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Our Greatest Delusion As Humans - Veritasium

kceaton1 says...

I'll say one thing about "nothingness"... It's that it may not "exist" (like it's a tangible object, heh) or have ever existed, except as an idea within our minds.

The reason I say this, is that for now it looks like the closest we get to "nothingness" is a Universe (or even before the Universe came into being) there was/is something called the Quantum Foam. In fact this may have been the way the Universe was created (there is a great video on here that talks about this topic). If I find that video I'll link it here.

Rubik's Cube Magician Steven Brundage fools Penn & Teller...

kceaton1 says...

As for more ideas; I didn't hear if the Rubik's Cubes were random (as in P & T went and bought their own for this trick). If he brought his own Cubes, then things change again. Since after all he could be engineering Rubik's Cubes with some added perks.

It'd require some pretty good "quirky" engineering knowledge (and BTW, this is quite common with magicians)... But he may be able to make a Rubik's Cube that with a touch to a button, change in acceleration, heat & cold, etcetera, perform many simple yet crucial tricks to complete his act.

Anyway, it all depends on what his goal is for the Cube. He may NOT want a Cube that solves itself instantly with a press of the button (plus that may be a little too much over-engineered). But, you could have stickers that switch color via various means, like a switch based on temperature.

It all depends as well as what is available out there. There are a lot of very tricky things you could accomplish if you truly had the ability to get some of these items.

It's very hard to tell you what types of abilities this Cube could have; it's probably easier to tell you what features it wouldn't have based on the performance we saw (like I said, one that "solves itself" would more than likely be over-engineered)...

But, to me it's far more easier to see it via a extraordinary ability in sleight of hand and an extreme amount of experience with a Rubik's Cube (go look at Rubik Cube videos; there are a lot of people that do very neat things with Rubik's Cube...).

Rubik's Cube Magician Steven Brundage fools Penn & Teller...

kceaton1 says...

All I saw was someone that had a tremendous amount of experience with Rubik's Cubes and very, very, fast sleight of hand. Some of his switch moves are incredibly fast. The best one at showing this skill is the trick @ 1:51. Penn & Teller are easily noticing the amount of sleight of hand needed to pull it off, as they clap at every one of the tricks involving not only solving the cube but also using very fast sleight of hand as well.

Jon Stewarts Secret Meetings With Obama

kceaton1 says...

The only people who would possible care about this, at all, are the rabid, foaming at the mouth Republicans who really, really hate Obama and anything he does (including things they agree with). These are the people that when they walk into a room feel this need to let us all know some *fun fact* that obviously (if even true) makes the president out to be the source of at least all the evil on Earth. Then desperately throw out another *fun fact* to make it "look" like they don't rabidly hate Obama; and fail miserably.

Obviously these are the people that talk to their ONE group of friends and spend the rest of the day yelling at the TV screen with Fox News on it.

It's sad that I am NOT making this up.

Stunt Doesn't Go As Planned - Or Does it?

kceaton1 jokingly says...

Perhaps the driver has simply had so many hit & runs in his life, he can judge how badly they're hurt by how much trouble it was to run them fully over; or if they go over the hood/car then you merely take into account the "air time: involved...

/It looked like he was concerned with the burning stuff in his vehicle, since--I'm guessing--his vehicle might really catch on fire; which for some reason makes me want to laugh even harder over this whole, incredibly stupid, "daredevil stunt"...

RFlagg said:

The guy falls off the hood and gets ran over, and the driver doesn't even check on the guy. I can't tell what exactly he is doing, but he doesn't seem concerned over the fact he ran over the guy. Nor do we see any staff running to the rescue...

Brown Bear Has Heart Attack, Caught On Camera

kceaton1 says...

Yeah, the total "lockup" of the muscles (even after she hit that patch of rocks too), absolutely rigid, is pretty odd. It was almost akin to a grand mal or other types of seizure that cause the same thing. Maybe this was a life-long issue and they happened to see the very end. I'm guessing that quite possibly that outcropping of rocks was the real "killer" (hit in the head or spinal cord injury; we already know it was strong enough to break the jaw, perhaps it did more than just that).

