF2 competitor, it's a childish copy.

South Park Accurately Sums up Freemium Games

mentality says...

They talk about that later on in the episode, when Terrance and Phillip see through the charade for a second time. That segment is not included in this clip. The whole episode is worth watching.

Magicpants said:

Anyway I've worked for several free to pay companies, and while South Park almost gets it right, they've missed an important aspect. It's all about landing whales, the vast majority of people do not, and never will pay for a game, I think the percentage of players who pay is something like 0.3% So it's all about making the whales feel important, they are essentially paying the developers for the admiration of other players.

Avengers 2: Age of Ultron - Official Teaser Trailer

mentality says...

Maybe the trailer is designed to attract the kind of audience who likes Transformers movies? They do make a lot of money, despite how shitty they are.

Anyways, Avengers 2 should be much better with Whedon at the helm.

EMPIRE said:

Don't get me wrong. I'm a huge fan of the first movie, but there's something about the tone of this trailer that looks off. Yes, the puppet analogy is cool and James Spader's voice is pretty good as well. But I don't know...

Anyway, I hope the movie itself is good! I still want to see it.

Now THIS is a protest... (no sound)

mentality says...

Uh, that is NOT what's happening. Under British rule, the governors of HK were British appointed and there was NO democracy. China is NOT taking away the right for people to choose their elected official because HK people never had that option.

The issue that's pissing off everyone is the electoral reform for the 2017 elections. 2017 is the first time in HK history where the chief executive will be elected by universal suffrage, but now they are saying electoral candidates need to be pre-approved by an nomination committee, which many fear will be heavily pro Beijing biased.

dannym3141 said:

Sadly HK is a totally different deal altogether. When Britain returned it to China, people there were used to a certain way of life and they were given a pretty unique status as being semi-separate to China but still part of it. They're currently trying to take away the right for people in HK to choose their elected official (or perhaps refine the choice to China-favourables).

The people there are very sensitive to getting trampled on. They're so different and separate in many ways to mainland China... i don't see how the Chinese can force their mainland rule onto HK without a complete uprising on their hands. Imagine taking the vote away in a western country.

Now THIS is a protest... (no sound)

mentality says...

Yeah, not going to happen. Most mainland Chinese, even those who are studying in HK, have very different political outlook:

Also, the scale of this protests is not unique, even for HK standards. Annual protests routinely drawing hundreds of thousands of people.

SevenFingers said:

I hope that can spread across all of China. But that's a big hope.

Evolution's shortcoming is Intelligent Design's Downfall

mentality says...

What you posted does nothing to refute the crapiness of the design. Why the recurrent laryngeal nerve give off branches to the cardiac plexus is very simple: The RL nerve is a branch of the Vagus nerve, which is THE source of parasympathetic innervation to the heart. The fact that some fibers may branch off of the Vagus early with the RL nerve and then rejoin the cardiac plexus further along is hardly uprising. That does NOT explain why the nerve fibers that innervates the larynx have to make an unnecessary loop downwards around the aorta.

If there WAS an intelligent designer, he could have easily made those nerve fibers innervating the the larynx split off the Vagus higher up, where the Vagus nerve PASSES BY RIGHT NEXT TO THE LARYNX.

Trying to refute this video by quoting Gray's Anatomy is either a sad misunderstanding of basic scientific concepts or just willful ignorance. Almost as bad as Kirk Cameron and the banana.

leebowman said:

They apparently didn't know that that nerve innervates the heart and other chest organs. From Gray's Anatomy:

"As the RL nerve curves around the subclavian artery or the arch of aorta, it gives several cardiac filaments to the deep part of the cardiac plexus. As it ascends in the neck it gives off branches, more numerous on the left than on the right side, to the mucous membrane and muscular coat of the oesophagus; branches to the mucous membrane and muscular fibers of the trachea and some filaments to the inferior constrictor."

And as the lady is separating the nerve from the chest area, she is actually cutting those nerve innervations. Oh, and one more thing. The long nerve does NOTHING to weaken the neck, or the animal itself, as is seen in the following video.
[url redacted]

Israel bombs U.N. school shelter, murdering children

mentality says...

I'd pay to see your face if you started lofting rockets in your neighbor's direction and he came over to your house and murdered your children, lol

Oh, and you are mistaken. No one said we don't care about Hamas spending money on rockets. We just care about dozens of dead children more.

lantern53 said:

Also, the US sends Gaza millions in dollars and they spend quite a bit of it on rockets to kill Jews.

Y'all don't care much about that shit though.

I'd pay to see your face if your neighbor started lofting rockets in your direction, lol

Israel bombs U.N. school shelter, murdering children

mentality says...

The difference is that Palestinians stopped that practice 9 years ago, while the Israelis are still doing it.

Oh, and the number of children killed by the Israelis is much higher.

I hope inquiring minds can appreciate how big of a difference that makes.

lantern53 said:

What's the difference between Israel killing children and Palestinians strapping dynamite to their kids?

Enquiring minds want to know.

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