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Feminism Fail: It's Only Sexist When Men Do It

Feminism Fail: It's Only Sexist When Men Do It

draak13 says...

While I do strongly agree that there are many schools of though on feminism, and that we shouldn't let the more ridiculous people paint the entire concept as invalid as the commentator was advertising, it is alarming how this relatively small school of feminist radicals is not so small. As was pointed out, it is not just just 3 or 4 women, it was the entire audience on set. Furthermore, it was a significant portion of the home viewers, as evidenced by how much outrage this clip has *not* caused. Female genital mutilation does happen in third world countries as a form of oppression. The concept angers most people in a developed society. The opposite should be just as true.

You, and several others, have commented that it is the way of things that the group with higher rights will experience diminished rights as the lower groups crawl up to equality. This is an incredibly false notion, which borderlines the notion of 'revenge.' An injustice cannot be solved by creating another injustice; the problem is merely being moved around, rather than solved. The solution is to create proper equality.

>> ^StimulusMax:

You don't buy into that line of reasoning because it's inaccurate. The oppression is ongoing, though it has in many ways become less blatant and more systematic. The reason that you might "pay" for it, is because by virtue of being born into the world a white male (I assume), you benefit from a substantial amount of privilege compared to minority groups. The privilege you (and I, and all of us on the sift in different ways) enjoy is not due to any particular virtue or hard-work of our own, but because we were luck enough to be born into a certain group. When looked at that way, one sees that the whole point of minority rights groups IS equality, which is why they fight to bring their societal status UP to where you already benefit from being. And, yes, sometimes it means disadvantaging those who are at the top, in the name of an equal playing field.
To be clear, I think the women on the show are being cruel and insulting, but the idea that the actions of a few women, whether they call themselves feminists or not, are enough to damn all of feminism is RIDICULOUS. Do you think none of the civil rights movement have any validity because you disagree with the methods of Malcolm X?

Cop Threatens Execution After Concealed Weapon Found

draak13 says...

Thanks a lot for your comment. Your perspective as a former officer really brings something worthwhile to the discussion, and you stating your position as such really changed how I considered your comments. I'm a bit of an admittedly gullible person, so your assessment of the guy's story changed my perspective of the situation significantly. Your assessment of the officer's actions really shed a lot of light on the subject as well.

I feel that most of the people who try to leave 'cop-hate' comments on the sift try to boast more than they actually understand about proper law enforcement practices. Some of these people are merely 'anti-establishment,' and the mature ones recognize that law enforcement will inevitably exist the way that it does. But others just go nuts about getting upset about these videos, to the point of righteously emotionally masturbating.

Please continue lending your assessment on these kinds of videos, as I think they expand my world a bit. I'm sure there are others on here who feel similarly =).

>> ^RittWitt:

Speaking as a former LEO, not only does the primary officer grossly overreact to the situation (though I would tell you that unless you've been in his shoes, it's not fair to pass judgement), there is a serious officer safety here. Consent issues aside, there is absolutely no reason the secondary officer should have searched that vehicle with the driver still inside.
I don't believe the driver's story for a second. It seems pretty clear that he's in a high-crime area, and is involving himself with a known pimp and prostitute. However, that situation has little to do with the arresting officer's actions. My primary outrage here is that this pair of officers put themselves in a position, either through poor training or complacency, to provoke a potentially lethal situation had the suspect intended it. Then, instead of recognizing that the failure to identify the firearm was on their hands, the officer reacted out of rage (and probably a bit of justified fear at how close he and his partner could have been to a lethal force situation) by lashing out at a largely cooperative suspect.

How the Middle Class Got Screwed

Record Set for LOWEST Super Mario Bros Score

draak13 says...

Really nice trick at 7:15 to get into the warp pipe without hitting the invisible coin box!

