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Stephen Colbert does It Gets Better video. Does it real.

jwray says...

Also I was in 8th grade when Columbine happened so teachers took the opportunity to give serious lectures about not picking on people and not creating social estrangement. Someone else I know (from a different district) had teachers who did the exact opposite thing -- giving lectures about being on the lookout for weirdos. And she was the one who continued getting bullied and harassed into her 20s.

Stephen Colbert does It Gets Better video. Does it real.

3D Printer inside Minecraft

If You Open Your Mind Too Much, Your Brain Will Fall Out

If You Open Your Mind Too Much, Your Brain Will Fall Out

News of the World "journalist" clearly imploding

L.A Sift Up is On! (Sift Talk Post)

Lighting a Cigarette Like a Boss!

jwray says...

If the original is dead, dupe should still be called, because the original could get fixed at any time (and this embed can fix it)

New feature for siftbot: When *dupeof is called, and the target is dead, replace the target's embed with the dupe's embed.

How to permanently fix "global warming"

jwray says...

Another thermodynamic possibility for reducing global mean temperature is using wind/solar power to shoot giant lasers into space. But it may be a wash due to solar power's effect on albedo and wind power's effect on convection. Hydroelectric power would be legit for that but not available in sufficient quantity to make a difference.

Lawsuit After Guy Tasered 6 Times For Crooked License Plate

Cops Continue to Harass Emily Good

How well does Obama handle a crying baby?

Portal speedrun 9:25

Lawsuit After Guy Tasered 6 Times For Crooked License Plate

jwray says...

>> ^peggedbea:

like i said, the cop-hate isn't personal. and it's not even really about this particular event. i know some cops personally, i don't hate them at all.
it's a societal paradigm that makes these things possible.
sure, that dude's unstable and a jackass. he handled it totally wrong. but cop lights = punishment in the modern pysche. living in a punishment/coercion paradigm make us all a little sick in the head. do you NOT get a sick feeling in your stomache whenever you see a cop flash his lights at you?
edit: the "quote" function broke so... @MarineGunrock

What do you suggest? Giving people cookies for _NOT_ speeding?

Lawsuit After Guy Tasered 6 Times For Crooked License Plate

jwray says...

>> ^swedishfriend:

statistics, physical reality:
no matter how many times I flip a coin and get heads up the next toss is still an equal chance to come up heads or tails.
No matter how many stops a police officer makes, the results are 4 times more likely to end up in a dead civilian than in a dead cop at any one stop. in other words if stops result in 10 cops killed in a year the same number of stops resulted in 40 civilians killed. On a stop by stop basis the risk is 4 times greater for the civilian.
If a cop makes 100 stops in a year he may be more likely to end up dead in that year than a person who gets stopped once during that year but that doesn't change the odds at any one stop.
At any one traffic stop the risk is four times greater that the civilian will end up dead. Most stops end well but I don't find it reasonable for the person who is definitely armed and dangerous to always assume that the other person is the dangerous one by default. Especially since statistics show that cops are more likely to commit crimes than the general population and that each interaction with a police officer is more likely to end up badly for the civilian than for the cop.
It also seems to me that starting any interaction off with an attack and / or assumptions about the other person not based on any evidence will definitely make the situation more dangerous for all participants.

And what percentage of those civilians who die are killed in valid self defense? 90%?

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