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18 Things You Should Know About Genetics

jubuttib says...

>> ^pho3n1x:

who types at 10wpm?

Seriously, you can type faster than that with one finger.

As a proof of concept I typed that 10 word sentence with one finger in 20 seconds, using caps lock instead of shift so as to not cheat.

Nightmare Before Christmas Meets A First Time Drinker

jubuttib says...

>> ^spoco2:

Oh bullshit, no-one reacts like that the first time they taste beer.
Everyone I know went 'ARGH, that tastes fucking horrible'
It's only once they've 'developed' a taste for it that they enjoy it.
Or, you're like me and you never, ever develop one.
Spirits and wine for me please.
Nicely done vid though

While common the "ARGH, that tastes fucking horrible" is not a universal first impression. I've loved the stuff from the first try. And one common theme I see is that people who are heavily into more esoteric beers (guilty as charged) either seemed to like beer from the start or developed the taste very quickly.

But yeah, it doesn't come naturally for most people.

Nova: Carbon Nanotubes

jubuttib says...

"Scientists don't yet know if they're toxic."

... It's carbon. Scientists are quite well aware how toxic carbon is. It's abrasive qualities if inhaled and other such considerations are another thing though.

Why Do YOU Buckle Your Seatbelt?

jubuttib says...

>> ^chilaxe:

If we look at the data, the American commercials likely produce more of the desired result.

I wouldn't be so sure about that. While I don't have hard data at hand, there is one big difference in American and European cars that is related to this: Airbags. The American airbag is designed to be able to stop an adult that is not wearing a seatbelt, because so many people don't use the darn things. European and Japanese cars on the other hand have much less powerful airbags, that are designed to cope with someone that is wearing their seatbelt. Cars that are imported to the States often get the "America spec" airbag added because of this. This would suggest that using seatbelts is vastly less common in the States.

Japanese mini burger meal kit - wtf? And I mean MINI

jubuttib says...

The only problem with that is that you can get two McDonald's Cheeseburgers for that money (though I assume they cost more in Japan, and less in the States), but still, the experience is priceless.

I want about a hundred of those kits right now.

53 Year Old Man Gets Into Ring With Someone 30 Years Younger

Finland's Revolutionary Education System -- TYT

jubuttib says...

>> ^shole:

A Finn here too. \o/
There's a few tiny nitpicks in the video;
-There's no standardized testing at all.
Only test one could call standard would be the entry exams to universities, and other higher tier schools.
It's one exam (per field of study) you do and put a list of schools you want to get into, in order of preference.
Which brings me to an important omission;
-All universities and vocational schools and others are free.
It's kind of implied by 'public', but just to make it clear.
Pass the entry tests and you're good. (lower level graduation required)
This brings a lot of foreign students in too.
There's also a set amount of financial support in exchange for course credits, well enough for several degrees.
It's always mindblowing to think that families save up for tuition.

The matriculation examination at the end of gymnasium (i.e. the high school equivalent we have) is definitely a standardized test, since it's the same for every school and graded on a national level. Just because you can pick and choose the subjects you want to do doesn't change that fact.

Finland's Revolutionary Education System -- TYT

jubuttib says...

>> ^Deano:

Also Finland has the best racing drivers. Dunno why.

No endless straight roads, a lot of distance between places, lots of unpaved roads if you want to get a feel for rallying, pretty harsh requirements for a driving license, and a culture that's enthusiastic about racing.

Frankly what astonishes me is that for a population of under 6 million, Finns have won a medal or some sort of championship in just about everything at some point, and without relying on cultural diversity or immigrants (say what you will, in many sports like running there are huge racial differences). Everything on skis/snowboards, just about everything with an engine, most track and field events (though interestingly not sprint events, nothing below 400m at least), boats (F1 boats, sailing, rowing), shooting, many team sports (though we royally suck at soccer, still many individual Finns have ranked among the top players of the world, Jari Litmanen being a prime example), boxing, wrestling and other fight sports, weight lifting, the list goes on.

Must be something in the water of the so called "million lakes".

Outrageous jumping/flipping skills

jubuttib says...

They don't do that because that wouldn't really give them that much points in the competitions, though I've seen some do them in exhibitions. Gymnastics is a very old fashioned and rigid art form, there's not a whole lot of creativity involved. Just like ice skating exhibitions are often more impressive than actual championship competitions, because they're not prohibited from doing flips etc.

Personally that's the main thing that I dislike about watching gymnastics, the overemphasized rigidity. Of course it's better for judging, but I like it more when they kinda just jam around and loosen up a bit, it's more aesthetically pleasing somehow.

EDIT: This guy is a good example of what they can do in practice etc. Handspring, backflip, handspring, double backflip (with a straight body, much harder), backflip, backflip, handspring and finally a double backflip with a 360 in the first one. So yeah, nothing new here, but not bad either.

Testing a Uranium-glazed Fiesta plate for radioactivity

jubuttib says...

>> ^ghark:
a regular chest xray would expose you to 0.06 mSv while a helical CT scan of the chest would expose you to 8 mSV - thirten hundred and thirty three times as much radiation (although the effective dose only ends up being about one hundred times as much).
If you mean the same thing with "mSv" both times (and not jumping between milli and micro or anything like that), then you're off by a factor of 10. 8 / 0.06 = 133.333333, not 1333 like you said. And if the effective dose follows the same pattern, then the CT scan would be about 10 times as much as the x-ray, though I don't know anything about that part.

(='.'=) Cute Cat Thinks It's a Dog /(^.^)\

jubuttib says...

>> ^MonkeySpank:

You don't think the blowing fan behind it had anything to do with panting?

You pant to bring your body heat down (well you don't, since I assume you can sweat, what with being human and all), if anything that fan should have made panting even less likely.

With that out of the way: DAAAAWWWWWWW!

Longest, coolest way to open wine and have a drink!

"Kara" - Quantic Dream's real-time tech demo

jubuttib says...

Plot seen a million times, Curry did her role well, absolutely nothing in the tech side that seemed out of the ordinary for a demo. The only surprise was the straight up acknowledgement that it was designed as a sexbot, though the construction doesn't really look like that.

Why is this so high on the list again?

Top Gear Viper AH-1 Helicopter Crash

alien_concept (Member Profile)

jubuttib says...

Nah, I try to stay away from submitting stuff, I might get competitive and the last thing I need nowadays is more time spent on youtube. =)
In reply to this comment by alien_concept: You should submit it then : I've seen him live, he's definitely my favourite, he has this presence you just can't explain unless you're in the same room. He is just incredibly intelligent, you come away feeling like you've really learnt something.
In reply to this comment by jubuttib:
>> ^alien_concept:

>> ^Payback:
>> ^Fletch:
Never even heard of this guy until someone posted a vid of him last week. He's funny.

An Alabama Negro in Queen Fry's Court

I don't know what you mean but he's from Georgia

He meant to say "Albany Negro".

Anyway, just watched that whole show, and by the time he got to the Sex and the City 2 stuff he was in my top 3 favorite stand ups. The final bit about his father though pushed him straight to number one.

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