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Jon Stewart on How Removed From Reality Fox Is About Poor

watch uranium emit radiation

kceaton1 says...

Uranium 238 should be pretty safe to touch and carry, in small amounts (I don't know at what size it becomes truly dangerous to the site exposed, especially if left there for any long length of time; I'd guess anything below one pound should be perfectly fine, but for all I know it could be 30 pounds).

You just cannot do this: do not swallow or inhale any of it. Also, if it has very sharp and jagged edges and it cuts you--then a tiny piece gets into your body (then the bloodstream), same problem.

But, at least this version of Uranium isn't too hazardous, but you certainly could poison someone with it. The heavier Isotopes created from Uranium are much more dangerous (I'm sure many are aware of this); like Plutonium (made in the natural environment if nuclear reactions are going on nearby, like a Star).

We created quite a bit of Plutonium back in the day using Uranium (more specifically we used Uranium and Deuterons; Deuterons are gathered from Deuterium, which is "Heavy Hydrogen"; the Deuteron is the nucleus of a Deuterium atom).

Payback said:

Is it safe to handle with bare hands like that?

How to Say Hello to a Woman

kceaton1 says...

My father has Asperger's, though he did get caught very late in life, which had it's own issues. He realized that many of the things we had told him (for quite some time) were indeed very true; and what he once thought was "his truth" was really just a fabrication.

This in turn could make him irritated and possibly angered if you told him something he was doing wrong or how he could change (it takes a "third party" to really change things sometimes). He also could be quite cruel in comments and actions during "family talks". Or just how he approached us and acted towards us when he couldn't figure out the source of his issue(s); like having a doctor visit the next day and not realizing he was going through massive panic attacks, for the simple fact that it was a social meeting. But, since then, with a few years gone by, he has changed a lot. He's now much more calm and much nicer, a literal 180...

This guy I doubt has Asperger's, mostly due to the way he sarcastically remarks over all of his social cues and techniques--the whole video. If an Asperger's could do this, I'm not sure you would even bother calling them Asperger's. Anyway, if you still have doubts, click one the YouTube link, and watch some of his other comic videos; it seems to me like he was playing a *role*--to some degree--in this video, as he seems very different in other videos (and if watched more and more of them, perhaps I'll find one where he acts like a new Persona in that as well).

Oh and this too:

(minor edit-2nd paragraph)

newtboy said:

Dude seems like he might have Asperger's syndrome to some degree. Not understanding the proper social dance steps is one of the symptoms.

watch uranium emit radiation

kceaton1 says...

Yeah watching it long enough, especially due to the lingering affect of the "smoke" left behind, you can tell that little gem definitely has some very concrete numbers. Since it looks like a slowly revolving sphere of undulating waves (with the smoke). All thanks to the frequency of the radiation and what it emits.

If you look at the beginning you'll notice that the Uranium is clear and has a blue crystal look to it (though it is a metal). As the video slowly moves forward, it gets darker and darker, eventually it turns into Uranium Oxide. Or it looks like that to me, if so then they probably used water to create the reaction.

under the dome-chinese journalist documentary gone viral

kceaton1 says...


...again... This is a good documentary. I'll have to see if I can find a HD backup with the same English subtitles done (as the others typically just use Google's "hope it works" system; and of course it always fails spectacularly). Not only is China doing to themselves the same things we also did to ourselves at the beginning of the 20th century, they are doing it on a far bigger scale. They are also doing many idiotic things right now around the planet. Like: they want to build a nuclear reactor in Pakistan, near heavy terrorist issues, and also a region where earthquakes and floods hit a lot; second, they want to create a "secondary" Panama Canal, that goes through Nicaragua (part of the path goes through the America's largest fresh water lake, which is also very important), and of course there are others.

They've just got their hands dirty with the industrial revolution, but they are taking a lot of bad steps; some of which just seem like they're meant to one day cause us or other countries issues...

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Infrastructure (HBO)

kceaton1 says...

One big issue is that we are throwing our tax money away, thanks to all of our collective Legislative branches (which is what makes me laugh when anyone says that Obama is the biggest problem to this country; they apparently have yet to really look at all of the concerns that are listed due to each branch of the government). I can't believe how much new infrastructure has been built in my own area, BUT they are not doing anything about exceptionally old infrastructure issues (though I do believe Utah does a better job than other states; but just *barely* so).

But, it is also true that our taxes are "getting a break"; but an extended problem is that with all of this inflation we have not gotten raises to keep up with these changes. Plus various other issues (with costs for so many things getting out of control)...

This is an endemic issue, caused by many things. But there are multi-secondary issues that are contributing to this as well (like house costs, college cost--we are supposed to have a shortfall of 90,000 doctors in the future, I bet you can imagine what is causing that--and so many cost related issues); which is why the public is SO unwilling to pay a bit more for this.

Because our government misuses the money so badly already, we are so far in debt (oh but, that, is somehow all the President's fault; as though the President is the equivalent of the Christian God, but in a government sense...), and many other stupid issues akin to these.

Flow Hive - Honey directly on tap from your beehive

Evil Villain Laugh


kceaton1 says...

Yeah I think @newtboy got it, didn't he? I know it was a pretty elaborate setup they created to get out of there--in the movie. It was fun to watch, but too long ago for me to remember all the details perfectly.

Even MacGyver had some events that were pretty close; though I can't exactly remember if he ran into this situation (though he went through a padlock using something akin to this, if I remember right).

chicago police accused of running secret "black site"

Try to Watch This Without Laughing or Grinning (REACT)

kceaton1 says...

I like others said, lost it almost off the bat, thanks to two other factors: the fact that he mentions not to laugh or smile. Which for some reason makes you "do a practice run" when you hear it (really that is something that might make a good psychology test). Second as others mentioned is how others reacted to the video, ended up making me smile or chuckle.

Anyway, they win and I'd like to keep it that way, we'll see how long the Internet/Cthulhu will let things stay this way..


kceaton1 says...

I really can't figure out why our government is failing; can somebody that understands moronology explain to me the dynamics of this whole process...

I'd LOVE to know the actual percentage of people that fell for it.

Virgin Atlantic pilot shows off for the "ladies"

kceaton1 jokingly says...

"Hey Bob, look at the sides of my side-stick controls! I got L and R shoulder buttons installed on sides the stick! Here, now watch what happens if I hit the R button twice..."

Shortly after, Co-Pilot Bob crapped his pants. But, far worse, outside the cockpit...beyond the locked was a scene out of The Exorcist...

00Scud00 said:

And this is why airline pilots are banned from playing Star Fox while on the job.

Man shoveling snow falls down for NINE WHOLE SECONDS

THE THING (Complete Blood Test Scene)

kceaton1 says...

Hopefully the backup did the trick (first time I've messed with it, so don't blame me for utter failure ).

*notdead edit: (busted...oh well; someone else can call this dead, hopefully if they have the power to switch out the old embed with the backup; as I found out you need to be Ruby or higher to do it)

Well, I "thought" that "manually" fixed it; but, as I found out a bit later (and it took a bit of digging with the search engine) that you do indeed need a higher star level to manually fix the embed.

AHH! For those interested, you need to be Ruby or higher to fix an embed and replace it with a backup; off to find a helper...


BTW, You can pull this off so long as you can invoke backup and dead (so Silver, like me, I just did things in the wrong order and didn't on so forth). Post the backup, then declare it dead; then let the tin can work everything else out.

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