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It's full of...spiders

jmd says...

that was the lamest shortest video of a blurry mess.. it could have been ANYTHING. It is a small netting of spiders above a bush, nothing impressive here.


Moose walking down the median

jmd says...

why am I not surprised the guy driving with his cellphone out taking video all the time is running around with a broken drivers side mirror.

Instant karma - I can drive while looking at my phone

2.0 - movie trailer

jmd says...

Jesus christ we need more of this! I will happily pay for corny movies with great cg like this vs great cg movies that are just plain bad. I mean it SEEMS like someone with a shit load of money was like "Dude..the internet loves this guy... we gotta fund the next movie but bigger and badder!"


jmd says...

This was my dog. And yea after a few times you could see some teeth.

Payback, this actually only ever happens when he meets someone new. He was all docile and normal around the house but if someone came over, he was a hyper mofo that couldnt keep off the guest.

Payback said:

I'm concerned.

It's a boxer, it's awake, and it's not jumping on people licking any part of them it can reach.

Poor thing must feel ill.

Pokémon Detective Pikachu Trailer

Oroville Spillways Phase 2 Update October 10, 2018

jmd says...

For work..I saw a lot of guys just standing around. I always wonder if its something I would enjoy doing. However living in fl.. running around outside in long sleeves and pants would be a deal killer.

BSR said:

Not so much about the spillway itself.

I love work. I can watch it all day long.

Crazy Firefighter Footage

jmd says...

Basement was my obvious answer because it was a common thing in my NY houses. However they then proceeded to break apart the wall way above the window and got him out. In such a house they would have been opening up the room above the basement.

BSR said:

I thought it was a basement window. My old house in NJ had these. There used to be a coal burning furnace in the cellar. The coal delivery truck would extend a chute to the window and the coal would noisily slide down the chute into bin.

Crazy Firefighter Footage

Crazy Firefighter Footage

GUNSHIP - When You Grow Up, Your Heart Dies

jmd says...

Can I just use all my stored points to upvote this again and again?

I...i think I have a netflix subscription I need to renew now.


Spinning a Lego Wheel FASTER

jmd says...

I had capsela's back when I was a kid and they gave a basic understanding of gear ratios. I mostly played with the X in one electronic component sets though.

This video seems like a wonderful must see for grade school engineering.

The House Centipede is Fast, Furious, and Just So Extra

jmd says...

Never had these around really... but I hear they are one of the best kind of best control insect to have. I guess you just have to deal with the constant molting shells left around. I think I could easily handle these over spiders... sorry spiders you guys were born scary.

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