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Deodorant bomb fail

The first victim of the night, Amarillo spider drop 2012

Dawkins and Krauss on Mormonism

Tone Matrix

Guy with huge balls drags Great White Shark back into sea

Shortest Attention Span EVER!

eric3579 (Member Profile)

the largest galaxy in the universe - ic 1101

Deep Sea Fishing Without Air

3 Things You Didn't Know About Voyager

Hiker with a broken ankle sends a brave video message

garmachi says...

Very rarely do I encounter a video I can't watch and this is one. I admire her for her bravery and calm tone, but I had to stop around the minute and a half mark.

I hike a lot and this is one of my worst fears.

Jesus walks again

Camel Spider vs. Mouse - Here comes the crunch!

Camp stove generates electricity for USB charging

garmachi says...

Avid backpacker here. While I like the idea and support the cause, I probably won't get one for two reasons. First, my routine includes zero electronics while out in the wilderness. I do bring my phone, for emergencies, but I leave it powered off. Usually I'm someplace with no signal anyway. Second, it costs four times what I paid for my pocket rocket five years ago.

Season 5 Comic-Con Trailer: Breaking Bad

garmachi says...

>> ^bmacs27:

Upvote anyway, but come on... the Wire was a better show.

I hear that a lot. We watched Season 1 of The Wire, and enjoyed it. But I never felt the burning need to watch 4 (or 6) episodes in a row the way I did with Breaking Bad.

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