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The Great Immigration Debate

¡Sí, Se Puede! (Yes, We Can!)

fiji5555 says...

I am from a town that is now 1/3 latino thanks to the USA not enforcing border crossing and the local manufacturing plants hiring known illegals, in fact helping some of them obtain their "papers" so they can hire them for much less than the US citizens here which in turn keeps everyone's wages low, and the problems with schools and hospitals being overwhelmed with illegals and one day I'm sure after a few years the mayor and other town officials will be lationo, All I can say is more power to you Latino's......I just wish you had the fortitude to have stayed in your own country and try to change things there instead of running away from your problems butif we don't have enough sense to enforce our own laws then we deserve whatever gets handed to us. Am I being sarcastic? In some ways yes but all of the above is true. I don't hate Latinos, I just hate how greed and indifference by our leaders and big business have brought us to this point with more problems to come. I do hope that Latinos will stand up to big business and force them to pay them a decent wage so that the standard of living will improve for all of us and that you also realise this country doesn't owe you anything simply because you chose to sneak across the border instead of coming here honestly. There I'm done and will not respnd to any replys or "flames". Just something I had to get off my chest. God bless us all and I hope we can live together in peace.

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Tag: Atheism

fiji5555 says...

As I have stated in another video comment, I believe in God and Evolution. I don't know why you have to either be on one side or the other. Having said that, Pat Robertson nor Bill Maher speak for me since they represent extremes of both sides. I would think that everyone believes in something regardless if they think they are atheist, for example faith in the people you know and belief in love? What you believe is a personal thing and only you know what is important to yourself not anyone on TV trying to tell you otherwise. Faith is like science in that it does change from year to year depending on what new discoveries come along but please don't try to dismiss either God or Evolution just because you don't have "proof".....soon enough we all find out what the truth is after we pass from this world. So let's just wait and see and not get into a big debate over this like you see on Digg and other sites where it just turns into "oh yeah?" "yeah!" shouting matches. Okay I'm done lol

Italian Lambretta Scooter ad from the 1960s

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Behold: the Atheists' Nightmare - the banana - "has a point at the top for easy entry"

fiji5555 says...

Hey I believe in both God and evolution ( I know one of those "best of both world kind of guys")this was an embarressment for both sides (God made THIS guy? and Evolution came up with THIS guy?) LMAO. Nice one bout the pineapple BobBob....I was thinking bout the coconut myself.

Rods - strange animals swimming in the air

fiji5555 says...

Mystery solved according to Wikipedia ...In the early autumn of 2005, news bulletins in China and Hong Kong reported on a story which debunked the flying rods. Surveillance cameras in a research facility in Jilin supposedly captured video footage of flying rods identical to those shown in Jose Escamilla's video. The curious research staff of the facility, being scientists, decided that they would attempt to catch one. Huge nets were set up and the same surveillance cameras captured rods flying into the trap. When the nets were inspected, the "rods" were no more than regular moths and other flying insects. Subsequent investigations proved that the appearance of flying rods on video was an optical illusion created by the slower recording speed of the camera (done to save video space).

Tenacious D - Tribute Music Video

The End of the World

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