The part that is a bit more odd is that the rigidity "appeared" to still be there when they got to her. I don't know if a seizure, plus something killing you, can lock you up like that. If not, then like others said it wasn't a very normal death, with something she ate as the most probable issue.

Just guessing though...

Key & Peele - TeachingCenter

kceaton1 jokingly says...

As it sounded, it is an obviously very noble profession. Plenty of "ballers" out there giving it their all, even when they're sixty years old and their joints are held together by the dreams and hopes of their children & grandchildren. Even the morals of a Football, Basketball, Golf, Baseball, Bowling, Tennis, and Soccer players is far different--and better--from those simpletons who get paid to have sex with their own students, with half if not more of the scandals getting swept under the rug...

Not like those teachers who get the easiest jobs in the world, getting paid huge sums of money doing something that's fun... Not too mention that every student that graduates from High School could do their job.... It's ridiculous. Especially these new High School aged teachers they're hiring (showing my point exactly!)...

What a mind frack. Also, does this mean that ALL sports are paid for and ran by the government somehow? Must have been the Nixon years--were he never got caught. Who knows?

/Somehow, this absolutely doesn't translate backwards into our Universe. Except for a few minor sentences.

Payback said:

Personally, I like their reality.

"His dad lived pay cheque to pay cheque as a pro football player."

The Terrifying Truth of Childhood Technology Addiction

kceaton1 says...

I like how they fail to utterly mention that parenting has a huge say in how/what your child decides to do for fun; whether it be inside or outside. I voted it up, but I'd appreciate it if the ad makers realized that children don't raise themselves.

Barrow Bomb

Magician Shin Lim Fools Penn and Teller

kceaton1 says...

I was providing a more "technology tailored" way to fool us and how it might create a great magic trick. I also love magic tricks that make use of self-created "magical" devices (his vest counts towards what I'm talking about).

As I mentioned there are probably quite a few ways to do this trick and I wholeheartedly agree with you that the most likely way the majority of this was done was via misdirection and cues. As it is true with almost everything, the simplest answer usually is the truth.

I however, became interested with he kept moving his hands (and the "cards") to the same spots or moving them, repeating, the same movement over and over again right before the "change" or flip occurred (with other things as well like the smoke--and yes, I know it was more than likely misdirection--but, sometimes smoke is just smoke ).

That is what made me think of a scanner (mostly because I'm a computer/engineering/physics hippie and I have seen scanners that can be made to look exactly like that mat; but I also have learned a bit of magic, with that instead of becoming an amateur magician I instead learned about magic and it's history instead). But, like you said and I also said above in my comment, this all can/could be done through many various schemes. Using differing ways of that same scheme/idea, the same mechanics and/or devices, with sleight of hand and a lot of misdirection (very well done too, simply because there was so very much of it needed--which Penn & Teller commended him on in their own way).

His jacket for example is obviously HIS engineered creation. It has a lot of hidden and secret functionality; in fact it may have been the underlying foundation that allowed the whole trick to work so well (you never know just what exactly is the magician's biggest helper in many tricks). That is what I love, personally, about magic is the engineering and love--the workmanship--that can go into it. Every great magician definitely has that engineering facet to their personality; they all know how to create a device that gives them just what they need. I've seen so many magical devices and how they were used and how they're made as well and I must say, it is a terribly interesting thing to learn about and see done. Sometimes you have devices made just to perform one extremely small function, just to add that little bit of "panache" to a trick...

Every magician--good and average--however do have or need one thing in common no matter what, and this refers to what you talk about (and this magician may be leagues ahead of others, making all tricks completed in that same manner seem simple and mundane compared to what he can accomplish with the exact same, extremely fundamental, aspect to magic; pulling off tricks that almost all magicians would believe to be impossible using such a standard fare of abilities and methods): agility and sleight of hand. With this comes the uses for that "god-like" speed and manipulation. Use that with engineered tools (not necessarily what I mentioned--the scanner, printer, and ink method--but, things easier to craft and more likely to be used like his vest) and it can suddenly make any of the simplest tasks (or even tricks that other magicians perform) we do everyday, extraordinary if not miraculous.

