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New Zealand Attempts To Eradicate Invasive Predators

The story of the Art from i/o - Tim Shaw & Peter Gabriel

Artificial Intelligence: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

Did SARS-CoV-2 Escape from a Lab? | Sam Harris Podcast

eric3579 says...

I just found the information really fascinating. Straight to much of the evidence around 19 minish.

...and what else do you have to do today

All the ways TESLA has fumbled

Velma Meets the Original Velma

Newtboy Achieved Galaxy! (Sift Talk Post)

Is this why the toxic train derailment occurred in Ohio?

The song that changed pop history forever and how it became.

eric3579 says...

Although i was a young lad i remember this song and how different (cool) it was. It's still quite appealing to me. A song i appreciate more now than i could then.

newtboy (Member Profile)

Strays | Official Trailer

Spy Balloon Cold Open - SNL

Buildings Continue To Collapse In Turkey And Syria

How to test batteries without a multimeter

How A Brick & Rock Battery Is Changing Energy Storage

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