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isreals new racism-the persecution of african migrants

hamsteralliance says...

The thing is though: Glenn Beck can't deport anyone. The Westboro Baptist church can't lock people up for being gay. Fox News has no control of anything, they're just a news outlet.

In Israel on the other hand, it looks like there are actual people in power who do have the power to imprison the Sudanese in a specially-built prison just for them, where they stay until the Israeli government is ready to deport them. That's what's show in the video.

So, the comparison to US television isn't all that fitting. Sure, it's not showing you or your ilk, but it's still not an apt comparison. It's nothing like this.

NinjaInHeat said:

Sorry to burst your bubble people but this "report" is biased beyond belief.

It's quite similar to the type of bullshit you see every day on networks like Fox and to the unbearable ignorance of Christian Republicans. Showing video clips of religious leadership and right-wing mobs expressing that ignorance as if it represents the Israeli society as a whole is retarded. It's the equivalent of showing Glenn Beck videos as a portrayal of the US's stance on immigration.

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hamsteralliance says...

Hi! Thanks. I am using 1Password. Also, I tested it to see if that was really it and it blacklisted me again. I'm on my phone now.

HALP! Thanks again, duder!

lucky760 said:

Hi @hamsteralliance! You should be able to access the site again.

Your IP got auto-blacklisted because there was something fishy about how you logged in recently. Do you use some kind of auto-form-filling plugin or something? If there's some common false positive, we'll definitely want to fix it so you don't keep getting blacklisted.


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