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Scott Ritter, Seymour Hersh - Target Iran

Bush says I got a B in Economy 101

flavioribeiro says...

He had 7 years to balance the budget. Instead, his administration (with the help of the Congress) unbalanced it to historical levels, and now he hypes an invisible, magical plan to make it all ok by 2012, which he obviously will never execute. It's trivial to give tax discounts when you're borrowing money from the Chinese at the rate of $2-3 billion per day.

Yesterday I was watching Bernanke's testimony to the Congressional Budget Committee, and he said he believed in the "law of arithmetic", i.e., that expenses and income should be balanced. I was already pissed that the economist heading the world's largest central bank couldn't come up with anything better to say, and then comes a congressman (whose name I've forgotten), and says "well, that's a law we should pass in Congress", after which they laugh.

All that's missing is the blackjack and the hookers.

Apollo 8 Christmas Eve Broadcast

jimnms (Member Profile)

my15minutes (Member Profile)

flavioribeiro says...

Thanks. This really is the best RP video around, and I would've never seen it if not for your post.

Did you notice that the original author is from Iceland? Also, GHoeberX (author of Ron Paul Rising) is Dutch. People from around the world are starved for this message.

In reply to this comment by my15minutes:
allow me to reiterate.

you fuckin' rock, sir.

Ron Paul supports a free and open society

Ron Paul supports a free and open society

Ron Paul supports a free and open society

Awesome Ron Paul smackdown on Fox moderator cheapshot

flavioribeiro says...

quantumushroom: watch

This clip was produced by David Walker, US Comptroller General (a position most people don't even know exists), head of the US Government Accountability Office. He has an outstanding professional record, and honorary doctorates from several universities. Here's his Wikipedia entry:

He has given multiple interviews explaining how the US is bankrupt, and how agencies and politicians neglect to mention this fact. International bankers are also aware of this, and a lot of people outside the US don't doubt this fact, but Americans typically acquire a very distorted picture of how their economy actually runs.

Unless there's a radical policy change like the one Ron Paul advocates, it's a matter of time until the US economy collapses. It may take a month, a year or even more. The longer it takes, the worse the crash will be. It won't be a correction or a mild recession. It will be the crash that destroys American purchasing power as we know it.

I agree with you that people don't tolerate rapid change. Most don't understand what's at stake, and also want submit to a welfare state. Ron Paul understands this, and for the last 30 years he's worked to educate people and talk about this message of financial discipline, civil liberties and upholding the constitution. He was reluctant to run again for president, because he was afraid that the nation wasn't ready.

Ron Paul's supporters are fervorous because they're desperately trying to change the United States' course before it's too late. I applaud their efforts, and I hope they succeed to get him elected. But even if they don't, they will have educated millions of people in the process, and this gives me hope that Americans will be able to pull themselves up from financial disaster, and resist the fascist ideologies that will undoubtly flourish.

The Inevitable Collapse of the Dollar

flavioribeiro says...

vyka11: nowadays people don't seem to pay attention unless there's an ominous soundtrack. Discovery and History channel documentaries pushed this trend, and I think it's here to stay.

When the regular American sees an economist or accountant speaking, he has the Homer Simpson reaction to yell "Boring!" and change the channel, not realising that this sort of information could provide for his family much more than his paycheck or government benefits.

Awesome Ron Paul smackdown on Fox moderator cheapshot

flavioribeiro says...

I've yet to meet someone who understands economics and doesn't like Ron Paul. Likewise, every person I see criticizing RP's platform either conveniently ignores the fact that the US is broke, or doesn't understand just how serious the budget crisis is.

The Road to Guantanamo - a must see!

rembar (Member Profile)

Colbert is Back, baby

Milton Friedman explains role of gold in Great Depression

flavioribeiro says...

The Fed is currently creating money at such a high rate that in 2006 it refused to publishing further reports on the M3 money supply. Since then, they've been hiding the numbers. We know they're making massive amounts of money out of thin air, because the US dollar keeps falling against every major currency, even though the other central banks play along and don't bet against the dollar.

Unless the US controls government spending and stops printing money, the dollar will crash. No one knows exactly when, but it's just a matter of time. Incentive plans like tax cuts will only make the problem worse -- they'll temporarily accelerate the economy, but exacerbate the problem in the long run.

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