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Dear Gays: The Left Betrayed You For Islam

gorillaman says...

Well that's a stupid thing to believe isn't it?

Do you think a fair sample of members of the KKK will be identically as moral as an equivalent sample of, to pick an organisation entirely at random, Helem?

Do you think some ideas are better than others?

Asmo said:

No, what he said was that everyone in the world can be as moral as anyone else.

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Britain Leaving the EU - For and Against, Good or Bad?

gorillaman says...

I've largely opted out of this one. I'm not an economist or an expert in european law, so I haven't the knowledge to make an intelligent choice.

I am somewhat naturally inclined toward remaining: there was never a trace of patriotism in my soul, and the european courts at least have done some service toward protecting british freedoms, both from our government and from those corporations who'd like to own it. The common market's a good principle, and I don't have anything but admiration for the idea of a european superpower to oppose the twin fascisms of the US and China.

I never thought I'd grow up to care about immigration, but it turns out I don't like seeing millions of social conservatives marching into western europe from lesser cultures, pushing back against the progress we've made in recent decades.

There's another dimension to that question in the UK, which I don't think is well understood externally: where absolutely anyone with a european passport is allowed permanent residence here, the government keeps the figures down to appease its more xenophobic voters by making it practically impossible for those outside the EU. So, every year we tell thousands of highly skilled, highly intelligent prospective immigrants to just fuck off. Good policy.

In any event, I don't endorse unjust systems like democracy, and wouldn't vote in any referendum.

Dear Gays: The Left Betrayed You For Islam

gorillaman says...

I spent that entire dialogue repeatedly asking him to assent to something that is implicitly maintained by literally everyone who holds moral principles of any kind.

What about you, do you think some ideas are better than others?

Babymech said:

You spent that entire dialogue pretending he said everyone and all behavior is equally preferable / moral, when he was actually saying that fundamental human rights are fundamental - we don't have freedom of speech because all speech is fantastic, we don't have freedom of religion because all religion is fantastic - we have those rights in spite of shitty speech like yours and in spite of shitty religion. Then you declared victory because you were victorious in not listening to him.

Why do you think that makes anyone the least bit interested in being 'next' to engage you?

Dear Gays: The Left Betrayed You For Islam

Dear Gays: The Left Betrayed You For Islam

Dear Gays: The Left Betrayed You For Islam

Pakistani Muslims build Christian church - BBC News

Dear Gays: The Left Betrayed You For Islam

gorillaman says...

You probably don't realise that that's what you said, but it is. After all, it sounds ridiculous when put explicitly.

Nevertheless, that is the undeniable implication of the claim that my negative opinion of others is false because these others may hold a similar opinion about me. It's the condition of the world that everyone thinks themselves righteous. The difference isn't made up by pretending therefore that everyone's the same. A distinction is drawn on a foundation of solid argument.

Here's some more things you've said:

1. Islam is immoral.
2. Muslims are just as good as anybody else.

I'm in a position to correct that contradiction in your thinking, but to do so you'll remember there's an affirmation I need you to make.

kir_mokum said:

literally never claimed anything like this.

Dear Gays: The Left Betrayed You For Islam

gorillaman says...

You claim that everyone in the world is exactly as moral as everyone else? That all opinions are identically valid? I don't believe that that you do, just that you fear some terrible trap will be sprung if you simply admit that there is such a thing as right and wrong.

That's not the end of my argument; I'm not going to flounce off singing of my victory if you do - it's just an absolute prerequisite to any discussion of ethics that the participants affirm that one set of values may be preferable to another, and that individuals are in some way accountable for themselves.

This is the affirmation that so many are now afraid to make, because it opens them up to suasion and debate where they were previously so much happier wallowing in sloshy relativism.

kir_mokum said:

they absolutely have the same rights and they absolutely can be as "good" as people who aren't muslim.

and your argument can be easily used against you. you hold admittedly appalling ideas so in your own view you should not be viewed as "good" as people who have less appalling ideas and your rights should be limited. your view is inherently egocentric, relative to the individual, and is exactly the same as extreme religious views on apostasy or racial/cultural supremacy. it's the same childish "us = righteous, them = evil" bullshit that's a major problem with a lot of ideologies, religious or otherwise.

