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How fast can a Corvette pass you?

luxury_pie says...

I would say this is merely an illusion because he is switching lanes.
I imagine there would be a distinct increase in engine sounds if he decided to hit the throttle after the corvette passed, so that he can accelerate 30-50 km/h in 3-5 seconds while already going 100-120.

Let's say this corvette was frickin fast.

Khufu said:

Well the guy filming this is not going 150km/h when he gets passed... more like 100-120. he guns it as he passes, look how much faster he's passing the lane indicator lines at the beginning vs the end.

How fast can a Corvette pass you?

eric3579 (Member Profile)

Russian Meteor Impact Crater

How to Freak Someone Out Big Time

luxury_pie says...

I'd say this is completely faked.
No airport in the world would allow broadcasting false reports allowing the possibility for some kind of panic.

eric3579 (Member Profile)

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Dr_Q (Member Profile)

Reactions and some Ingame-Footage of the Occulus Rift

luxury_pie says...

Hey dude, what do you mean by: "Then he says that they integrate over those samples to get an accurate measure"

Could you elaborate?

bmacs27 said:

Honestly, I'm pessimistic. I work with Virtual Reality for a living and I find head mount displays (even premiere research quality head mounts with top notch head/body tracking) to be a shitty experience. I'd rather nvidia glasses done well. My main complaint is with the very short optical distance between your eyes and the display.

Even with the latency thing, he kind of sets up and breaks down his own argument. He says, 2ms samples, so latency should be great! Then he says that they integrate over those samples to get an accurate measure... well... there goes your low latency.

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