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Jesus H Christ Explains Everything

garmachi says...

>> ^shinyblurry:

You made yourself an atheist, and scripture says you are without excuse. You're fulfilling your own will by rejecting Him.
>> ^garmachi:
Your god made me an atheist. I'm simply fulfilling his will by not believing.

Then I am able to (easily) act in opposition to his will. What does this tell me about his alleged omnipotence?

Jesus H Christ Explains Everything

Drunk Girl Banister Slide Fail

Vi Hart - Pythagoras was a Murdering Cult Leader

John Archer fools Penn & Teller

Russian Reporter Takes a Tumble into the Fountain

If I was Your Girlfriend...

garmachi says...

From JB: "
Justin Bieber is holding a contest for his new fragrance Girlfriend. Justin wants you to submit a girlfriend version of his song "Boyfriend". The best video will win a meet and greet with Justin and he will fly the lucky fan out to one of his upcoming concerts!"

I think she wins.

Cessna 180 has an "Unexpected" Landing

They Came From Beneath The Sea

Day In 100 Seconds: Romney Gets Trumped

29/31 by Garfunkel and Oates

Helicopter Crash

garmachi says...

>> ^Boise_Lib:

Mea Culpa.
I was thinking of the one @garmachi pointed to, but I didn't do my due diligence in making sure.
I'm going to back away slowly now.

No worries! I remember when that first happened, there were about 3 or 4 versions all on the same day.

Mind capping this one off with an "isdupe"?

Tootsie Pop Question

Ultravox: Vienna

Tom Jones and Janis Joplin?

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