I thought I'd add my idea, because I like to figure these tricks out as well; as I'm sure many of you are as well.

Overall, if I was Penn and Teller, I'd be most impressed with his ability to keep his showmanship intact while obviously needing great concentration on the trick at the same time--not to mention he keeps showing superb sleight of hand the whole time.

So many magicians are just amazing to watch. The tools they create (which can be so complicated that you'd never believe that someone would create such a thing or something fairly complicated to complete one very easy task) sometimes never let their presence be known--if done right. But in other cases you know there is "something" helping the magician, but you can't begin to imagine what exactly he has created or what exactly it is accomplishing for him.

I do wish they'd give us a general idea how these tricks are performed, without destroying the "magic" involved. Just tell us general things, like "misdirection and a magical device", etc... They don't need to explain it into it's minutiae.

I'll always love magic and the amazing use of the mind and the body to create illusions grand and small (or "magic" that just tests the limits OF the mind or the body; feats, as it were).

When the body and mind work together in perfect unison to create such wonderful uses of sleight of hand, feats, and "magical" devices...these are the type of people that will continue--hopefully for as long as humans exist--to create magic as real as it can get. Waking up the child inside us all!


robbersdog49 said:

This is awesome


Magician Shin Lim Fools Penn and Teller

kceaton1 says...

There were a lot of different tricks in there. A part of me really wonders if the mat on the table is a "printer/scanner" and that "marker" is extremely important. There may be a time-released chemical that helps all of this go down (meanwhile he may actually have a small printer on his body somewhere). When the smoke appears that is when the "card" is doing it's chemical thing (as you could smother one card with this chemical making it fully black, but then the printer could change the chemical pattern again as it is scanned and therefore reset the card with the other signature...).

The truth is, I have no idea how it was done, but I think what he is wearing (and possibly what is underneath--not to mention the pockets that are very hard to determine their location or size), possible chemical reactions used in a few different ways, a slim printer, and a slim scanner. Plus all of the sleight of hand tricks you did or did not catch...

If true, he used some fairly complicated technological prowess, besides his agility to get this done. But, for ages untold the creations made and used by magicians are just as important sometimes as the act.

This would also be THE perfect trick to give Penn & Teller the slip, as they may have never ran across anything like this (I've run into tech that could easily do lots of this--scanner through things, etc; it just depends on what is in that pen exactly...think of it kind of like invisible ink, but it need not stay that way and it more than likely can be made to "dissolve" as some sort of inert gas).

Everything was done here flawlessly, even the music feed into the act making it harder to catch.

Phew, that is long enough and I may only have 50% or so right on this one.


kceaton1 says...

I'm still waiting for the one day that they make either a great Cthulhu/Necronomicon movie or I hope, a nice TV series produced by HBO or a company that puts out quality material.

jeremy scahill lecture-war crimes and drone wars

kceaton1 says...

The lady in at about the half point (around 49 min) with the Obama/Germany comment (about John Lennon)... Either she really loved John and also hated America: Anything. Or, as it sounded she just was a German nationalist (or very friendly to them) and had a really hard time not saying something about it (over and over again too).

But, everyone KNEW the comment was right including Joe. And, she sat there trying to make a point from--nothing--while the audience laughed at it.

The point: some people...

Shia LaBeouf Motivational Speech: Toonami Edition

kceaton1 says...

All he was missing in that motivational...speech(?), sideshow...was the whole shooting Fireballs ability...

/oh and a Nike logo at the end...
//for those too young to know why the fireballs are important, please watch a movie called Braveheart, damn Millenials...

Very Scary Fire at Taiwan Waterpark

kceaton1 says...

Something tells me that they may invest in the future in a safety coordinator and a fire marshal... Couldn't upvote the horror though; great display of human stupidity however.

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