Dear Gays: The Left Betrayed You For Islam

gorillaman says...

Do you think people who hold admittedly appalling ideas are exactly as good as people who don't, and have all the same rights?

kir_mokum said:

did you just suggest that muslims are not human?

Dear Gays: The Left Betrayed You For Islam

gorillaman says...

The ugliness of an idea reflects on the people who hold it. Islam is an utterly abhorrent ideology; it must be correct to say that its followers are in some degree less worthy than those who endorse better ethical systems.

Why do muslims deserve to live safely, to be treated with the dignity afforded to human beings, when they deny the same rights to others? There is such a thing as self-defence.

Hey @newtboy, when was the last time the US government executed someone for the crime of homosexuality?

kir_mokum said:

the tricky part i see is the conflating of "islam" with "muslims" and using the ugliness of islam as justification for mistreatment and ostracizing of muslims. sometimes to the extent of treating them as sub human, most notably in refugee conversations. islam is gross, imo, and should be criticized (fervently) but muslims are still people and need to be treated as such, just as the gay community should. they both have the right to live and have the opportunity to live with some semblance of safety. people deserve compassion. ideas do not.

ChaosEngine (Member Profile)

gorillaman says...

Well, somehow the lesson you've taken from no true scotsman is that it's impossible to define groups, and that no statement can be made that applies to more than one person.

Now the irony for me is that I don't find that hilarious at all, because I don't think you're a waste of my time. What I believe is that there's a thinking person trapped inside you somewhere that might one day break free.

ChaosEngine said:

Ok, this is a waste of my time. The irony of you accusing me of not understanding no true scotsman or english is beyond hilarious.

ChaosEngine (Member Profile)

gorillaman says...

This is unbelievably sloppy thinking. You have a woeful understanding of no true scotsman as well as, apparently, the english language in general.

There are divorced catholics because catholic doctrine is not that it's literally impossible to obtain a divorce. Catholics who get divorces don't suffer sudden existential collapse and wink out of reality. There are no catholics who doubt and despise the bible, who believe that there's no god or historical jesus, and who participate in no catholic tradition. That would be contradictory, and oh look, it's possible to construct a 'no true...' statement that is nevertheless correct. There are no pro-lifers who believe abortion is fine and should be freely available to everyone. There are no democrats who are republicans. There are no jews who believe jesus is the son of god. There are no peaceful muslims.

Put that aside for now. You're arguing for the end of all moral judgement and distinction. Humans are not consistent, therefore it would be outrageous to condemn a car thief for stealing a car. After all, look at all the times he didn't steal a car. Fuck off.

It's possible to make generalisations about arbitrarily large groups that share common attributes. People who steal things are thieves. Apples are fruits. Muslims are violent.

By definition, all muslims share first the belief that mohammed was a good person and second the conviction to follow his example and instruction. By necessity, all muslims share the guilt for the evils of that man, and the evils brought into the world as a result of his legacy.

ChaosEngine said:

The statements are trivially disprovable. I know several peaceful muslims. There, done. Your statement is false.

You couldn't find a better example of the "No True Scotsman" fallacy if you tried.

"Followers of violent ideologies are not peaceful".

Here's a thought exercise for you, since you seem to pride yourself on not being afraid to think.

Humans are not perfectly rational or consistent. They are, in fact, capable of holding two opposing positions at once. This is called cognitive dissonance (you're a good example of this yourself, in that you are engaging in a logical fallacy while upholding the virtue of rationality).

Saying "there are no peaceful muslims" is like saying there are no divorced Catholics, when such things self-evidently exist.

So, to sum up:
You are not right - your "factual statement" is incorrect.
You are not just - you are making a sweeping generalisation about 1 billion people.
You are not rational - you are engaged in a logical fallacy.

ChaosEngine (Member Profile)

gorillaman says...

There are statements that are true by definition. Followers of violent ideologies are not peaceful.

You choose not to believe necessarily factual statements because you're afraid they would hurt your view of yourself as the beneficent, tolerant progressive. That's cowardice. It's more important to be right, to be just, to be rational.

ChaosEngine said:

Says the guy who makes comments like "There's no such thing as a peaceful muslim."

Yeah, I'm the one who's afraid of thinking. Nuance? Context? Who the fuck needs those!?

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