The score could have been lower, though; there is a glitch for grabbing the flagpole and progressing on without actually raising the flag and getting 100 points. Further, though it's *incredibly* hard to do without macros & savestates, he could have jumped the gap at 3:20 without the assistance of the goomba; Mario can clip into the edge of the far wall if you do it right, just like you do if you want to clip through the wall at level 1-2 to go to the glitched out negative worlds. If mario clips into the far side of the pit enough, there are 1 or 2 frames where mario can jump a second time and make it all the way up.

If you combine these two tricks, you could beat the game with 0 points.

Hero Cop Saves Suicidal Woman From Rooftop

draak13 says...

Well, I'm impressed. A cop obviously did good, and people didn't [seriously] try to condemn him in any way, and this was definitely promoted as a cop video. Go videosift, go =P. It's not just full of people giving the same knee-jerk reaction to a standard stimulus.

I'm curious if there would have been any different reaction if it were just some random person/good samaritan that saved her, instead of a cop.

saber2x (Member Profile)

Lawsuit After Guy Tasered 6 Times For Crooked License Plate

draak13 says...

Haha! Thanks; you made my day =). I think that's what I needed to see. I finally get it now.


>> ^peggedbea:

meh, yeah... sometimes we're called anti-authoritarians... it's not cop-hate on a personal level... it's cop-hate as an ideological platform. google that shit.
was the dude a dumbshit for getting out of his car? you bet.
do i still dislike police and find this traffic stop/ the societal punishment paradigm we exist in abhorrent? you bet.
do i hate the culture that constructs these kinds of scenarios? absolutely.

Lawsuit After Guy Tasered 6 Times For Crooked License Plate

draak13 says...

Only a little bit TLDNR...more than half of the posts here seem to sympathize with the cop more than the civilian, but I was commenting that the minority in this debate isn't very minor.

I'm frustrated that I have friends in real life who all have some chip on their shoulder about police officers...even when a police officer has done nothing unprofessional to them. I'm just seeing that people everywhere are the same, I suppose =P.

>> ^JiggaJonson:

>> ^draak13:
I'm really quite impressed with people who really hate cops soooo much; anything of or being field law enforcement seems to immediately evoke feelings of loathing in some people, to the point where a police officer cannot be without fault. Myself and many people who admittedly lean a little anti-cop end up siding with the cop on this one, but there are so many anti-cop people who are so far polarized against police that they still can't see any cop doing right...even when the officer deserves commendation for sticking to their training so well.
I dare anyone to post a police confrontation video in which they feel the cop was completely justified. Try posting a video where the police officer was not covering any sort of gray area of correctness in handling the situation, but in which every action was completely justified and necessary. Try posting a video where we feel empathy and satisfaction for the cop. I bet you'll be amazed at how many people will still hate the officer for what they did.
Are you ignoring the dozen or more posters in THIS VERY VIDEO who stood up for what the cop did and said he was justified (including myself)?
Or is this just a case of TLDNR?

Lawsuit After Guy Tasered 6 Times For Crooked License Plate

draak13 says...

I'm really quite impressed with people who really hate cops soooo much; anything of or being field law enforcement seems to immediately evoke feelings of loathing in some people, to the point where a police officer cannot be without fault. Myself and many people who admittedly lean a little anti-cop end up siding with the cop on this one, but there are so many anti-cop people who are so far polarized against police that they still can't see any cop doing right...even when the officer deserves commendation for sticking to their training so well.

I *dare* anyone to post a police confrontation video in which they feel the cop was completely justified. Try posting a video where the police officer was not covering any sort of gray area of correctness in handling the situation, but in which every action was completely justified and necessary. Try posting a video where we feel empathy and satisfaction for the cop. I bet you'll be amazed at how many people will *still* hate the officer for what they did.

Becoming Christian Changes Your DNA

I'm not enjoying the trolling on the Sift. (Horrorshow Talk Post)

draak13 says...

Kinda...but not completely =P. Some people like blankfist are cynical in their style, but I'm not sure that this cynicism was the motivation for starting this thread. I was more attempting to introduce the idea that bareboards may be interpreting any long and engaged discussion as a huge troll session...whereas maybe it's really just a long and involved discussion.

