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the man who gets 100 orgasms a day

Japanese are the politest drivers

hamsteralliance jokingly says...

I prefer jumping out of my still moving car, running up to the car behind it and slamming my fist against the window while screaming thank you; with a big smile and tears running down my face, before quickly dashing back to my car and speeding off.

ATM that gives more then just money

hamsteralliance says...

I think it's all just stuff the customers are saying to their usual bank teller or bank rep. I know my mom gets pretty chatty with her bankers, so they know all kinds of stuff about our family.

mxxcon said:

That makes me feel really uneasy that a bank knows so much personal information about its customers.
Also *commerical

Custom-Made 3-D Earphones

hamsteralliance says...

Etymotic offers earphones with removable tips and the option for custom-fit tips. For those, you go to an Audiologist, get silicone impressions of your ears, then send those off to a place that'll turn the impressions into earbuds that are exactly the same as the inside of your ear. Perfect fit with incredible noise isolation.

It's as pricey as it sounds, but since they're just earphone tips, you can use them on other earphones and not have to redo the process.

Law Student Prevails Over State Robot Thug

hamsteralliance says...

Why concealed?

I'd rather not have anyone around me concealing a gun. imo, if you have a gun, it should be visible, so that everyone knows you have it.

To me, concealment only sounds more comforting if you're under the assumption that no one has a gun. No one has one, and the few who do maintain that illusion by hiding theirs. But that's just an illusion, there are people out there who do have guns, so having them hidden is unnerving.

They should have to show their guns so that everyone knows they have them, as that knowledge is reassuring. You now know who has them and those who are hiding them should be arrested for concealing weapons in public, as there should be no reason to conceal a weapon.

artician said:

I would much rather have it that people were allowed to carry concealed weapons.

Russian Motorcycle Band

Loud Mouth Dummy Making Trouble For Himself

hamsteralliance says...

He didn't just make a mistake, he made a lot of mistakes. He was driving without insurance, driving with a suspended license, using an on ramp as an exit ramp...

Knowing this, instead of keeping a low profile like a sane person and just driving on, he decided he just had to get off his bike and wander over to the cameraman way down the street to chew them out like the scumbag that he is.

As the reporter said in the video, if he had just kept his helmet on and drove off, he would have been fine. He brought this on himself.

oohlalasassoon said:

Surely I can't be the only one here on the motorcycle guy's side. This passes for "news" nowadays? Publicly shaming some guy that made a mistake?

How to Attract Emus

Gigantic School of Rays Try to Fly

Hank vs. Hank: The Net Neutrality Debate in 3 Minutes

Jim Gaffigan: Obsessed - Southern Food

He's Shredding his guitar while 'fighting' his cat!

Female Mongolian Throat Singer - Whoa!

Unreal Engine 4 Features Trailer

Asian Vitruvian Man

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