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Volcanic Eruption of Mount Tavurvur (shock wave included)

Am I Wrong - Walk off the Earth (Feat. KRNFX)

Insurance scam doesn't go as planned

deedub81 says...

Yeah he's an idiot and she didn't see him, but you don't have any feelings of sympathy? I don't understand that. I always feel bad when I see bad things happen to others. Regardless of how I feel about that person's actions.

lucky760 said:

Nope. I don't feel bad for him.

Hey stupid, if you survive, next time try to make sure the driver is looking in your general direction before flopping out of view underneath their bumper.

Human Beatbox....kind of

How To Make A Hit Pop Song (Part 2)

deedub81 says...

It all "buzzes like a fridge."

RedSky said:

Every once in a while, I tune into what's deemed popular. Usually I hear roughly what I heard last time so I tune back out and check back in a couple of months. Same result.

The only scene in Skyline worth watching - nuking the aliens

RSA Animate: Smile or Die - the hazards of positive thinking

deedub81 says...

This is so misleading. It makes me sad. Of course "The Answer" is hogwash, but to say that "Positive Thinking" and the so called "Law of Attraction" are the same thing is a lie.

The Answer, by John Assaraf and The Secret, by Rhonda Byrne (whom Ehrenreich references) are not representations of what most people consider positive thinking, nor does it have much to do with the idiocy of firing those that warned about the dangers of out-of-control sub-prime mortgage loans.

In other words, this video confuses many separate philosophies and psychological principles, some of which are real, and some of which are false.

There have been numerous studies on positive thinking, meditation, and mental practice that point to positive gains in actual performance. Retorhic and references to George W Bush, don't make this video accurate, though they do garner applause, as evidenced by the number of votes and promotes this video has earned.

Research points to the following benefits of positive thinking:
Increased life span
Lower rates of depression
Lower levels of distress
Greater resistance to the common cold
Better psychological and physical well-being
Reduced risk of death from cardiovascular disease
Better coping skills during hardships and times of stress

Positive thinking SHOULD NOT be confused with blinding yourself to realities and dangerous actions, as in the George Bush example given, nor should it be confused with "The Law of Attraction," as in the numerous references she gives to people getting things simply by thinking them.

Positive Thinking is a very powerful force that can lift one into a self reliant and full life. Positive thinkers impact the world with invention, ingenuity, and an uplifting influence on their community.

Thunderbirds Arrive At Hill AFB

deedub81 says...

They practice over my house for a few days leading up to Memorial Day every year. They fly low enough to pick out the silhouette of the pilots.

So awesome to watch, not great during the children's naps.

They call them Thunderbirds for a reason.

Mealtime on Japan's Rabbit Island!

What Happens When You Crack An Egg Underwater?

Bullfrog Dad Protects His Tadpoles | Nature on PBS

Republican and Democratic 'leaders' sing 'we will overcome'

deedub81 says...

I think we'd all agree that we need more civility and honesty and friendship between our leaders in the government, right?

We need more of this kind of thing and you guys mock them? What's wrong with you? I think this is great.

Big Jump Small Cat

CNC Pattern Making and Sodium Silicate Sand Casting Bronze

Community - Anthropology Rap ft. Betty White

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