>> ^marinara:

yeah well said draak13.
I take your point, bareboards, that "you don't like the trolling here on the sift"
the problem is, that blankfist is a good troll. He's not going to break the rules here, he's just going to needle you (with sarcasm and pigheadedness) until you lose your temper.
I don't see a solution here.
The people that you want to see muzzled are completely unlikely to do so voluntarily.
another website would just hire a moderator who would just start deleting sexist comments. Just the thing i don't like.

I'm not enjoying the trolling on the Sift. (Horrorshow Talk Post)

draak13 says...


I love that you've posted something so meaningful here. I don't normally get involved, but this is just very worthwhile. That people actually do put emotion into this is why the sift is actually cool sometimes.

I was trying to go back and look at the ugly comments that came out of it. There were 1 or 2 shots from the peanut gallery about how they thought it was funny, and reminded them of some other video they posted. Then the predictable battle came out of it, with the people who actually did have problems with the content of the video, and the people who didn't.

I'm trying to understand which comments you thought were ugly. The posts I found that were attempting to support this video were along the lines of, 'if it were a guy being punched, nobody would be this upset.' I didn't see a lot outside of that...but I can't believe that this is what you're upset about, because you yourself posted, 'How different would this conversation have been if the title had been "Equality Achieved -- Women are just as stupid as Men". The same war would have inevitably happened if that were the title; spoco2 would have posted how horrible it is and attempted to shame everyone else for being entertained by it, and that would kick off the debate.

I'm also surprised by your upset at people upvoting a boobshot. I personally think the sift could be a little higher minded as well, but you actually supported gwiz665 in his telling people to 'lighten up' when they were concerned about this sort of smut being on the front page. So, this doesn't seem particularly consistent...

After all of that, I'm trying to come up with a logical conclusion about what your upset with all of this really is about. At least at some point in time in all of this, you were OK with the content of the video, OK with low-brow womanizing junk being on the front page, and OK with comments on comparisons of sexual equity. So, by 'ugly comments,' are you merely upset that a serious and lengthy conversation happened?

If that truly is the case, then what you call ugly, I call character-growing. I saw a lot of ideas expressed, and it really opened my mind up to the number of ways that such an asinine prank could be interpreted. Just because a conversation went on for a long time doesn't mean it was 'trolled to death,' it could just mean it was very worth discussing. A lot of very good ideas and concerns were raised in the frey of all of it, and I think it was absolutely excellent.

Amazing Matrix Breakdancing on Britain's Got Talent

Casey Heynes' Bully Richard Gale says HE was bullied first

draak13 says...

I strongly agree with your assessment of the father here. In the original post about this bullying, we discussed options for trying to prevent this scenario from ever coming about. It was decided that the best way to do it was through behavioral shaping, and the best way to do that is through good parenting.

What's really impressive to me is that, despite the family situation, the parents on both both sides are very well spoken, and seem to have good values that they at least intend to pass on to their children. What's alarming to me is that the parent of this child fails to do this, even though he intends to. This is clearly evidenced when the kid says he isn't sorry for what he did, and then is corrected by his father offscreen, and then the issue is finally brought out...on camera, by the interviewer. After talking things out and finally achieving character growth, the kid realizes what is wrong about what he did.

Even through all the crap that this family is going through because of how widely popular this video is, and how the entire world has practically vilified this kid and his entire family, his dad never actually sat down with his kid and talked about why he should feel sorry about what he did, and why. It took a television interviewer to bring the issue to the table. I can't think that his dad is a bad person, just that he's not talking with his kids about the important issues like he should be; but it just blows me away that if something of this magnitude can't make a parent do their intended task, what will?

Really, that's not a rhetorical question; what will?

>> ^Crosswords:

>Sincerity not found.
...This kid is going to have some real problems in the future if pops doesn't step up his parenting game. So far his biggest concern seems to be the public humiliation and vitriol he's suffering cause his kid got caught being a twat. He needs to be extremely alarmed by his child's seeming lack of empathy or inability to judge appropriate reactions to a lackadaisical insult.

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